Barely any groups in LFG. Takes for ever to find people for RBGs
Remember back in wotlk when you could find a fro for anything within minutes?
People have stopped logging onto the game cuz it’s just not fun right now.
2 weeks ago mythic plus was fun and it was booming with life groups forming all the time.
But then it’s dead all the sudden cuz blizz can’t fix their unfun affixes.
Reward structure is stupid people have no desire to raid more than once Becuase all the gear is undermined due to titanforging and warforging and random sockets.
A 7 min Island gives more AP than a 15 min RBG at 2k mmr
A 7 min Island gives more AP than a 36 min key on +20
Speaking of mythic plus why isn’t there title or t mog rewards for completing all 15s like there was with challenge modes?
Why is flying locked behind 2 major patches?
Why can’t new players and returning players just purchase flying for old expansions?
Why can’t full guild groups use masterloot?
All these things and more have been chewing away at the life of this game.
Blizz please do the right thing and don’t kill the game I love.
roll a new allied and sign up for classic dungeons as healer.
2-3 minutes tops.
sometimes I barely hit the button before getting the call.
Looks like a LOT of BORED BFA players looking for something else to do
Well, they did change MOP and northrend flight requirements.
I keep holding on hoping their sadism will waver at some point and they’ll figure out that PF should be to gate CURRENT content…no one should be spending time grinding out a mode of travel in OLD content.
Once the expansion is old content, PF should be a max level and gold cost at the very most.
They mostly changed them because of how they made scaling works. Wouldn’t make sense to be able to fly in bc but not wotlk, or fly in cata but not mop when you have to choose between those.
I had flight in all three before the change a while back, so im not sure what youre point is.
They lessened the cost and requirements. That was my point. They need to do the same thing for OLD content where PF is concerned.
Doing it would maybe show players that they ARE listening to many of us.
Refusing to open up a mode of travel in OLD content so its not such a pathetic time wasting grind just seems petulant and infantile, if not just plain spiteful.
It’s really funny because indeed that resonate with a lot of current players and people on the forums. You don’t deserve something because you throw your arms/legs around on the forums, there are way to get it in the game already, go get it like you got flying in other expansions.
Only you stop yourself from getting it, not blizzard. There are good/bad points to pathfinder, timegating with patchs is a bad one (and account bound is a good one) but wod one isn’t timegated with patchs at all. Legion one is more tricky because of nightborn. But both worlds were made so leveling wasn’t suppose to feel bad if you didn’t have flying and only add a couple hours at worse to each zone, not much.
you mean like BEFORE this infantile tantrum called pathfinder when I got flight for GOLD and MAX LEVEL?
I aint the one who made a mode of travel a problem, friend…that was SOLELY on the spiteful ones at Blizzard
It was a compromise over them deciding in wod that there would be no flying. Look I am not saying they were right to do so, but a lot people enjoy the compromise since it would probably in 100ks of gold if they wanted to make the gold cost relevant. And removing it would just remove content for people to do.
more infantile tantrum again. You can discuss it like an adult or cry each time that someone disagree.
omg…buy a websters.
A COMPROMISE is where BOTH sides sit down and work out an AGREEMENT.
THAT AINT what happened
They were REMOVING FLIGHT without ASKING what players wanted.
The player based threw a fit.
They then created pathfinder all on their own and FORCED it on the player base.
That AINT a compromise.
Really sick of this particular joke argument
FACT: Pathfinder brings or adds NOTHING of value to the game.
FACT: Flight was perfectly fine being gated and for max level and gold.
FACT: Pathfinder is absolute not REQUIRED in the game, nor is it a ‘compromise’. It was a fit being tossed by blizzard who WANTED to remove flight entirely, but was forced to recant when huge numbers of players were going to quit over it.
A REAL company who wanted to keep their players involved and WANTING to play their game would never have tried this crap to begin with.
and another round of lame excuses
Frankly WHEN they do finally remove flight it’ll be the PF white knights who are SOLELY to blame for not fighting for flight to begin with.
I wouldn’t say it was perfect since you needed to buy it on each character and it used to have a decent cost to it. Having it as a reward for doing content for free is a great gain for most people because they will save that cost that I would estimate at around 500k-1M gold right now if not more. And that on each character.
Fact is that having content to earn flying is just genius, lot of people are interested in flying and will so spend more time in the game to earn it.
FACT: Pathfinder brings or adds NOTHING of value to the game.
FACT: Flight was perfectly fine being gated and for max level and gold.
FACT: Pathfinder is absolute not REQUIRED in the game, nor is it a ‘compromise’. It was a fit being tossed by blizzard who WANTED to remove flight entirely, but was forced to recant when huge numbers of players were going to quit over it.
A REAL company who wanted to keep their players involved and WANTING to play their game would never have tried this crap to begin with.
This always makes me laugh. There was NO compromise. You never get to fly in relevant content. They effectively removed flight from the relevant parts of the game.