The game is over for ally pvp servers

I don’t know why this conversation is so complicated for people. It really boils down to this one simple Q & A

Q: Who is gonna pay a monthly subscription to a game that isn’t reasonably balanced and reasonably fun?

A: Nobody


So this must be your “I quit” post.


Sorry you didn’t enjoy your time in Classic. Have fun with whatever you do next.

I disagree with the first point since it would serve to interfere with player choice and lead to people whining about how they can’t play an undead shadow priest despite paying the same fees as everyone else.

As to your second point: If they die they die.

Sometimes I wish I rolled a pvp server but seeing threads like these makes me glad I didn’t. Bunch of dumb dumb hordies acting like they are important for being a majority.

You mean while PvP servers die. Classic is more than PvP servers, you know. All the Normal servers are doing quite nicely.

And it is not Blizzard’s responsibility. This is not a MOBA. It isn’t League of Legends, Overwatch, or Counterstrike. This is an MMORPG. Blizzard’s responsibility is to make the world, and let players do what they will, so long as they remain within TOS. It is not their responsibility to dictate faction balance or player behavior.

The core of the problem is the simple fact that Alliance players do not want to PvP in the same numbers as Horde players do. This is not conjecture or hyperbole, but fact. Even in Retail, they literally have to bribe Alliance to turn War Mode on, and so many Horde took up the Mercenary system that they had to turn the bonuses off. Simply put, the only way this gets fixed is by more people wanting to PvP as Alliance.

It isn’t game-ruining. It ruins PvP servers, certainly. But that’s like complaining that a landfill smells bad or that a toxic waste dump is toxic. That is simply the nature of the beast, and it compounds on itself over time.

Better than entitled whiners who cry because they thought they did, but they didn’t.

You own an 80/20 ratio. OK, guy.