EVE Online players do…
Seasons started all the way back in TBC.
They’ve been part of the game for almost its entire lifetime. Only vanilla didn’t have them, and that’s because vanilla didn’t have any competitive PvP elements. There was the honor system and that was it, and anyone could earn ranks and titles through that.
Wrath redo tried this to keep uldaur relevant when TOGC dropped.
They squished ilevel to have ulduar look more appealing. since in wraths’ first run it died off fast once togc hit.
it failed. people not caring about mount farming the head just ran togc still.
If they are looking at back in the day MC was always jumping…yeah. that was people farming for gold to cover ride speed and mount upgrades on alts lol.
and pvp’ers getting pve gear. since in wow early years this was bis for pvp too. they did mc to aqu to naxx workup. Corrupted ashbringer…a twink’s best friend really. great for slapping down noobs the in the bracket
I think the real argument is how much of the player base should be bored to keep the sense of a grand adventure?
Before seasons there was really only raids with a few additional dungeons added each patch. You bottled up a lot of the player base in very limited content at all levels. Even good players were more or less stuck in one tier…
I think seasons are better they have draw backs but its not as bad as it was.
The game pretty much always had “resets” with new tier releases, they just didn’t call it seasons back then.
Although I’m not sure what you mean by “reset”, in what context? It’s a linear power increase, not a reset.
badged of justice dropping in Kara and such made farming all raids a good idea all expansion long.
p.s. when tier 6 came out I was still just barely attuned to tier 5. I did a lot of not-latest-tier raiding in TBC.
I would like to add… there were Tier Sets outside of dungeon and quest gear. We don’t have that now, all the gear is the ‘season’ upgrade gear and it will all become ‘obsolete’ with the reset. We really are being ‘pigeonholed’ more an more… ‘tier sets’ were a portion of the game, while there was a great deal of gear outside that. Every piece of gear now becomes grayed out and obsolete. Grayed out just sucks, IMO.
Tier sets don’t get greyed out and obsolete until the next expansion, not the next season.
Ok… but, there were not ‘seasons’ like now. There was a much more ‘comprehensive’ feel to the ‘Expansion’ not a ‘chopped’ up reset every few months. I really HATE seasons. It is a PVP relic.
It was just called tiers before. It’s the same thing it’s been since Wrath. ToGC came out and people stopped running Ulduar and replaced their Ulduar tier sets.
Dude, this makes sense for a new expansion, we are not talking about resets between expansions, we are talking about resets happening every patch.
Seasons kind of suck because they invalidate almost all the launch content. The reason why Blizzard started using gear resets was mainly because it was hard to find groups for older raids. So new alts, or new players got kind of stuck so to speak.
LFR fixed this problem, as well as the cross server grouping tool. Blizzard just needed better grouping tools which they eventually added.
So, imo, they need to get rid of these huge gear resets every patch. It has turned the game into being hyper focused on a narrow set of content which just leads to burn out.
I think SoD has totally hit the sweet spot for how modern WoW could work. There are groups for every raid going now even with Naxx released. The undermine coins were a great idea, which didn’t invalidate the older tiers and level 60 dungeons.
It very much got old to go back into old instances as a guild to look for 1 specific item, IE Val’anyr shards in TOGC/ICC, Dragonwrath items now in Dragon Soul, or some random trinket that’s still absurdly good 2 tiers later, like Scarab Brooch being useable into TBC.
But this is also true. People who raid for gear in retail are doing it wrong, the primary way you get gear now in M+.
New patch gear has always been better than old patch gear, going all the way back to when BWL came out, and the only thing people cared about MC/Ony for was the tier 2 off Rag. The main thing that changed was the hyper-accelerated catchup at the start of a new season, so you didn’t have to linearly gear through all previous phases of the expansion’s content. You can get ready for Liberation of Undermine without having to go back and gear up in Nerubar Palace, since the new S2 catchup gear is enough for the new content, and faster/easier to get.
Careful with those facts, you might hurt someone!
The gear I’m wearing is still better than the questing stuff, even upgraded. My progression carried into this patch.
If yours didn’t and you were wearing trash, that’s on you.
The veteran items you can get are technically better than S1 myth when fully upgraded, but that relies on it not being a meh trinket or breaking a set bonus.
Oh boy does that really sum up the system in BC.
I started out in a cruddy guild - our players would get geared and then move on to more progressed guilds. Eventually it fell apart and I joined a really good guild.
But the server wasn’t that great on the Horde - so the recruitment pool wasn’t that great.
Even in this new, better guild - we spent so much time getting new recruits Heroic Keys, and getting them Hyjal/TK/Gruuls stuff, to do BT… it was insane.
It was almost like the Fated/Awakened Raids, where we squeezed in everything every time we had a new recruit or an old core guildy came back from retirement.
The seasonal resets are a boon. Now, if a buddy comes out of retirement, you don’t have to grind them up past 3 raids across the map - the current raid has split difficulties, or they can grind M+.
I’ve got 2 pieces at 645 now and could have a third, but it is horribly optimized.
When Cata released, the skill floor was higher than Wrath, which is when the bottom started to fall out. It has nothing to do with catch-up mechanics.
Again, this is an oversimplification of how things worked in the past verse how they work now.
Gear just had more longevity in the past, it took time to completely replace your raid gear from the previous tier. Many people didn’t even get all the items they wanted by the time the new raid came out. So, people would keep farming the older content. We can see this happeing in real time right now in the Classic servers.
Plus, the ilevel gap wasn’t as huge as it is today.
Modern WoW patches are almost complete game resets, this is not how things operated in the past.
It only hurts Blizzard running the game this way. They always had the issue of not being able to keep up with making good content quickly, killing off your entire patch content prior to the new patch content just doesn’t make sense for how they operate their development cycles.
These mini patches are awful as well, the content is just filler slop so they can have stuff to put on their content calenders. I’ve felt that these mini patches are eating into resources that could be better spent on making content that Blizzard is actually good at, dungeons and raids.
TWW has been the most bugged filled expansion I have ever played. I feel like I’m playing the early days of Vanilla at times.
It is painfully obvious that the development team is spread too thin at the moment. They need longer dev cycles, and they need to stop worrying about pumping out these giant patches that are essentially mini expansions.
I’ve hated this play the patch nonsense since it started years ago. I feel like I’m playing some weird amalgamation of Diablo and WoW mixed together.