What is it with people coming in here thinking EVERYONE ELSE is going to just drop everything and change their minds just because you say something?
I dont have a problem with PF in and of itself.
It CAN exist along side the old system.
PF for those who like the grinds and want account wide flight for ‘free’.
Max level and gold for those of us who dont mind the cost per character and HATE the mindless zombie rep grinds.
uh huh
or…we’ll just stop playing and go find a game where the devs dont purposefully try to irritate paying customers.
Course…it wont be long after that before YOUR game servers get unplugged entirely…so any joy you get out of it wont be long lived.
yeah…my old grandfather used to have a saying about cutting ones nose off to spite their face.
Took me some years before i finally figured out what he meant, exactly.
It takes some folks even longer.
Its ALL about investors now. This team doesnt give two squats about you and me as players like the old devs used to.
Blizzard as I knew it when it first started putting out games I loved is dead.
Eaten alive by corporatism and greed.
Activision was also a name I loved where games were concerned.
The devil himself would be proud of what these two great companies have devolved into.
Why didn’t you just say this at the start instead of throwing around accusations of spitefulness and screaming about “facts” that are really just your opinions? Instead of offering a reasoned commentary on the OP (which is actually about queue times) you started an unnecessary rant about Pathfinder. Now you turn around and say you “don’t have a problem with PF in and of itself.” It makes me wonder if you’ve been arguing just for the sake of arguing.
Its been 5 years and I am still waiting for that to come true.
Hey I love to flying, I love it on all 40+ of my toons. I also love all the gold that Pathfinder saves me. But hey I wouldn’t complain one bit if Blizzard came out with pay to win flying again, but lets count for the gold bloat that has gone on and say umm you can get your flight for no less than 1 million gold per toon. I think that sounds about fair at this point of the game.
Well it is required, because without it as the way Blizzard feels about it and it is THEIR game to do as THEY please. There would be no flying from WoD to present day period. So yes Pathfinder is required if you want to fly, without it, you remain grounded.
I would be fine with not getting flight until I did all quests in my factions areas and explored all areas.
AND I wouldn’t mind a reasonable rep grind or three if I could grind that rep in a variety of ways.
However, the design of Pathfinder requires me to do a lot of grinding on rails. I hate that. Not because it is hard, but because it is TEDIOUS and has no element of player agency.
I think it is lousy game design to make many players feel that they log in only to do a mandated list of chores. Would it really be so bad to let players have, say, five choices in how to grind rep? Wouldn’t that make people feel they had a bit more freedom in the game? Also that would be logical; A faction would need various things, right?
Uh…no…its NOT required otherwise…for the 18th time…it would have been from the games beginning.
It was added BECAUSE of players fighting against their removing flight.
Secondly…your joking right?
IF its ‘their game to do with as they please’ then they FAILED miserably when they WANTED to REMOVE flight…then didnt BECAUSE of players quitting in WOD.
no…this isnt ‘their game to do with as they please’.
its their game to please PAYING CUSTOMERS with IF they want our $$$.
I’d say it’s leaking more so then dying but they’re basically the same thing. Population goes up with new content and leaks away within the first month or so. That’s how games are now-a-days.
If Blizz would bring back the fun in the game they might have a more steady population. Classes gutted to balance them = not fun. Classes not fun = not fun and boring PvP. Cookie cutter builds = no chance to be unique and so not fun. Hunter pets all the same = not fun. Cool glyphs removed = not fun. Scaling so you never feel stronger = not fun. Removing content from previous xpac = not fun. List can go on and on. This is all my opinion but others agree with some of those opinions. Bring back class and skill options that allow players to be unique and not just a number out of a million players of the same build.
I dont mind serving the time. I have played as much as 14 hours in a single day. VERY FEW HERE can make that claim with any amount of honesty.
I dont mind playing the game.
What I mind is mind numbing BOREDOM for something as petty as a mode of travel.
PF is SADISM, plain and simple, for those of us who dont like to play the maddening zombie minded rep grinds.
I wont be getting any of the BFA allieds. The wife did the DI dwarves, but she was cussing and banging crap for weeks while doing it.
Yeah…no thanks is it.
I got void elves, LF draenei and HM tauren with a REASONABLE amount of investment.
More than that is yeah…no thanks.
If they still are getting your money then they got exactly the best of both worlds, Pathfinder that limits flight until half way through an xpac and they get your $$$ too. Its a win win for Blizzard.