The game has changed

Yea at this point I think ya’ll are delusional.

Where has Blizzard stated “Because of hasbrownsnochanges, we won’t implement any of the following.”?

At this point the only notable connotations are what was added, changed and not original to Vanilla.

Dude, they literally changed the number of release phases from 4 to 6 based on feedback from players.

Well, cheers to another list of impressively irrelevant stuff.

I’ve played since launch. The game is basically the same. The end.

These are extremely petty ways to state a change. Not worth explaining.

They were limited it because people would use the multiple skeletons to spell out offensive and racist words. The same way bodies were used back then to advertise gold making websites. You can see where this is going.

The mail system was announced to be left in at Blizzcon 2018. This was known even before it came out a year later.


lol we all know why they allow streamers. It’s free product promotion with the influence to get others to play. Why would they be against that.

This is incorrect. which was proven.

This was also announced at Blizzcon 2018 and known way before release. It was to solve players sending tickets to GMs to solve mistaken loot distribution. That’s why it was left in. They didn’t want to deal with 4 to 5 days worth or tickets of this issue like it happened back then.

I’m not sure which buffs you are referring to but I distinctively remember being able to stack all the buffs on myself from all the ogre captains with no issues. Which buff are you referring to from Dire Maul?

Blizzard said that they will not support WoW token for Classic. They have taken a stance against it. However, they said you could exchange retail gold for classic gold but at your own risk. They do not support that kind of transaction and will not help you with it. So you better trust the person you are dealing with.

The bottom line is this. Just because there are some technicalities doesn’t mean it isn’t at all what they are trying to recreate. Especially when they are referring to their 1.12 reference client to make comparisons to Classic. A few nit picky things like this are not enough to conclude that Classic is not trying to recreate a 2006 experience.

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What do you mean you can’t stack Dire Maul buff? I would like some clarification because I’ve stacked those Buffs with the onyxia buff and any other possible buff like song flower

You failed to see the umpteen other threads posted pretty much since the day of launch?

It’s almost like this is called “classic” and not “vanilla” for a reason…


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Still kinda cool to see the little differences. I didn’t play in Vanilla but discovering why the game has done so well in the past. I like it…alot.

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No changes is garbage anyways and was proven wrong the minute it came to light that the beloved private servers most people were using as their baseline for remembering vanilla changed stuff around either out of ignorance or deliberately to compensate for increased skill.

Also your list is minuscule, so who cares?

Yes, from PLAYERS. Not just nochanges.

Care to try again? Not your ‘win’.

Might mean stacking the actual DM buffs. Basically like if you could stack the food buffs together.

…though, that might have been a bug back in Vanilla, allowing you to stack multiple DM Buffs together.

You know, all this might be true… but I couldn’t care less. I’m having more fun with the game than I have since WotLK!

Overall, they did a great job bringing us old content and making it work on new hardware (retrofits are very hard to do!)

These were in vanilla, check patch notes.

Part of Battle .net, not really WoW.

Pretty sure this was also in vanilla, might be wrong.

Not a change to the game, change to Code of Conduct. Thanks to idiot players.
The rest of your complaints Blizzard already addressed when they explained what classic actually is. It is not vanilla, it’s a recreation as close to they can get using what they felt was the most balanced patch cycle.

I dont remember that ever being a thing. I never tried stacking the stam drink with other ones since they are caster and i have no need for them. But i dont recall people being able to do that anyways.

You can’t stack more than two of the dire mail buffs. In vanilla you could do two tribute runs within two hours and get the 200 attack power, stamina and crit buff twice.

Thank god. Hated sending mail to the wrong person.

This is great for blizzards payroll. The amount of tickets that were made because the “guild clown” thought it would be funny to roll on tank gear as a mage and accidentally received the loot.

All the changes were to minimize the annoyances in the game. They didn’t change boss mechanics, they haven’t implemented any class changes. I’m beyond thankful for what Blizzard has done.

They say it’s a bug

The nochanges movement has been a joke for like 2 years now.

Yep, the nochange crowd are a bunch of idiots who think they are special

woah, I had a character named Blackhayate in Vanilla, after the dog in Fullmetal Alchemist.