The game is dying


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Just because you call your opinion fact doesn’t make it so.

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FACT: Pathfinder brings or adds NOTHING of value to the game.
FACT: Flight was perfectly fine being gated and for max level and gold.
FACT: Pathfinder is absolute not REQUIRED in the game, nor is it a ‘compromise’. It was a fit being tossed by blizzard who WANTED to remove flight entirely, but was forced to recant when huge numbers of players were going to quit over it.

A REAL company who wanted to keep their players involved and WANTING to play their game would never have tried this crap to begin with.


If true, Ion and crew’s legacy will be the burial of WoW.


For the first time in years I’ve actually been leveling my army of alts. I guess that’s one positive to endgame BfA being awful.


These are not facts. They are opinions.

I personally prefer earning flight for all my characters (present and future) through an achievement rather than paying gold at max level for each and every character. I like having a specific goal to focus on that doesn’t involve “gearing up”. I like that all my alts can fly the instant they reach an expansion (once Pathfinder is earned on my main). All of that is “value” to me.

The compromise was between the devs that wanted to remove flight altogether and the devs that wanted to keep it. It had nothing to do with us players, though I’m sure our disagreement with the removal of flight bolstered the position of the devs who wanted to keep it.

That said, I’m not truly satisfied with the implementation of Pathfinder, and I really detest the two-part concept where the second part is gated behind a patch that doesn’t come out until a year after launch.

Many different things have caused players to leave WoW, some of which have nothing at all to do with the game (such as players becoming too busy to play). Pathfinder is not the reason WoW is “dying”.


oh bullldink.
FACTs are facts…pf was NEVER NEEDED…END of story


the sadistic attitude that created PF IS why the game is dying…


Nope still OPINION.

Also not up to you to decide what’s needed.


Sorry but it is simple FACT
IF PF was REQUIRED then it would have been REQUIRED from the BEGINNING of the game.
It came in RESPONSE to players tossing fits about their wanting to REMOVE flight.
2 + 2 is four in any reasonable persons mind.
PF was a RESPONSE…a childish one at that…to players insisting that flight remain part of the game…it was NEVER required for flight to remain…sorry.


I’ll give you one chance to PROVE CONCLUSIVELY that PF was NEEDED for this game to have flight.
We both know you cant.
IF it were required then it was ALWAYS required given how it works.
No…it was a spiteful CHOICE they made in response to players tossing fits about flight being removed.


You really need to learn the difference between opinion and fact.


same for you…
I’ll give you one chance to PROVE CONCLUSIVELY that PF was NEEDED for this game to have flight.
We both know you cant.
IF it were required then it was ALWAYS required given how it works.


You’re the one making the claim that Pathfinder was not need so the burden of proof is on you.


nice try.
Easy enough, however.
PF DIDNT EXIST until WoD…and flight was just fine up till that point.
it was only when they tried to remove flight entirely that PF came into existence in response to players tossing a fit about it.

If flight existed without it before…then it could just as easily today.
We ALL know its just another grind, friend.
This game didnt NEED another mind numbing grind for a stupid mode of travel.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. The general bland state that BFA is in and it’s poor decisions is really… really hurting the game bad. WoD did heavy damage but this is something else entirely. If they don’t pull their fingers out and fix these things in 8.2 (most important patch ever) it’s going to go downhill extremely fast from there.


It doesn’t matter what I say, your mind is made up and you won’t believe anything else anyway. I don’t care if Pathfinder was needed. I personally prefer it over paying for every single character to have flight only once they reach max level. What I don’t like is the two-part implementation, but that’s a different argument.


It people like you that somedays I really do hope they remove flight all together from the game. Just to see you have a melt down. I will have my bowl of popcorn waiting too.


you and the twelve people still playing