The game before they had seasons

It was just called tiers instead of seasons until M+ became a part of it as well in Legion.

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When did WoW ever not have some kind of seasons?

What’s new is the immediate replacement when new content drops. We aren’t talking a better ilvl, but that the floor of the next season is higher than the cap of the last for the most part, where there used to be a gradual overlap. Yes you no longer had BiS when the new patch dropped, but your gear you had wasn’t suddenly “bad” like with the recent model.


Sir/ma’am, this is a video game. None of it matters. Maybe your issue is placing your self worth with how high your ilvl is compared to others.


Most classes keep their old tier until they get 4 pieces of the new tier, which certainly isn’t instant unless you’re very lucky. Same goes for trinkets. Spymaster’s Web is still a B tier trinket for shadow priest in Season 2 for example.


Yes, some items carried over from earlier raids to the next, I’m not saying there weren’t exceptions to the rule.

But for the most part, prior raids became either obsolete, or farm raids to prep a team for the current raid.

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Nothing changed other than the term. The game always had seasons. It just used to be called tiers. The only differene is the season number resets to 1 with every new expansion, where the tier number didn’t. War Within season 1 is technically tier 32. At some point the tier number had to go because it got large enough to make people go what?


Died in Warlords. We have proof.


When new raids or dungeons dropped, new gear was avail making old gear not as attractive. As far as I’m concerned not much has changed.

This is pretty nonsensical.

Gear is gear. Resets don’t help people who are relying on gear as a crutch. Resets help people who are skilled enough to get more out of less gear early on.

What are you even on about?


People only ran old raids in vanilla to catch up gear on alts because there wasn’t any other content to do in vanilla. They didn’t have 5 man end-game content in vanilla that was relevant after raiding besides to farm crafting mats.

10/20 man raids in vanilla and TBC were maybe considered catch-up content I guess.


Not merely in the PvE sphere. In PvP the gladiator gear would become next season’s honor gear. Again, a gradual increase. It wasn’t a case of new PvP honor greens being higher ilvl than last seasons gladiator gear. Your gear went from BiS to “decent”, not BiS to “bad”, it’s not the same thing unless you are looking at it solely through a binary “Do I have BiS gear atm? y/n” lens. Also things didn’t scale either, so comparatively you didn’t feel like the gear that was not outclassed was actively worse.

Think of it from the leveling perspective. You are the strongest you will ever be in this game comparatively speaking, at level 11, even though at later levels you got all these new abilities and higher stats and better gear, everything takes longer to kill.

The whole system in the game now is out of whack and dumb. Absolute resets happened every expansion, not every patch. Lack of scaling made even outdated gear still feel like it had some value, even if not BiS.

I still don’t know why the “always been like this” comments are implying as soon as the Sunwell patch (the first to really lean heavily in to catch-up stuff) dropped, Black Temple gear was outclassed by everything else, it wasn’t, and anyone who tries to pretend it was is being disingenuous or just didn’t play then and have no clue what they are talking about.

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Dude, another silly take from you. Sometimes I wonder if you Blizz boys even played the game back in the early days.

Old patches didn’t completely reset gear as soon as it dropped. I hate the Diablofication of WoW personally. Makes the expansions feel cheap. I feel like I’m playing some gimmicky WoW version of Fornite.


Resets have always been a thing. And every time it happens many get frustrated. I’m one of them.

Now I have to go and read up on my class to ensure my rotations are correct.

Personally, I’d like to see Blizz take the mentality of “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it”. Alas, it’s usually the opposite.

No, they don;t work like they do now.

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My fury warrior has had several talent resets in the past years coinciding with new content.

So, I’m not sure what you are seeing, but yes…we have always had resets and generally… IMHO… they tend to be unnecessary.

Again, my opinion and what I have experienced.

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We are not talking about small talent changes here, lol.


Small talent changes?!?

What happened to Guthild was not small. I have lost entire talents.

Then add the inability to upgrade armor that I just earned last week because all of my valor stones are reset.

Yes, I understand the frustration.

Most resets suck.

Even if that was the topic, talent overhauls still were mostly a new expansion thing unless something was really problematic like 3.0 DKs. Or I guess those early vanilla ones were they were updating what were effectively placeholder trees from when the game launched.

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So I’m of two minds on this.

On the one hand, change for the sake of change? Yeah, that’s bad. Reinventing the wheel every 6 months isn’t good for whoever’s using that wheel. Case in point, Arcane Mage and Shadow Priest. They’re a whirlwind to play for more than one season, and recently to play for more than half of one season.

On the other hand… I’d rather deal with more frequent changes than being stuck with whatever the current design model for a given spec or class is. Rogue and DK are both pretty modern examples of this design philosophy, and the issues with it show in how they’ve changed (or more critically, haven’t). When they do get bad changes, those changes seem to stick for longer, and even good changes seem less likely to impact fundamental issues on the specs due to how and when they are (or aren’t) pushed.