they WERE getting $100 per month average.
Then they irritated me now they get $15.
Sounds like a net loss to me.
ESO, however, made a couple hundred off me last month.
Money I was willing to give Blizzard just 6 months ago.
FACT…PF isnt REQUIRED for flight to exist in this game EVIDENCE…Flight existed for a long time WITHOUT PF
(A point Ive made NUMEROUS times already in THIS thread, btw)
Now…EVIDENCE YOUR CLAIM that you are made of cheese
Jesus christ I thought our school systems were better than this
Thats the result of their removing portals and funneling players thru a couple hub cities.
Id bet good money that the population of all servers overall hasnt increased more than an expected spike from news of an incoming patch.
There was no compromise, if they had axed flight for good, they likely would have never made Legion or BfA because of lack of players.
Because there would be so few people to do what little content they would make.
Yes, I am right, why do you think they did a complete 180 when it was announced they were getting rid of flight going forward? The evidence speaks for itself.
And the game is not dying, it’s being slowly choked to death by the moronic decisions made by the current dev or whoever is responsible for all the stupid decisions made since WoD.
False for the first part. 2nd part I don’t know as I don’t do bg’s anymore since the horde dominate and don’t feel like wasting my time.
Not sure what game you played but Vanilla and BC took awhile to find groups as you sat in IF/SW trying to get in a group trough chat. A lot of times over an hour. Not sure what a “fro” is but I don’t see any time difference in finding a group now and in Wrath also.
People stopped logging in since Vanilla. My guild is still very active and my friends on my friend list still log on and the list is growing.
Please don’t try and blame BfA. Mythic was in Legion. Why all of a sudden is it boring? Nothing at all different from Legion Mythic+
My server is hoping and it is medium pop. Level a KT and every zone I was in had a lot of people in it. I kind of wished it was dead so I can blow through the quests.
lol yeah, i call false. I have never had a 7 min IE wait. Longest I had was 1 1/2 mins. Nice try.
Again, this is exactly how it was in Legion. Please don’t whine now like it is BfA.
Ummm devs said years ago how flying will open. Legion opened in the x.2 patch and guess what? SAME EXACT THING is happening in BfA. It will unlock in 8.2. Good lord do people seriously not understand this still?
I agree with you on this but the devs said why they removed. If you don’t pay attention then google it.
Fact that since WoD Pathfinder is required in order to fly any content from that xpac forward. And Blizzard is not planning to change that any time soon. So if that is a game breaker for you, see you.
I’m not subbed, I Guess we are allowed to post here now? Anyway the game is terrible. I will not come back. I even recently subbed for a month to give BFA another chance and honestly I played about 4 days of the sub before I got really irritated with how bad it is and I quit again. I feel disrespected by this game since the massive quality decline after MoP.
Its like telling a brick wall that when it comes to them. They love to keep running back to MoP and before and saying it used to not be so it doesn’t count that it is now.