You know, not that i don’t expect anything from the “the game is dying” thread, but couldn’t you come up with something else other then … “something, something, LFG, must blame it, it’s always LFG.”?
Also, my deepest apologies, but i have found Humanity!
Yeah, they compromised the way that my Ex Wife did; We both wanted something different, then she said it was a compromise by HER picking something else new.
She also always said, while we were still married, that “divorce won’t be in our vocabulary!” Then she divorced me.
That it has changed is proof that it can change again. You’re acting like Pathfinder is a commandment handed down by the Almighty and that the devs can’t possibly change their minds on it ever again.
sorry friend…not my problem if you are unable to accept the obvious FACT of reality that flight existed in this game BEFORE pathfinder.
Odd that you continue to deny that FACT.
They ADDED PF in…they can remove it any time they want or change ANY of the conditions for flight in this game, just like they did with MoP and Northrend flight requirements.
Really would like to know who a couple posters here think theyre fooling, because it aint us.
You seem obsessed with me, friend. Maybe you should go talk to someone who you MIGHT have some chance of convincing…because it aint me.
FACT: Pathfinder brings or adds NOTHING of value to the game.
FACT: Flight was perfectly fine being gated and for max level and gold.
FACT: Pathfinder is absolute not REQUIRED in the game, nor is it a ‘compromise’. It was a fit being tossed by blizzard who WANTED to remove flight entirely, but was forced to recant when huge numbers of players were going to quit over it.
The game would be on maintenance only if they canceled flying. I wish this crap development team would have the nerve to truly cancel flight, they’d all be fired in a month when the exodus currently happening shifted into high gear.
Blizzard developers are the only ones allowed to use ignore nowadays. They use it on their player base so they can play the game their way in peace and quiet.
It brings achievements, pets, mounts, toys, and gets people out in the world.
How are those aspects are of no value?
No, it wasn’t.
Not everyone wanted to spend countless hours farming on multiple servers, just to be able to pay for their alts to fly.
…and there’s no more waiting until max level for alts to fly.
Pathfinder is of great value to people who like alts.
FACT: Nothing is REQUIRED in the game.
Yes, flight existed before pathfinder did.
However, pathfinder was introduced, which means …pathfinder is currently required.
To recap:
Pathfinder is required, water is wet, sky is blue.
players are not the designers or developers.
players do not need to be consulted about every single change.
ABSOLUTELY not my problem if y’all cant handle facts.
We ALL KNOW that this game didnt NEED another grind…END of story.
Flight was FINE before WoD.
Devs got LAZY and tried to remove flight.
Players toss fits about it, and so they create PF as a punishment for players daring to scream about flight.
What will be funny on my end is WHEN they do finally remove flight and the PF knights here get the blame they are 100% deserving of for not having the nerve to stand up and fight for the game.
Funny how some here keep parroting out this joke of “its their game”.
Uh…NO…it isnt.
its a product they make that they want US to pay $$$ for.
If they want our $$$ then they had better EARN it…and annoying paying customers isnt the way to earn it.
imagine that…making a product people actually WANT to USE instead of doing ones best to make it so paying customers have to consider going to ones competition to find something more sufferable.
it seems that both blizzard and some commenters dont comprehend the first thing about consumerism (“the protection or promotion of the interests of consumers”).
it will be entertaining to watch the downfall that Ion and his crew are clearly bringing the game to.
We ALL know BFA sucks. Some of us are trying really hard to convince ourselves otherwise, but we all know it. We’re tolerating it hoping that things get better.
That added to their ripping away uselful tools that we all were using…master loot and portals come to mind…well, just seems to me that this game is on self destruct and its just a matter of time now.
Glad I got my ESO sub going now so I dont have to go shopping later when that last WoW server is being unplugged.
I think the flying requirements are stupid. That should be a thing for the turbo nerds in the first 6 months of an expansion. Asking us to get pathfinder, and do all the content…with heirlooms…that ya know, OVER LEVEL YOU. Ya. Let me just stay in Broken Isles till 120 then start BFA Pathfinder. F@$%^$! DUMB.