The game before they had seasons

Turns over so fast there’s not even a reason to enchant or gem out your gear half the time, even when you have those professions.


= / =

Not by a Lando Longshot

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Collecting has stopped being fun as well.

Each new season makes collecting things harder, as they remove so much from the former season / expansion. You can not even upgrade your old gear anymore, so that transmogs and the like become unoptainable.

This game has declined in so many ways over the years, I am just waiting for housing and if it´s not what I expect and enjoy, I am off to new waters. It´s not the money I spend, it´s the content and it´s constant removal that I am just unwilling to endure anymore.

To me this would be much much better than what we have now. This is great – if a new player starts playing then they also have a starter-raid where other new players are playing. Once they get geared, they can move on to the current content with the experience of raiding under their belt.

Note that prior to seasons, wow hit its peak amount of players in wrath. It has never even gotten close to reaching those numbers since.

It turns out seasonal content cycles make it very easy to escape from WoW.


It kinda makes one have to be a bit more invested in the game vs most games. A lot of people don’t want to play the amount needed to “catch up” meaning they aren’t able to maintain their relative power from one season to the next, reliably.

For example, my friend just had a kid. They don’t play wow anymore, they play games that they can pick up quickly. However earlier, when they had their first kid, wow did not have seasons so they were able to pick up essentially right where they left off.

IF you don’t play wow for a couple seasons, you log in to a character that has basically turned into a noob again. If someone can’t play enough to keep up, they fall behind. It’s deflation, essentially

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wrath had vendor based gear to fill in slots.

and its tiers/seasons/phases died at each one.

OG wrath ulduar fell off for runs when gtoc hit.

in the redo, they #somechanged an ilevel squish in to have Ulduar comparable to gtoc gear.

Fun fact…ulduar attendance still fell off in redo. More people liked the fast clear of gtoc over the walking simulator.

Naxx and vaults only kept up numbers because of pvp and gdkp.

Pvp needed the pve weapons since not PVP options unless rated. gdkp had some go wth…lets make some gold in naxx/vaults. usually off the pvp’ers.

True, but you typically could not just skip to ToC if you had no gear. You had to go back to Ulduar or Naxx first to get a high enough ilvl to do ToC. It was always one raid tier backward looking. They always made the previous tier much easier to get too. In later seasons you could even grind Heroics to get gear 2 tiers behind (When ToC released you could get Naxx level gear from heroic dungeons).

I played in Wrath but never raided or did group content really. I was a noob doing quests and a little pvp (but not farming gear, just queuing for un-ranked stuff)

And I really enjoyed it at the time. I was very casual, though, and if I had to keep up with anything like our current seasons I definitely would have quit. Particularly with how current scaling works

So I can see how a new player today might try out a single season, and then leave

but people wont want to do the old raids, we’ve been over this already.
They want to do current content.
New system is fine, if you dont like it, there are other games.

that is true for about a year, until new people start playing that have never seen the “old” content

No, which is why you are lying as opposed to having a different opinion. There was a huge difference between tiers and seasons and how they affected the game.

You’re free to disagree, it’s just better if you don’t lie about objective facts while doing so.

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I love the mentality of “It’s the same” - No, it isn’t. Not even remotely.

I didn’t grind out Mythic raid gear…to replace it going into a normal six months later and have to reacquire every gear piece before moving to heroic. That change happened during DF. (And for anyone that states I haven’t - Saristalynas - Silvermoon EU is my main).

In Vanilla it was - MC->ZG->BWL->AQ->Naxx; Using t1 or t1.5 you could step into Naxx and struggle, but still clear content.

TBC - Kara, Mag’s Lair, Gruul’s - SSC, TK - > MH, BT → ZA, SWP - In t4, you could go into ZA, SWP much the same way.

Wrath - Naxx 10/25, SL, The Eye ->Uldaur->TGC->Naxx - The progression staggered a bit here, but still much the same.

The difference between tier then? 15-20 ilvl, not 40 ilvl that reset every 4-6 months.

So, never was there a point where you went into a new expansion and were replacing gear with greens from the first zone, as mentioned above. The previous expansion’s final tier nearly always lasted until the last 2 or final level.

Now? You replace things constantly throughout the “seasonal” model - which means outside of Achievements, it’s based around heavy engagement. Part of why I originally left during Shadowlands.

At no point during an expansion should every bit of my gear become irrelevant because they’ve decided to add another 40 ilvl.

I think there are positives and negatives to the current seasonal basis - but the previous poster who said that it’s more like Diablo seasons was spot on.


not going to continue to engage with Allorlia and his sock puppets who just put everyone who disagrees with him in a “you’re lying” box. Ok gurl, enjoy the echo chamber.

The rest of you who keep pushing this argument are about 4 expansions too late. As I said before, if you hate it, there are other games out there for you.

I would say at its core wow is still the same as it was in 2004. You level you grind gear. New content comes out you grind new gear. Wow has always been a gear progression game and hasnt changed since 2004. Just the speed and the things you do to get gear has. I am very thankful we have multiple verisons of wow now to enjoy and grind gear in allbeit im slightly different ways

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In a single season, explorer gear becomes champion gear.
You’re already trash in a single tier shift.
If you’re 2 tiers behind, you might as well be 10 levels behind too, without the botched scaling to help you.

We don’t have expansion cycles anymore, just seasonal ones.
I quit it far faster now too.

Like people posted above, there are positives and negatives to that approach, but making the whole game being about a power trip gear grind treadmill is not the right direction IMO.

Some items from every “season” or regardless of seasons should have more staying power.

Those were the Legion legendaries, and one of the reasons that expansion worked so damn well despite its flaws, and it’s the one expansion I’d still be playing today in Classic, for a good while, if we ever get permanent era servers for each expansion, regarless of player count of queue times.


No, the whole point of MC > BWL > AQ > NAXX was the resists, you don’t have resits, you died
People needed the fire resits from MC to do BWL, BWL nature resits were needed for AQ, and AQ gearing was horrible and confusing

There is no real considerable differences to how gear and progression worked since 2004. Indicating anything else is being disingenuous.

:thread: :mute: :no_bell:

It got pretty close at the start of WoD.

In addition during dragonflight there was a leak from a dev conference that wow subs have been climbing since near the end of SL and that retail specifically is probably sitting around 7 mill worldwide or so

Then at the start of TWW the person who runs wow logs suggested that based on their data, between all versions world wide, wow probably has more subs at this point then wrath. Note that’s not retail having more subs, but wow in general, split between retail, classic, SoD, and anniversary, but it stands to reason that retail is probably the majority.

lets just say vanilla/classic is my new favorite. cant believe i’ve been playing seasonal wow for 15 years LOL. sure classic has phases, but thats much different.

fresh is still on the first raid and you can get good enough gear for the final raid, naxx, almost a year before it comes out, without ever stepping foot into a raid lmfao.