The game before they had seasons

Pretty sure that was only for vanilla and tbc, wotlk didnt require you to go through naxx ulduar toc and the like.


Guess that’s why it says “originally” lol.

No. It does not. And this was already addressed in further detail.

This isn’t strictly true. Catch up gear was introduced in WotLK, to lots of derision about “welfare epics” for “wrath babies”. Formal seasons were the next logical progression, starting with cataclysm. Before that, guilds were forced to progress from one tier to the next through a system of attunements and a lack of gear jumps.

The game doesn’t have enough population left to have people spread out across all the raids.

Green items in Hellfire were only on par with MC gear. If you had anything from BWL or beyond, you weren’t getting upgrades right away.

These forums are just full of posters that are utterly clueless about the game. I see so many comments that either delusional takes, or they completely try to rewrite the past.

Yes it does, the cross server tech fixed the issue of people not being able to get into older raids.

With LFR and the cross server grouping tool, you don’t need gear catch ups anymore.

Blizzard will never change how they’re doing things now because they don’t have the developers on staff that understand what makes a good MMO.

They’re too stuck in this boring live-service ecosystem at the moment to make any meaningful changes.

Blizzard seems more focused on seasonal grinds, time-gated progression, rather than long-term, meaningful RPG progression. It’s like they don’t know how to design engaging content without layering convoluted temporary systems over everything.

The people who shaped WoW’s golden age are mostly gone, and it’s obvious in the design philosophy. It’s less about crafting a deep world and more about keeping engagement metrics high.

This is incorrect as I had once again already stated earlier in this thread.

I understand this is a long thread, but please read before you try having the same argument that’s been debunked at least twice now. Thanks.

I’m not going in circles again with this. I know exactly what happened with what gear and when, as I was there for it.

Yep. I agree. You should look into that.

Moving on.

I was there too, and if you had BWL gear you didn’t replace these items as soon as you entered Hellfire.

I remember the complaints on the forums around the green drops being on par with Tier 2.

You can never be wrong, 38k posts of you never backing down, not even once. You definetly got way too much time on your hands with the amount of time you waste on these forums.

You’re like in every damn thread arguing with people until they put you on ignore. I had to ignore you on almost every toon I post on because of how much you just clog up threads with your nonstop posting.

Edit: You are completely forgetting that the tier 3 set bonuses made that gear worthwhile for some time.

People were still using Thunderfurry at level 70

Edit 2: You are also forgetting that a sizeable amount of players never got to AQ or Naxx, so it was a huge shock to many players entering TBC to see green drops that were on par with MC and BWL gear.

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Thunderfury was bis until Black Temple.

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You restating the same incorrect thing over and over does not make it debunked.

Exactly, most of these players were either kids in TBC or didn’t play back then. I was there, in my mid 20s and there was a lot of raid gear that was still used for a long time into TBC from Vanilla.

Most players didn’t do Naxx, very little people had T3 gear.

This is what Sendryn does. Best to just ignore them, because they’re utterly clueless when it comes to most topics.

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And Fyr’alath was BiS for more than one raid tier in recent Retail history.

Legendaries are a very obvious exception :wink:

Ive noticed.

It’s not incorrect whatsoever. I know exactly what happened when with my gear, as was stated. And I know exactly what was said by Blizz back then as well. I was in my mid twenties for BC. I know perfectly well how things were. Sorry you dislike what happened. Don’t know why you people are going off on personal attacks over what happened roughly 18 years ago in a video game. :roll_eyes:

Once more… moving on. The angry trolling from people in here is astounding.

Trinkets also tend to be here.

Back then gear was going up in ilvl but itemization made it that the older items sometimes are better.

Kael’thas neckpiece for tanks was very good inside tier 6 due to high raw stamina iirc.

you kids don’t remember the strength cloth gear.

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The funny thing about his argument, is that it was debunked when TBC Classic launched. Way more players were wearing Naxx gear coming into TBC Classic than there was in OG TBC.

Naxx gear carried over decently into TBC, especially for the first few levels and early dungeons. Some of the best items, like Atiesh and Kel’Thuzad’s weapon drops, and certain high-end set pieces, remained competitive for some time

You were wearing probaby mix of MC and ZG gear, that is everything was an UG for you.

I used my BWL gear for almost 2-3 levels into TBC. I didn’t really start replacing items until I ran more hellfire citadel.

Naxx gear was used a long time into TBC, this is exactly it played out in TBC Classic.

But you keep doing you, sticking your fingers in your ears.

You mean addressing these points earlier but you’d rather just make personal attacks instead of reading?

I told you to read the thread. Because all of this was addressed. You chose to be toxic instead.

God, it’s like you people are here just to hear yourselves act superior and end up looking foolish. :roll_eyes: :mute:

The irony of this statement. You are just like the other regular forum trolls, gets completely b hurt when people push back against your nonsense.

Maybe you need a break from these forums? I don’t think that is going to happen, you clearly have an addiction issue going on with this game.

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Yeeeuuuup. I hate the season model, always have always will.

WoW was a game that you could basically “Beat” until they put out the next raid, and that was fine, i dont think they really needed to make this endless grind each season because its just a cheap way to pad out numbers and keep people playing just to grind everything out again.

Personally it makes wow feel like a chore rather then a game.

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Yeah i noticed this trend back in DF, each season raids basically just hold trinkets hostage.

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Unless the game goes back to raiding as the only end game path this isn’t going away.

And that would be an extremely unpopular move.