Nobody remembers that because it didn’t happen.
One of the darkmoon cards from vanilla was useful up until getting the trinket drop out of Magisters terrace.
Nobody remembers that because it didn’t happen.
One of the darkmoon cards from vanilla was useful up until getting the trinket drop out of Magisters terrace.
They never overhauled specs like they do now.
WoW is very much a patch by patch game now. I’ve long thought they should just abandon expansions and just go full Diablo.
There are some really hot takes in this thread. I love how people try to compare old raid tier releases with this seasonal crap we have now.
Personally, I’m not a fan of what feels like constant overhaul of my talents. This is my main gripe with patches.
I have set rotations. I have become comfortable with these rotations. Since I have a TBI, not changing these things would help me.
It shocked me that I was not able to upgrade my new piece of gear, especially since the season hasn’t started.
So, two types of resets, but still a headache because a lot of it is not necessary.
On the topic of gear resets, the idea of a new patch basically resetting everything has been around since at least WotLK. ToGC and ICC really kicked off the whole “every patch has catch-up gear which lets you skip right into the latest raid”.
It’s just sort of how the game works. It’s an eternal gear treadmill, and they didn’t want to lose players to feeling like they’re behind and can’t catch up.
Talents I wish they’d take a good long look at the classes and their respective fantasies and do a revamp in an expansion release then leave them be for a while outside of minor tweaks, unless something is just really broken.
Then you are misremembering. It was a whole outrage fiasco and Blizz even had to step in and say they wouldn’t do it again. Literal BoE greens in Hellfire were better than some pieces from Vanilla raids.
Because folks are arguing in good faith. If you want to take on the extreme stance on this, we have to look towards the this question: why does Blizzard sometimes disable certain trinkets and gear sets?
Now’a’days they do it because it is an old season, or an old expansion, or anything else like that. But they didn’t use to do this… which is why folks who understood raiding told people that unless the Siege of Orgrimmar trinkets were disabled, they would still be BiS during WoD’s SECOND TIER RAID. Not just the first one.
This is why it has always been like this … since Blizzard realized how horrendous of a system it is to make people have to go back to older raids to farm stuff for current ones. Which is what people needed to do during Vanilla and during TBC. Less so during Wrath. Which is why this has been how it has largely worked since Wrath onwards.
People don’t want to go back to older raids to do the new ones. Folks wanna play the game that they have right now and right in front of them. Attunements were gotten rid of for this exact reason, and what you are talking about is essentially the gearing version of attunement.
What you are calling whack and dumb is the game catering to what people want: to play the game, and not have to study a spreadsheet in order to enter a dungeon, in order to enter a raid, in order to enter another raid, to then finally be able to enter the raid that they wanted to do in the first place.
Gear functioned similarly to that in the past, not in an exact 1-to-1, but you still had to go through all of the older raids to pick up the pieces you were missing and to fill out whatever holes you needed to fill out in order to get to do the raid everyone else in your guild were doing.
then why must you have it if it doesn’t matter?
this is false. the good-geared don’t need gear resets. they’re already ahead.
How exactly does resetting gear for everybody provide an advantage to people who are reliant on gear for decent performance compared to people who are less reliant on gear for decent to great performance?
the gear reset resets the geared, not the ungeared.
great question.
Glad I could answer.
You’re arguing with lack of logic trolling. I wouldn’t waste the time.
… So… You’ve said this:
Ilvl doesn’t reset run history or logs, nor does it reset achievements.
You are implying that unskilled or less skilled players benefit more from gear resets than skilled players while also implying that an ilvl reset each season somehow hides a lack of experience. In a world where achievements and run history do not exist this would be plausible, but the game’s basic functions render your entire point moot.
This would imply that you believe (correctly, probably the only correct part of what you’ve said) that more skilled players can make things work in more environments, which I agreed with:
More skilled players will be able to do more with less gear when compared to less skilled players. The purpose of ilvl resets is to put everyone on the same starting point, but everybody cannot capitalize that starting point equally. Somebody with experience doing high end content isn’t somehow now equal in ability to a player who is incapable of getting KSM or a Normal raid clear just because they’re placed in a relatively similar starting position in terms of gear.
Are you now disagreeing with your own statement? You more or less stated yourself that more skilled players can get further on less gear, but now suddenly a gear reset removing a crutch from lesser skilled players who effectively are building up gear to soft nerf content are at an advantage?
Make it make sense. You won’t be able to, but humor me.
Geared people have an advantage in the new season because they have tier sets, trinkets, and better itemized gear that will last them until they get better stuff from the new raid or m+
The people just gearing up with the catchup gear aren’t going to have those bonuses. They’re going to have limited options with itemization, no tier bonuses, and bad trinkets.
they get boosted more by the gear resets though.
the ilvl delta is greater for the bads.
Realistically, the only thing that really changed is that you can catchup without doing the old raids.
Cata/MoP it would reset your valor.
Wrath introduced a new tier of badges every tier.
I’m confused what you want. Do you want to go into new raids and not have new gear upgrades in them or something?
If you’re geared from season 1 you’re not going to be replacing gear with just random catchup gear. You’re going to be replacing it with raid/m+ gear that’s actually better.
Your tier set from last season still works and you probably aren’t going to replace that until you get 4 pieces of the new tier.
Your BiS trinkets from last tier are still going to be better than any of the catch up gear trinkets and you won’t replace them until you get better ones from raid or M+.
You never feel powerful anymore, even during farm, so it doesn’t matter anymore.
You never had anything to have reset is what I’m getting at. I guess I kinda feel powerful in Delves, kinda lol. Everything is still a complete meat shield and the AOE garbage destroys you no matter how good your gear gets.
I feel powerful during my one world quest I do a week, the one gold world quest per week, wow!
Oh, pray tell us about how it worked before. I want to hear it.
Well, this is because M+ lets you prog at basically full power.
Last 2 bosses of the raid never feel good, ever, some guilds were never even able to kill Queen on Mythic. That means you literally never felt powerful in the raid lol.
Even when I got AOTC, it was a tooth pull the entire time and I never wanted to do Heroic again after.