The game is over for ally pvp servers

People that don’t play the underdog want to be able to say they play on a pvp server so they don’t get made fun of while still being in a safe space. Its way more ballsy to be flagged on a pve server than it is to join the overwhelming faction on a pvp server.


I am the smart man. no horde has touched me yet.
I am not one of those whiners who roll alliance on a PvP server for PvE contents and spend hours trying fight my way through the horde to do it. I have my spots that no horde will bother me that I can blissfully kill level my way to the 39 level twink I now plan to be.
If time afforded me I would be sixty already and out in the world making trouble for the horde. But the earlier release of the BGs has alter my plans for the time being.

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It won’t. Relatively balanced servers will have pvp queues. Low pop or severely imbalanced servers will have no bgs at all.

People do not find an unplayable game with no usable content to be an incentive to take an undesirable option. They just quit.

You have got to be kidding. People on PvE servers are there because they don’t want to be stuck doing PvP against their will. There is no incentive great enough to convince them to start accepting wpvp as a minority faction instead of playing the game.

Then they could transfer to fix the imbalance and get bgs. Back in 2005, when bgs started, there were NO cross server faction queues. And there were still bgs… Almost all the servers were alliance domianted. They just took longer to pop. And this was on servers with only 2000 pop, now there are servers from 5-10k pop.

Back in 2005, There were free transfers from a pve server to a pvp server . Lightbringer -> Black Dragonflight. The reason was to prevent overcrowding on Lightbringer. Guess what. People transferred.

Blizzard has allowed horde to transfer from horde dominated servers to Alliance dominated servers arcanite reeper and heartseeker. Guess what. People are transferring.

You keep saying “people” transferred as though the problem has been solved. So why did pvp servers become more unbalanced each year in retail, even though the problem is supposed to fix itself? Why did all the people you claim switched from horde to alliance on a heavily horde dominated server not fix the problem?

It won’t. It can’t, because hardly anybody wants to go from a good situation to a horrible one, which is what you are suggesting they do. Right now being minority faction is a horrible situation on pvp servers.

Post on your alliance main after you’ve rerolled.

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Then why are horde transfering to heartseeker and Arcanite reeper?

How many have transferred? What is the before and after population balance? I see one guy on the forums saying over and over again that he transferred.

I don’t have to reroll, I am on an alliance dominated pvp server. And if blizzard let the horde switch on horde dominated servers, some would become alliance to fix the balance. Doing something is better then nothing, which is what your suggesting.

“Some”. How many? Enough to make a difference or not?

Here’s where you’re dead wrong.

“Do something, even if it’s wrong!” is the worst possible strategy. Yes, it is possible for them to make things worse.

Pretty much…They are not going to change PVE servers to PVP servers…If you want to be safe behind your blue name…go to a PVE server. Otherwise quit whining and organize a counter attack.

@Bearkitten I love that response, “Some horde would switch” No they wouldn’t. What on earth makes you think people that chose their favorite racials and appearances would some how magically switch to the other side to look like something they don’t want to and have subpar racials?

This is the same scenario we had in Vanilla. Horde dominated WPVP, hell PVP in general. Why? Because PVP oriented players rolled Horde, and PVE oriented players rolled Alliance.

The point though, is EVERY player had a choice at server selection, every player had a choice at Character Creation. Horde players are NOT going to cross to Alliance even if you offer free Race Changes.

LOL horde straight up afking outside brd and MC portals in phase 2 on a pvp server because they know there is ZERO threat for them due to sheer numbers. Yet these are the people who want to screech “PVP ON A PVP SERVER GIT GUD”? l m a o. pathetic.


Here’s what I’ve gathered so far.

Brunhilda is well written and factually accurate and absolutely dumping on a bunch of mouth breathing hurr durr ignorant neckbeards in this thread, and they dont even know it.

There is no hope for this community


How would my suggestions make things any worse? If they don’t do anything every pvp server will be either full of horde or alliance. So yeah, I want something to change and you should to if you like a more balanced world pvp environment. And if you don’t care about world pvp then stop responding to me.

The horde needs us, because griefing lowbies all day is the only thing keeping these kids from offing themselves.
We are heros.


More like Brunhilda aired the same complaint that has been made pretty much since day 1, had suggestions given to her (such as re-roll on a PVE server) to deal with this and then threw a tantrum that everyone wasn’t rushing to soothe her inflamed butthole.

Well to be fair, California needs to fix itself. When enough structured PvP presence exists, it gets a bit more even. Even if it is on a 58/42 horde server as alliance (Herod).

This didn’t happen until P2 hit. Layering and no honour farm meant the PvP was there, and was still one sided (mostly), but not nearly so. Over time Alliance left the servers.

Some of use are on servers that never had transfers, you know.

Just sayin.

But my point stands; people knew by late september which servers were dominated by which factions and had to know that when phase 2 dropped it was going to be vicious.

So I’m somewhat unsympathetic when people come into the forums in droves to complain about how the honor system has only served to drive the dominant faction into a frenzy.

Further, Brunhilda isn’t cluing into the fact that she could probably have gotten back to where she is right now much faster by simply re-reolling on a PVE server where the horde isn’t like a swarm of driver ants devouring everything in their path.

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