I don’t think you get my point at all.
Typical, trollish Akston comment.
I don’t think you get my point at all.
Typical, trollish Akston comment.
Gear went further in the past because the game was also significantly easier. There was nothing that even comes close to how difficult Mythic raiding is today, so trying to compare how effective gear was is a bit pointless.
If you want to say the skill ceiling has gotten a bit high, you can certainly get plenty of people to agree with that.
Name calling.
Typical larkyn comment.
I get your point. It just doesn’t apply in the way you think it does.
One of the complaints people have about gear today is that BIS is so much harder to get. They miss the days of being finished on a character and dropping off until next content patch.
As has already been pointed out a few times, this is a lie.
Yup, exactly.
People are saying they are having less fun in this system. That is a subjective comment. There is no “holding water”. YOU may enjoy the system as it is, -I- do not. Telling someone else how they feel is a waste of time and effort.
Plenty of people get AOTC first week, that is not the point. What you seem to acknowledge here is that the difficulty of heroic raid goes up to compensate for the ilvl change which is significant now – 39 ilvl. I think the last time I got first-week AOTC the split was only 26 ilvl. If seasons were only 13 ilvl difference I think a lot of us that are not enjoying the system could enjoy it a bit more.
I don’t know about you, but I’m glad I don’t have to use Spymasters anymore and I would not, under any circumstance, want to try and coerce a 20-man raid team to go through Mythic Nerubar Palace again to try and get a Myth-track version of one for each of our casters, or to run it through for every new trial or person who swapped to a different class this tier.
Rather spend that time raiding current content and progressing on new bosses, rather than going back to farm old content. We can go back to farm Nerubar for Mythic mounts after we finish the current raid and have some time left over but to do the old raid for gear upgrades? Last time I did that was specifically for finishing Dragonwrath back in Cata (which was only one day from completion and a quick farm run, not a whole ordeal like Mythic is now).
I’m not really suggesting that.
If S1 raid trinkets were equivalent to or better than S2 raid trinkets, then that’s what you’d end up with. Tier sets are the only thing that last more than a few days into a new season because to break them you usually want at least 2 or even 4pc of the new set.
That’s not what I said, though
These were primary the parts I was talking about.
You can hold onto the old stuff and nothing is forcing you to change except for ilvl and performance, if the old stuff was able to be made comparable to new stuff, then it recreates the problem.
does not equal this:
I find this constant intentional misunderstanding exhausting on these forums and I’m just going to delete my idea
You probably just lost me in saying you want S1 trinkets to be usable beyond their tier.
S1 trinkets still work and function and people can still get S1 trinkets from Palace. They are still usable and will likely be used until people actually get upgrades. To say you want to hold onto them a season later when nothing is stopping you from doing that now is saying you want them to be comparable to current.
The first seasons of PVE content was 3rd tier of WOTLK. Before that, dungeon loot didnt make previous tier obsolete.
This guy is 100% correct, regardless of what he haters say.
One refinement to what he said. I would say it was always the current raid tier and previous raid tier that was relevant. Basically if you joined the game you always had to go to the previous raid tier and grind up before you could really progress to the current raid tier. Its pretty much the same with seasons now. In TBC and WoLK they even started catch up mechanisms, which really made anything more then one raid tier behind obsolete as there wasn’t much point in doing it, unless you were just getting ran through as a fresh max level.
I see no issue with the season system. I just wish they really simplified the gear tracks and currencies. With the ability to upgrade gear now with tokens, there really doesn’t seem to be a real reason to have gear tracks anymore. They could just add more levels to the upgrade system and use higher levels of the same currency for gear. It seems really silly to add in so many different types of token. To me that is the biggest issue. Like seasonal gear should be different tracks for different tiers or seasons, but why do there need to be 3-4 tracks within a system when we have an upgrade system these days?
i think its pretty disingenous to call someone a “liar” for not seeing the piddly differences between season and tiers as not similar enough to call it the same thing. Maybe normalize not calling eveyrone who disagrees with a take a “liar.” Your “progress” which you were bellyaching about to begin with …is “lost” when a new tier started as well. That’s the main complaint right? still happened before.
But whatever, if we’re doing all or nothing, then i’ll just say that we’ve had seasons for the last how many xpacs.? if you hate it, then its time to move on, me thinks.
I dont think enough players want to go back to tiers that last too long and have zero ways to catch up and force people to go tghrough periovus raid tiers to catch up. ship has sailed
Dude, the differences are not piddly. This is why forum posters like Allorlria get so frustrated with people like yourself. You are basically trying to shoot down their position by trying to revise how the game worked in the past.
It makes your position look weak, and your arguments seem disingenuous.
I see comments like yours a lot on this forum. You could have easily avoided this thread, but you chose to hop into it because the OP comments some how got under your skin.
It is fine to like how the current game plays, that is your perogative, but trying to push this idea that the game always had “seasons” is just silly.
You either didn’t play in earlier versions of the game, or you’re purposely trying to misrepresent because you don’t like that there are people out there that don’t like how modern WoW plays.
omg how dare I disagree with someone on a forum… (eyeroll)
Pretty ironic coming from you.
we dont agree…case closed.
Notice how i can do it without calling you a liar or other names.
Notice how i can do it without sock-puppeting the words/opinions of someone that’s on ignore.
But pvp gear did. there was another way with the R11+ gear.
swing by SoD and Anniv threads sometime…we’ve had rants on it often.
Or I can be nice and summarize AV threads for ya.
honor per hour carebears ranting on turtles.
balance issues that let drek or kek happen from pvp’ers.
and rants on afk’s in AV (pvp and carebears unite here).
When anniv gets AB, that will be “let them win” rants. You’d be surprised how much honor you get from losing 5 capped…on purpose. SoD had their AB fun. Anniv awaits theirs.