yeah…too bad that ISNT the flipping POINT that was being made in here.
Crap gets CHANGED and REVERSED all the time in this game…years later in many cases.
Easy enough?
What the Dev tell you in how they want the game to be played is how it is. No matter how you want too look at it, an they say without Pathfinder you don’t get to fly from WoD to current xpac. Period! That makes it a requirement in order to fly.
Because you do not work for Blizzard you don’t get to set the rules of the game.
stop deflecting. Its embarrassing.
WE ALL KNOW THAT THE POINT being made here is that flight existed PRIOR TO pathfinder and so pathfinder ISNT REQUIRED for flight to exist in the game now either.
What the devs WANT to do and what they HAVE to do isnt the same thing no matter how many times you scream that it is.
and you all have to wonder why people just turn to copy/paste responses
quite annoying to have to REstate the SAME point to you 300 times and you STILL cant get it
Trust me, I wont.
But I will keep on blizzard like a cheap suit while PF is the only option for flight.
Now…how much time of yours to you plan on wasting trying to shut us up?
I personally don’t care if you quit the game, all I keep hearing from you how you think your more important to Blizzard than anyone else, and how they cant live without you. But the truth is they can and they will come the day you leave because your self entitled self don’t get catered too.
And yet here YOU are…
FACT: Pathfinder brings or adds NOTHING of value to the game.
FACT: Flight was perfectly fine being gated and for max level and gold.
FACT: Pathfinder is absolute not REQUIRED in the game, nor is it a ‘compromise’. It was a fit being tossed by blizzard who WANTED to remove flight entirely, but was forced to recant when huge numbers of players were going to quit over it.
Pretty sure the WoD pathfinder is absolutely timegated. It requires revered with both Order of the Awakened and Hand of the Prophet/Vol’jin Headhunters, both of which had limited daily quests available.
You could argue that you buy Medallions of the Legion, but at 7k on average you need to spend around ~150k whilst hoping that they are available and not over priced on your server. It’s hardly any more effective for the average player.
I don’t have to shut you up, Blizzard already ignores you. Best learn to deal with that fact. They are over the flight drama, they have stated they are happy with how pathfinder is working and see in keeping it.
I think not so many groups in LFG, is because there is less to LFG for.
In Legion I’d zone into the Invasion thing, minor ones or the major one, on Argus. Then I’d look for “custom/name of that zone/boss/whatever” finding one in seconds. Then I was in the group doing the thing.