Welcome to seasons also known as tiers (in older xpacs) and what WoW has always been…nothing new.
No different than when WoW basically started with in 2004…It has not changed.
This is exactly it
YOUR guild does not spend time in normal but this seems quite hyperbolic.
First off, early in the season valorstones are actually needed for upgrades so doing a normal will be a quick source of valorstones.
Second – doing a quick normal clear takes what – an hour? With a chance at champion trinkets. Seems like you’re the one doing the hand wringing
If it didn’t have a lot of benefit we wouldn’t see the world first guilds spending multiple days on normal/heroic splits
Also, in your queen kill from this past season, you have several people using trinkets from normal raid
It was always like this. New raid comes out with new gear that’s better then the old. They just didn’t name it seasons.
What world first guild is doing splits in normal raid this season?
Everything released at the same time this week. For season 1 normal and heroic released without M+ and Mythic being available. There was nothing else to do but normal and heroic splits.
That 1-2 hours spent in normal will be spent full clearing heroic and as many Mythic bosses as you can.
Echo, Liquid, and Method. I am not sure if Instant Dollars or Fat Shark Yes go into normals
This is nothing new, they all did it last season, too. Echo is paying 70k gold to people to help with normal splits
IMO Max is an excellent raid leader
whatever you say bob continue on with your echo chamber
Tuned into Max’s stream to see them clearing normal.
When I’m owned, I’m owned.
Still better than farming Nerub for the entire xpac to get spymasters.
It’s my opinion. It is neither right or wrong. You think the game is perfect as it is, good for you. I’m glad you’re having fun
Wow. Such a short post, but so much completely wrong. You didn’t even play BC, much less vanilla, did you?
No, this hasn’t been a thing since BC.
No, a new tier didn’t instantly make all your gear useless.
No, BIS gear wasn’t invalidated by greens in HFP. I used some of my NOT BiS gear well into Nagrand. And that’s with the very special case of BC changing stamina budgeting on gear (giving a LOT more).
And trying to pretend that a once-every-two-years defacto “reset” (which really wasn’t, as outlined above) is in anyway the same psychologically as an every-six-months actual reset is about as laughable as your usual takes.
I appreciate civil conversations! Thanks for talking
Once I get my RBG 1800+ Shoulderpads for my Paladin, I’m just going to acquire the lowest PvE item level of the season for every season going forward and stay there. I likely won’t buy future expansions and I will just stay in the previous one; only playing new content when it gets baked into the base game.
If PvP gear lasted for a whole expansion, then perhaps I’d have a change of heart, but I can’t be bothered with the gear treadmill again and again every few short months, especially when I have alts I’d like to play.
Ok, it’s possible, but I don’t think you’d like it.
To do this, you’d need to remove the item level difference between “difficulties” and have a 39 item level progression per expansion instead of per tier. That means more cosmetic differences between difficulties.
Then you’d need to cap how much gear you could get every week. Now that dungeons and delves are endgame pillars in their own right (and infinitely farmable), they’d probably drop blue items and you’d need to use currency to upgrade them (trading more time investment for the opting out of the logistical challenges of raiding) outside of vault drops.
Then you’d need to remove resets points. So a new character would need to progress through the whole expansion, key levels would go up 10 levels every patch, new gear drops would need to have increasingly steep currency costs as the expansion progressed.
There are other issues too.
It’s possible, I just don’t think you want it.

Before seasons, our currencies would reset as well
Currencies didn’t reset before they started the seasonal thing. They would sometimes add new currencies but they didn’t reset them.
The community was 10x better. Not so competitive with everyone trying to do better than every other player in the game.
And would you look at that, the mythic race for world first raiders are wearing last season gear for their progression.
lAsT sEaSoN gEaR wAs ReSeT hUrR dUrR
You just outed yourself as someone who has no clue about what they are talking about. Look at Liquid’s raider io page. Now look at Echo’s. Now look at Method’s. None of them have killed a single mythic boss yet. They have not started progression.
They are in normal and heroic raids TO REPLACE THE GEAR FROM LAST SEASON
hahaha, moron
The next time you try to call someone stupid, don’t do it by saying something so incredibly moronic. This is 60 IQ behavior
EDIT: I can’t stop laughing. You spent the time to do capitalize every other letter. bwahahahahaha. I have a headache from laughing

We’ve always had resets. Since the beginning. New raid teirs have always made old raid teirs obsolete.
Not really,
when I was in Sunwell I still had a shield from BT on my pally and a mace I think from Hyjal. A lot of my gear in SSC and TK was still from Kara or crafted.
To get to Kara and Gruul, you needed gear from dungeons or crafts. It was a real progression chain, that you could not just skip, because T5 or T6 came out.
When Sunwell hit, they allowed a bit of catch up, but to my knowledge the gear was just an addition and not a skip button.
My BT shield was still BIS, despite the vendor.
When we did raid Naxx, I had mostly BWL gear too, maybe one or two 2.5s. There were quest items in classic, that you were still using in MC and BWL, or for certain encounters like the poison bee in AQ 40.
We did never throw away our gear when a new raid tier hit.
Mostly because m+ and delves did not exist.

The community was 10x better. Not so competitive with everyone trying to do better than every other player in the game.
Really? I distinctly remember it being just as worse.
People bragging and insulting you at training dummies.
People requiring to inspect your gear before they would invite you.

This has been a thing since BC, though. Once a new tier came out, your gear was useless again.
And who remembers getting BiS gear in Vanilla raids, then replacing it in the first 30 seconds from a green drop in Hellfire? Happened to me.
Sorry, but I don´t believe you.
Either you did not raid Naxx or you are mixing things up here. Naxx gear was viable until you hit at least level 68 if not even normal dungeons, depending on your class and spec.
Many of us in Classic, were using our gear for many months, even in new raid tiers.
As a Druid Tank in MC, you are using a lot of drops from Blackrock Spire or DM, shadowcraft from Strath and so on.
As a Mage you were using a crafted robe in MC, you were using a world drop green or cape from Strath…
Gear was never thrown away, but used throughout a new tier of content. Back then, you could be really proud of your gear, it was something you worked for that did serve you well in battle.
Today it feels like there is zero connection to our equipment anymore, it´s just a waste of time to invest into it.