The game before they had seasons

Pretending the seasonal cycle is the reason subs dropped after wrath is being extremely dishonest.

i think seasons were ultimately the nail that eventually lead to the coffin for wow. even though they were introduced in TBC.

Weird because wow isn’t dead

So that coffin hasn’t even been made yet, muchless nailed down

its soul is pass away long ago :< i cri

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I’ve posted the idea many times that if they really want to give us stuff to do then let us upgrade stuff from previous seasons. It wouldn’t have to be all the way, and they might need to balance some items, but it would make the game feel a lot more coherent


That’s a problem.

Not really.

Oh, I remember farming the “resists” - Like farming the NR pieces from Dire Maul and Mara, or the Living Essence for crafted NR pieces; namely only for Huhuran. (And all lower ilvl gear - ~ilvl 45, to do a raid that rewarded ilvl 64.) to hit 300 NR, or 310 if you were a Night Elf.

Fire resist for MC was primarily not needed (as much of it came on the tier 1 pieces) - the only exception I ever really seen used was for Rag (Greater Fire Resist Pots), the Ony Scale Cloak was needed for Nef - and yet again.

And you only needed Cold Resist for Saph in Naxx…which again, primarily was crafted.

However - you didn’t need it to clear the majority of the content of the raids was my point.

Its most likely causes were:

some came for arthas, they didn’t care about a dragon.

world rekt

and cata started to make wow harder. even in dungeon. tank and spank was going out the door. I ran rook dungeon last night first time. I was going okay, this is normal leveling? Its not the normal I am used too from classic focus by tbcc. Not even close lol…

Its obviously because we dont have any more jousting dailies.

But tbh it was mostly because MMOs lost their “trendiness”. The people quitting didnt go to another MMO. They left the genre completely.

This is the only character I ever post on. How hurt your ego must be to be proven to be lying. It must burn you up inside. Perhaps if you get up and go get a juice box from your mum it might make you feel a little better and less embarrassed?

I said MC was needed for BWL. MC Beastmaster Armor set has +8 to all resists

I made no mention of needing things for MC