Ya, there’s no reason why the same group that can time a 10 one week has to give up on a 9 KR after an hour 45 the next.
They have the numbers and there’s no way the dungeons and affixes are falling in the same order of magnitude when it comes to completions. And nothing is done about it.
But then again, there are nodes that since launch are in rocks or 100 meters in the sky that haven’t been fixed.
Do people leave because of broken nodes? Probably not. But if the company doesn’t care enough to fix the simple things in 8 months that says a lot.
no…sorry…it AINT by definition OR in practice.
PF was FORCED on the player base END OF STORY!
that AINT a compromise by ANY accepted use of the word…SORRY!
yeah…theres one node up in winterspring thats literally inside a tree trunk.
If the devs were too inept to figure that one out seems to me they shouldnt be trying to make a full blown game for customer consumption.
BFA should be called CBA. Because that’s how most of us feel about it.
Boring and unrewarding classes.
Boring and unrewarding gear (azerite and main stat Diablo BS).
Overtuned M+ that didn’t account for all specs.
Boring WQ driven world content.
Boring warfronts.
Boring island expos.
Clearly a lot of work went into BFA but the above issues rendered almost all of it expired before its time. People aren’t queuing for BGs because the PvP is dead in this game. For all the aforementioned reasons.
What does deserve even mean here? We aren’t worthy of doing the noncontent left in wod and legion in a convenient manner? We would have to do hours of banal treasure hunting, rep grinding, and what have you to be able to get to old raids and level alts faster? That is absolute nonsense. I and many players don’t want to do literal hours of dead content so that we can save minutes doing less dead dead content that we don’t even have to do.
What is being asked for here is what has been called a quality of life change, and those have happened many times over the history of wow. Having flying hard locked to outdated achievements is silly. That said I don’t see how they couldn’t just leave the mount and bonus mount movement from pathfinder for the players who have done pathfinder so they have their entitled well deserved rewards for playing the game at some point. Heck they can even make a tome that pathfinder players don’t need to buy, its not hard to think of acceptable solutions to what is one of the many small problems that plague this game.
I say this as someone who has legion pathfinder because i played actively in legion, and will likely never get wod pathfinder. I’m just saying i’d be more inclined to do the arbitrary requirement to fly in wod if i could already fly in wod.
It’s pretty easy to make mistakes like that in development when you have multiple people working on a map.
Dev A put’s node in.
Dev B moves tree from a perspective where they don’t see the node.
The big problem is they either don’t have the QA processes that can handle this ( I’m sure each node has been reported 100’s of times ) or they’ve chosen to just ignore it.
So you would rather have no flying… got it. Pretty much everything about WoD sucked 5 million didn’t quit over just Pathfinder. Regardless just because someone doesn’t accept a compromise doesn’t mean it isn’t one.
oh YAWN.
They put flight back in…Pathfinder NOT REQUIRED TO DO SO!
They could just as easily put it back for max level and gold.
PF was NOT a compromise. It was FORCED on players who never ever were asked if they wanted it or not!
Sorry but WORDS have INTENT and MEANING.
compromise does NOT = FORCING something on someone without their having any input. sorry but that is the ANTITHESIS of a compromise
So you would prefer they never added flight back at all?? They got part of what they wanted and we got part of what we wanted. That is a compromise no matter how many times you say it’s not.
oh YAWN.
They put flight back in…Pathfinder NOT REQUIRED TO DO SO!
They could just as easily put it back for max level and gold.
PF was NOT a compromise. It was FORCED on players who never ever were asked if they wanted it or not!
and MILLIONS of players can just go find other games to play.
see how that works?
if they want our $$$ then theyd better find a way to make MORE of us WANT to play their game.
This "take it or leave it crap’ is the WORST business policy ever…and only the financially incompetent would think that it works.
But then, this game has been in a downward spiral for years now…so its going as expected with this inept leadership at the helm.
Sorry but there werent two choices.
There were any number of choices blizzard COULD have made.
You need to go find an 8 year old to push this nonsense on who might buy it…we all know better.
They COULD have just NOT tried to remove flight and left it at max level gold…END of story.
But they chose the path of spite and childishness instead.
So basically this is the Portal removal argument all over again you’re right and anyone who disagrees is wrong. And you’re just going to keep at like the energizer bunny.