The game before they had seasons

They always had “seasons”, just labeled as “raid tiers”.

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The Blizzard apologists in this thread are just down right hilarious. Imagine having this much devotion to a video game where try to make excuses for the modern game’s flaws by revising history.

WoW, did not have “seasons” like we have now, sorry, but this is just a flat out lie, or an oversimplification of how things operated in the past.

Modern WoW operates like a Diablo season now, everything is completely reset when .1 patches drop. Each patch almost operates like a mini-expansion.

Trying to equate new raid tiers in the old versions to “seasons” now is just moronic. Everyone saying this in this thread knows they’re being disingenuous when they make these comments.


Exactly - I dont see a point in playing or progressing my gear. The instant feeling of replacing my uber leet weapon at the start of a new season with a green I get from the first quest kind of pisses me off and makes me feel like I just wasted a BUNCH of time. I know “time having fun isn’t wasted blahblahblahblah” but the truth is grinding really isn’t all that fun - it is fun because it has a point.

Raiding with Pugs is toxic AF and has the potential to have your account banned for speaking back to ANY toxicity - SUPER lame.
I don’t have time to find a raiding guild because I have a real life and frankly I just don’t want to…

PvP is boring because there are so many try hards unless I am uber geared or spend a bunch of time researching builds and rotations to min max DMG I cant even touch another player. As a hunter (which is supposed to be easy class?) I should be able to do SOME damage to a caster… PvP now just seems like insta death and respawns - also because no one seems to play objective and focuses on dmg output only in numbers even if we are losing the match hard…

the world is silent and dungeon groups don’t talk at all - hell some of the guilds I joined also don’t talk. I don’t want to join a discord because I am sensitive to sound and frankly dislike most gamers voice and inflection (toxicity)

I found I only like collecting toys and mounts now but that quickly faded - I spend hours collecting mounts I forget about a week later…?

I was excited for housing but … if that is the only thing I want to play in the game (if it is even done well) then I may as well play the Sims.

Time to pack it up - I guess I am over gaming? The FOMO reaches out sometime but that’s such a predatory tactic I instantly become irritated and have my sub refunded. ( like today)


The amazing thing about the people who disagree here is that they are trying to disagree with people saying “this is what is fun for me. This is what is not fun for me”

Like someone else can tell me what is fun, what I enjoy or not.

I took the opposite direction. I just got a trinket in a dungeon and I guess it is good – but I feel nothing. I barely looked at it. Actually – I haven’t even equipped it yet.

This to me is the result of gear rotating out so fast that the dopamine hit is gone. I know I’ll replace it very soon so why feel anything about it

Also I am not saying that no gear progression is good. But the current gear progression is way too fast. There is a “goldilocks zone” possible where I would get that dopamine hit again. I think they should add more upgrade potential (like between seasons). If I knew I could upgrade a piece of gear later I would probably get a dopamine hit

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When hasn’t there been a new patch that didn’t reset progression?

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Legion introduced seasons as they are now. Before that, it was raid tiers.


The raids still reset progression though. The only thing that changed is they made dungeons relevant for the whole expansion, not just the first month.

What do you mean by reset progression, specifically? How was it reset?

ICC gear replaced all of trial gear, which replaced all of ulduar gear, which replaced all of naxx gear, which replaced all of dungeon gear. This isn’t a new thing.

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After trial, did people have to re-gear up before going into ICC?

No, and you don’t have to do that currently either…

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No. Your trial gear allowed you to start the next “tier” ICC - just like today. In fact you could do from Ulduar directly to ICC if you were skilled enough. Your season 1 tww raid gear allows you to start the next season 2 tww raid. Add in heroic and mythic raids and you can easily move into the next “season” or “tier”.

Nothing new here other than the name no matter how hard one specific person wants it to be.

There is very little nuance on these forums when it comes to the game. A lot of folks take criticism against the game as a personal affront.

Many fandoms can’t process the idea that someone can like something, but still have certain criticisms. I see this crap in politics all the time, it just gets exhausting.

One thing is, there is a core group of people that spend way too much time on these forums rebutting almost every single issue that is brought up. I’ve long thought that Blizzard has paid plants here, to run damage control. I would not be surprise if this is true.


Nobody is forcing someone to do that. But if you go into mythic raid this season, wearing mythic raid gear from last season, your group will maybe kill the first boss if people are extremely talented.

That is very different than in the past. You could do Naxx in Molten Core gear if you wanted

I personally entered this season with all mythic gear. I am replacing my mythic raid gear with stuff from world quests and level 2 keys. Feels bad. I don’t know how you don’t see it.

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Blizzard basically forced patches to operate like mini-expansions. This is what I think many of us are trying to articulate. In the past, you just jumped into the next raid with your gear from the prior raid, now you gotta refarm dungeons again to get enough ilevel to stay competitive.

Blizzard just expanded the treadmill. This is mainly a M+ issue, and the developers trying to prop up these other endgame pillars.

Edit: In the past, you didn’t typically go back into 5 man content to get gear for new raids. We did get a few post launch dungeons in the older versions that had rewards worth running for.

They also used valor and badges to incentivize running dungeons as well.


My friend.

You are sitting here insulting anyone that has a different opinion than you

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I think the old design had merit the only issue with the old design is running old content to catch up to new content. But badge gear solved that problem.


:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

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I’ll never get why people get so pissy-pants about seasons.
Tiers worked the same way as seasons and they arguably had less ways to “catch-up” than the current systems do.

Of all things to complain about, this is the one where I just dont see how this argument holds water.

My main is geared in what is the equivalent of mythic season 1 gear.
I am able to (if i wanted to, but usually wont) jump right into heroic raid without doing normal first. I was also able to start keys at like 4. given that the drops in 10’s are the best you can get, i would never expect to go right into that level at the start of the season. This has to be earned, and I expect and respect that.

I dont see how a new season makes my previous season “irrelevant.” but ok.

Blizzard is designing the game for the drop in and drop out players. They just have a ton of competition now, and modern gamers don’t have the attention spans gamers had 20 years ago.

There is no way you will be able to jump right into heroic with 626 gear

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Raid logging is the highest example of drop in/out players.

Which is what we had before.