I’ve played both. This way is better. Before they rarely did “catch up” until the last tier and if you joined late, you had to run previous raids or be carried to get gear. Made it very hard to get into raiding, cause not many people did older tiers.
Now every “season” has catch up, so yeah previous progression doesn’t matter. Solution? Stop worrying to max all your gear. I get AOTC/KSM and call it done. I don’t keep farming gear because I know it’ll be irrelevant anyway. I don’t even care to get gilded crests because I don’t raid Mythic and don’t see a point to pushing high M+
This way works so much better for swapping mains each season, I love playing different characters.
Ultimately the game feels better if you stop caring about the gear treadmill. The min/max. The BiS. Long as you have enough gear to get your goal, nothing else mattered
You’re welcome to view accessibility negatively, but WoW had started approaching critical mass when Wrath rolled out. The game up until that point was itself a more deliberately casual-friendly competitor to things like Everquest.
WoW continued adapting to keep casual players subscribed and engaged. Some players taking exception to the game opting to make general things more accessible is not a problem Blizzard can solve, because the root of that particular issue is people who want to feel superior or more important.
People whinge about the gear treadmill nowadays when it’s nothing like it used to be, and imo it’s good that it’s not that way anymore. You can get into content relatively quickly and see content if you try a little bit.
This would imply that not changing the formula at all could’ve potentially led to continued growth, when the reality is that Wrath had already plateaued by that point. An MMO plateauing doesn’t mean the game is stabilized, it means it’s gaining roughly as many players as it’s losing in the same timeframe.
The growth had already slowed down going into Wrath’s first half before the full-on plateau which lasted a bit more than a year.
The game actually saw an increase in growth going into Cataclysm before it started declining again past the halfway point.
WoW was never going to infinitely climb. Dumb decisions helped drop it as the years went on, but making the game more casually accessible is considered a point of success for Wrath.
But he wasnt wrong Naxx gear actually held up pretty well in TBC, unlike MC and BWL gear that got tossed quick, and people still used 2p Naxx for pre-bis in Classic. Come Wrath, T6 lasted till like 78, but when Cata dropped, Blizzard straight-up scrapped the whole idea Cata greens were basically right behind ICC gear, and past raid gear stopped mattering real fast. You had stated BIS vanilla raid gear but the only gear getting replaced asap was the bottom two raids.
he wants to troll the forums. its all he does.i’ve had him on ignore for almost a decade. I have never seen a single post where he doesnt troll the forums.
A random BoE green weapon drop from the very first zone in an expansion replacing a BiS raid drop is not “how it should be,” nor is it how it was since. My Heroic Dying Light from ICC lasted me until I hit Dragon Soul in Cata. My legendary staff from Cata lasted me all the way through the first raid of Mists. My Heroic SoO staff lasted me all the way until Highmaul.
The outrage over that happening from Vanilla into BC was pretty vocal. So they made sure that BiS items stayed that way for longer.