[mutters in neckbeard about why people that want a functional game that can be played are soft]
I am not sure quitting means what you think it means, because you are still here verbally pvping with everyone.
You obviously cant bring yourself to roll on a PvE server and you have given up the ghost on free world pvp.
You are retail material, so go to retail. I dont want your vision for classic pvp servers.
This is why I waited a week or so after release to start playing. Your choice on which realm to invest your time in is so crucial. I waited for population estimates and Benediction turned out to be a winner - high population and fairly even ratio.
How is it “truly” dead? Because we don’t want to squat and hold BRM and rather do instances to grab gear? If the OP claims it’s game over for our server how are we able to still traverse all over the map to meet our goals? It’s been portrayed we would’ve been ganked, camped, and held up in the halls of IF, however, that’s far from the case. If we want to do PvP, we skirmish, constantly getting kills while moving around. Staying in one spot when outnumbered has always been a bad tactical move. What would you deem success?
This is a MMO it’s about community, building relationships, helping one another overcome challenges. Life doesn’t always hand out a fair shake, but you always have choices. You either gear up or grab your ball and go home. Just don’t have such a toxic attitude about it.
The horde are doing us a favor.
They are winnowing out the weak players and just in time for the BG’s
The last thing I want is these same whiners taking up spots in BG’s especially with the twinks around or wander cluelessly in AV.
Great point! These negative, toxic, attitudes have no place in team environments, and should be weeded out.
Almost childlike, when things seem “unfair” they cry to their parents (Blizzard).
I watched the video. That’s pretty insane. What I don’t get is how all those players on the overwhelming side enjoy what they are doing? You can only get so much enjoyment from burning ants with a magnifying glass. You’d think if someone truly loves PVP in all its forms would roll on the under-represented side. Target-rich environment and all that. Maybe Blizzard should give free faction changes for completely lopsided servers?
You still aren’t getting it! You’re literally trying to refute my statement about PvP being dead by saying “Yeah well we went and did DUNGEONS!!”
That’s not thriving wPvP, that’s PvE.
Your PvE goals.
You’re not doing anything special that I’m not already doing on my own Horde-dominated gank-fest server. You’re doing PvE, instanced, safe from PvP, PvE. Not outdoor quests, not farming mobs or professions, just safe-behind-a-portal PvE.
By your own admission, there is no successful wPvP to be had on your server, because your goals and successes are all met by zoning into a dungeon and killing a boss.
Yeah it’s pretty grotesque, and it’s like that 24/7. These mouth breathing morons trying to claim that this is normal and just part of the game are idiots or liars.
Idk what the solution is. My stance now is that if blizzard doesn’t give a crap about balance, as evidenced by their complete lack of give a crap about balance, then just open up the transfers and let the chips fall as they may.
I picked my faction and server on opening day when there was no population information. Then a bunch of alliance transferred off during queue-transfers.
But yeah totally my fault I guess. I was too lazy to get my crystal ball upstairs.
it is part of the game.
The horde are trying to keep the alliance from gaining better gear that can be used against them.
Where is the Alliance? All of hordedom was not at that location, a wpvp battle was in the making.
That’s a crazy video … I am sorry for alliance
Oh… so that’s what you’re getting at. P2 hasn’t stopped me from farming devilsaurs or finding other ways to make gold to buy whatever I need on the AH. You need to find your gold making niche and stick to it. Quests are still doable. You just need to group up with friends. Need friends in a MMO, what a crazy concept. If the horde is grouping up to farm honor why aren’t you grouping up to farm and quest? That just sounds ridiculous not too.
So please tell me again, why do you think that it is game over for the alliance on my server?
And no my post has never been about “get gud” or whatever you types say. I’m in no way boasting my average PvP abilities or knowing the ins and outs to the game. I just know how to reach out, connect, and overcome obstacles with like minded people. I can’t stand this “life’s unfair”, I’m always a victim no matter the circumstances, and won’t do anything about it but complain mentality. It will get you no where in life.
The only reason why I care to post on this forum is to squash these falsehoods on the server I play on.
Yes I often ask for a raid of people to watch my flanks as I attempt to get another murloc head or ogre knucklebone…
Brilliant refutation. When doing solo content in the world, bring a small army of protection.
So your “git gud” isn’t about play, but about how adorably likable you are… that’s even better!
Hey guys, we’re all just too malcontent to have friends to help out! Problem solved!
Some “squashing” you got going on.
Aren’t most of the steamers undead? I think there is maybe three ally steamers tops.
Yeah the mouth breathers victim blaming the people that just want to play a functional game are just humiliating themselves. It’s a broken game and it’s blizzard fault for breaking it. Period end of story.
Just remember to tell them why when you unsubscribe!
the sad part you are quitting just when retribution is at hand.
Most of these mouth breathers weren’t even born when Vanilla AV was a thing.
These retail babies are going to get their rears handed to them, and TRUST me when I say they will be heading back to retail or quitting the game.
The servers are going to fail if the game is not reasonable fair and fun. Period. Nobody is gonna pay for a game that is not fair and fun.
Come on Horde, you know this is true. Just get on board and demand reasonbly balanced servers from Blizzard and it will happen (cause Blizzard listens to you) LOL
Yes because a 80:20 population difference is totally the players fault. I don’t mean that sarcastically, it is the players fault. Horde are garbage PVPers that couldn’t handle an imbalanced server. They can only handle massive zergs against single targets five levels lower and anyone pointing out the difference is bad and needs to reroll.
pvp on a pvp server, durp hurp.