The game is dying

And that ‘estimate’ would be a laughable joke.
25k each would be right in line with the DECREASE in inflation this expansion has been showing. Im getting about a THIRD of the gold I used to make on the AH because blizzard is intentionally draining gold from the economy.


There are mounts for 5M gold right now. And why wouldn’t they drain the economy with flying. Again that would be genius considering the amount of people that want it.

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yeah…and that COLLECTOR mount was meant to DRAIN gold from whales…not be a mount ANY player in the game could ever afford.
Try harder


Any players with the time and effort or the money to buy wow token can get that mount. Buying wow token to buy gold to buy flying would just be a genius stroke for blizzard to make more money. Which is why I think Pathfinder is more pro-consumer that way you just earn flying by doing baseline content.

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the wow token doesnt CREATE gold friend…it MOVES it from one player to another.
When that gold is then used to buy that mount the gold itself is REMOVED from the economy entirely.
THAT is what those high cost mounts were created for…removing gold from the economy and driving inflation down.
did you actually pay any attention to any of this months ago?


What is the purpose of a thread like this except to encourage people to quit? Devs won’t see it. If you want to make a difference try tweeting your concerns to

I you don’t want to do that, you aren’t communicating with the people who make a difference in game play and it’s likely that you don’t even want to. Sunday GD is supposed to be fun, not a dirge for instant gratification.


Wait?! Are you trying to say that the CM’s don’t take thread feedback and present it to the Devs like they’ve been saying they do all these years?


Player A buy a wowtokens with real money from Player B
Player A gains more gold and is able to learn flying.
Player B gold is gone. Blizzard made 5$ out of each wowtoken bought that way.
Inflation is down.
Blizzard genius.

Yea I prefer pathfinder.


Devs twitter is the most efficient means of communicating with the devs. That’s reality.


uh…yeah…thats what I said :roll_eyes: Its to remove gold and lower inflation. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

With THAT going on…NO…the price for flight absolutely would NOT be a million frikkin gold.
With the current economy TODAY, it MIGHT be 25k per character.


You assume that people have “that” less gold today. I can make 150k a week without using the AH. I can make for the same time maybe 500k gold in carries on the down low.

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As I asked…WERE you paying attention all these months?
People have been COMPLAINING in HERE every stinking week that they ARENT making gold in the AH like before…or like they were in Legion

WE’re done here…I am NOT repeating myself 100 times for you.
The gold price for flight should be maybe 25k …end of story

FACT: Pathfinder brings or adds NOTHING of value to the game.
FACT: Flight was perfectly fine being gated and for max level and gold.
FACT: Pathfinder is absolute not REQUIRED in the game, nor is it a ‘compromise’. It was a fit being tossed by blizzard who WANTED to remove flight entirely, but was forced to recant when huge numbers of players were going to quit over it.

A REAL company who wanted to keep their players involved and WANTING to play their game would never have tried this crap to begin with.


“I have no gold give me flying for free or less gold!”
“How dare they ask me to do pathfinder/content in the game to get rewards!”


yeah…I know its hard concept here…

FACT: Pathfinder brings or adds NOTHING of value to the game.
FACT: Flight was perfectly fine being gated and for max level and gold.
FACT: Pathfinder is absolute not REQUIRED in the game, nor is it a ‘compromise’. It was a fit being tossed by blizzard who WANTED to remove flight entirely, but was forced to recant when huge numbers of players were going to quit over it.

A REAL company who wanted to keep their players involved and WANTING to play their game would never have tried this crap to begin with.


It always has…

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copy and paste doesn’t make it sounds better or make it truth :roll_eyes:


And still nothing will change. What you call “facts” I think it’s you who needs to “buy a websters”

Oh and yes Pathfinder is a compromise whether you think so or not.


Players will come back when classic drops.


I don’t think the 5 million who quit WoD thought it was a compromise. It takes 2 entities agreeing on something to create a compromise, I don’t remember being asked, just told how it was going to be.

Game has never recovered from that decision. Blizzard: If it ain’t broke, fix it!


Well if I were on the team that decided this, I’d say make a one time account bound 5k purchase for flying per expansion that is at least 2 expansions old. It’s old material and may actually invigorate some of the older stuff for collections, seeing the story etc.

You can solo all the challenging content of two expansions back and beyond. Why not just let players buy flying to help them get around. The pathfinder grind for older content just seems to be a punishment.