The game before they had seasons

I think the new content that comes with seasons is great. All the resets suck. It removes any feeling of progression and accomplishment.


I started wow with seasons I don’t know how it worked before sadly

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We’ve always had resets. Since the beginning. New raid teirs have always made old raid teirs obsolete.


We always had “seasons” though, but they were limited to new raids/dungeons.

The ilvl discrepancy was not as bad either since we didn’t have 4 difficulty levels in raids.
I do agree that the hard resets suck, but without them, most people would just quit.

Just pick one season to play seriously per expansion and don’t fuss over it on others.
Best season is also usually the last season, as it lasts longer and does not gate/timekeep you as hard.


We’ve always had seasons…

Yeah but they weren’t called seasons


No they didn’t. Originally when you came into the game, you either had to go through all the previous content or find a guild to boost you lol.


I’ve never understood this. You progress all through season one, then in season two you progress through that, then when season three comes around you progress through that too. Where is any of your progress or accomplishments being removed?


Wrath really cemented the seasonal nature of WoW due to all of the catch up content added to push players into the latest raid.

TBC had it some, but not as full out.

Vanilla had people running every raid.


Ah so that’s how it worked

when a new raid tier came out in vanilla you still had to start from the first raid and work your way to the last raid with every character.

There was a point to running the old raids when a newer one came out.

There was no easy catch up gear that you could get that allowed you to bypass previous content for gearing.

I think we’re better off not needing to do that, but I think That’s what OP is talking about.


Yeah and, imo, it was better too. You had guilds progressing through every raid at the same time.


That’s not true. One had to progress through the heroics and raids just to try for the new gear in Vanilla and BC, some of Wotlk. It wasn’t until after Ulduar that players could do catch-up mechanics or catch-up dungeons and hop into the new raid similar to how resets work today.

Keys made it even worse. I remember joining mid to late BC and my guild having to run me through the heroics and the early raids, having to pug some of the larger raids, in order to gear up for the later raids like BT. There was no avenue for me to just jump into the newest raid content, which is what a reset does.

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BC felt like a never ending treadmill of dragging new players through heroics and attunements to replace raiders we’d lose as the expansion progressed.

I no lifed it back then with my guild but we barely managed to down gruul before the expansion ended because I was on a terrible server.

We were one of the only guilds on my server that managed to do it.


We pretty much had “seasons” for the majority of the game

You could argue classic didn’t to an extent but even that has catch up gear, and tbc has badges/MT at the end to help you basically skip all the earlier stuff

So kind of weird to think it’s a new thing

Yeah, I’m not complaining that it was changed, just pointing out resets weren’t always a thing. They changed it to this so players can come and go throughout an expansion without returning to find out they’d been left behind and put in maximum effort to catch up and join everyone else.

This is a lie. New tiers never instantly obsoleted all of your gearing as soon as it dropped with greens and quest rewards.

Seasons are one of the main things that have ruined WOW.


I know I was just getting some flashbacks

(Helicopter intensifies in the background)


You would usually get one or two catchup dungeons, a new zone that you needed to grind for something power related (like shoulder enchants or whatever) and the raid was the main focus.

It was the same back in the day, with major patches there was new raid , new dungeons which means new gear lol