The game is over for ally pvp servers

The sub is for retail. Classic is an addon. :slight_smile:

Really? Got a group of 4 ppl and we camped 8 to 15 horde on the boat.

Tip quit running by… fight…

Stop being weak and stop QQ.

It’s a game

I would agree with you however be on the other end… this is not pvp, its desperate.
Currently as allie you cannot do anything.

If we knew the servers were going to be so imbalanced- we probally would reroll PVE.
I thought you would prefer competitive pvp also or does it make you feel alive when 10v1?

You know, no matter my opinion of your other posts, this one is hilarious.

“Don’t want to fight 2 vs 15? COWARDS!”

Like, are you even aware of the argument you’re having?


Sounds like you should have rolled pve

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Speak for yourself.

You stated this perfectly. Exactly how I feel. And I am so TIRED of people saying “git gud” and “Oh, PvP on a PvP server?!?!” as if there is any excuse for the behavior.

I’m glad to see that you dont accept the responsibilities your your choices and as soon as you out number horde like on the heartseeker server you will do the exact same thing.

no mercy kill every alliance you see horde.

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If you can’t beat em… join em! I am rolling a horde alt on another high pop server. If enough people do this… Blizzard will have to address the issue.

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Those people rolled PvE, and are waiting for BGs.

This is what PvP servers have always been. Have you been away from gaming for the last decade? PvP servers are not for balanced or fair PvP. They’re for wholesale slaughter of the other faction. You want to be on a PvE server, and flag yourself for PvP.

And everyone told me that nelf rogue was the worst race for rogue, who’s laughing now! Muhahahah

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they havent in 15 years…lol.

You clearly didnt do an ounce of research and just assumed alot about classic.

People are playing classic like they do on pservers because over all the years of playing people have really figured out how to push the game. Honor is out, it has tangible rewards, people want them.

On pservers that did honor without bgs for a time this is how it is.

If you rolled on a pvp server, I would assume you would join one of those honor farming groups. If you wanted to run loops clicking nodes while watching netflix for 4 hours, why not roll on a pve server?

Well one reason is pservers again, when pservers release a pvp and a pve server, the pve server has less players and dies fast.

This is what, the 800000 post about the other faction killing them on pvp servers.

You seem to be able to read, maybe look up what pvp means before rolling on a server? Maybe think about what you actually want to do in the game, had you realized before today you didnt want to get ganked, you prob should have rolled on a pve server.

If you want a sort of pve experience on a pvp server, find an alliance heavy one, you will still get mad when the odd rogue ganks you, but if you really wanted to avoid that you would have never rolled on a pvp server to begin with.


Pservers were so much quicker and better and keeping balance with incentives to play to minority faction and blocking character creations on majority faction so their servers were healthier.


Many werent, the netherwing TBC server started out imbal because in TBC the horde racials are actually op, compared to the difference now, ally and horde asked for bonuses to ally and faction specific queues, which they would do months late.

Plus they do things like add XP for a faction, or free respecs. On a blizzard server this would set the community off, the majority faction for not getting the bonuses, and the minority faction for playing before they got bonuses for playing.

I think kronos 3 had the same thing, played ally, they had honor and all the rewards on day one, and they had BGs. But the queue times were so bad for the horde they started camping every single FP because they had to wait 1-2 hours for a ng to pop and this farmed honor faster, and those pvp rewards being available early are huge power spikes for anyone who gets them.

I dropped my hunter at 55 because it had gotten so bad and enough ally had left. IDK what happened after that, but BGs wont solve the imbal problem, and this is a problem blizzard has failed to solve for 15 years, and currently exists on retail.

The faction system is a crucial part of wow, but its what leads to this.

Honestly, at this point they should just open up server transfers for the minority faction to keep alliance players interested in the game. Horde have transfers available on these servers where they massively outnumber alliance but they won’t leave because there is no incentive for them.
I think a lot of alliance assumed blizzard would do better at keeping the ratios closer so they would be able to win some and lose others not 65:35 where there is effectely 2 horde for every 1 alliance and getting worse making everywhere a stomp because the numbers just aren’t there on your side.

In a nutshell - this dude enjoys 10v1 with no risk…

Gotcha, you the man!!


Ok bye zoomer

This is exactly what its like on Stalagg. unplayable trash… and the horde be like pvp happened on a pvp server… crymore… This is pvp in their minds. At least stormwind is only raided on weekend nights…

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People are dying to get into BRD/ LBRS / UBRS / MC lol.

Also BWL …

When AQ and ZG come out you might get a break from the carnage