The game before they had seasons

I’m mostly playing hardcore these days and what people forget about that game is it is a true MMO … the dopamine hit you get from getting an item is massive compared to retail.

That being said, the items I talk about people farming are the trinkets. Considering that most people don’t even get to max ilvl within a season it stands to logic that raising the ilvl by 26 to 39 levels per season is rather excessive.

Instead a 6 ilvl jump, with new trinkets, would still have the effect of people enjoying going out and getting gear without feeling like it is required.

It lets the sweat lords sweat, and the casuals … uh … casual.

There is “really no change” between classic era gearing and retail? uhh

I was not ready for that comment haha. It’s so out of left field! The whole process of getting gear – the stats were different. what you used them for was different. If you were a plate wearer you might still cloth back then. Not to mention the core of the argument of gear lasting much longer. Plus stuff like the lionheart helm is available to sub-60 characters and is BiS through like the end of ZD, so a warrior doesn’t need any of the helmet drops through molten core, bwd etc … or ANY of the dungeons. Like, what??!

Context is key. Stats are irrelevant when it comes to what the OP talked about. They commented on currencies and things resetting between seasons.

Before seasons, our currencies would reset as well. There is no difference between how that worked then and now.

None of that other stuff is what I was referring to.

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No one is going to be replacing last season’s tier set with just random pieces of gear. No one’s going to be replacing last season’s BiS trinkets with random delve trinkets.

Doing high keys should replace last season’s gear, if it didn’t then keys would be dead.

Ok fair point, understood

This is contradictory, and also largely irrelevant. what I hear you describing is that people are not going to replace a former bis trinket with a new D+ trinket. This is true. But what you’re not saying or acknowledging is that people will spam that dungeon 30x for the new bis trinket.

Sure, one doesn’t HAVE to do that but that’s where I can talk about the enjoyment of the game. It isn’t as fun playing with the bad trinket. heck sometimes I’ve deleted trinkets because I didn’t like the mechanic they did – even if they were good! (I’m looking at you Treacherous Transmitter)

And we are not getting these trinkets from high keys all the time. Sometimes it makes sense to spam a bunch of lower dungeons to get a good trinket. Often the ilvl isn’t as important as the rotational change (spymaster’s web is a great example of that. Being able to save up for a major burst is incredibly useful)

I think some of these people were in ML LC crews. and skipping over decent and reasonable ones understood while they gear up priority players on the LC list (or nepotism, it happened too), yes, they will have a few dps who can perform well.

They are gear limited is all. they need the sword. the sword 2 dudes higher on LC were given. its not their fault.

that gets fixes in time (raid locks say hi). till then…player x is working well enough in Aqu with the MC chest. they are slot 2 on LC…we’ll get to them.

Of course harder content gives better trinkets. You think dungeons should get harder and not give better rewards?

Also, between tier pieces, embellished pieces, trinkets, and jewelry there’s only 4-5 gear slots that are simply higher ilvl is better.

People will 100% be wearing last season’s gear when they are progressing this season.

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Absolutely not.

I’ll take a pre-nerf spymaster’s web at ilvl 610 over a 639 trinket

Not on mythic (unless you call killing the first boss the first week “progression”)

Yes, because mythic race for world raiders do completely degenerate sweaty nerd things like running heroic raid a billion times with an army of alts to feed gear to their main raiders.

That’s an absolutely tiny portion of the player base.

That’s exactly my point. Just because something has a higher ilvl doesn’t mean it’s better. Last season’s trinkets and tier sets are still very much useful for this season and will be valuable for early progression both in raid and in M+.

I’m not talking about world first raiding though. I’m talking more about CE-level guilds where people are enjoying challenging themselves.

Hold your horses. Mythic gear starts at 662. I’ll take a 662 transmitter over a 610 spymasters and literally never press it

Also you’re assuming the reason I’m not taking Transmitter is because of damage. Transmitter does do better damage in this case – I just freaking hate transmitter and I’d personally rather do less damage than hear that weakaura one more time

They aren’t getting full tier sets and BiS trinkets for all their raiders the first week. Even if they spam the hell out of keys they aren’t doing it. They will be entering mythic raid and beginning progression with old tier and trinkets and possibly jewelry and embellishments.

The only way to do it to go full turbo-virgin with alts running heroic and feeding gear to the mains.

Huh? what? you serious?

Now I’m not saying everyone in the guild gets there but a few people do, it’s the same people that are also on the starting roster when it’s early in the season and the guild is still a bit too full…

To clarify I don’t stop at normal.

I stop after LFR

Yes? How many tier tokens do you think drop in raid?

That depends entirely on the size of your raid group and what bosses you kill

The trick is you make your own pug for your normal raid and invite few people who wear your armor type or would want your trinkets.

And stepping back from this minutae the original point we were talking about is that gear gets replaced right away in a season. It doesn’t matter if the gear gets replaced the first minute of the season or not – what really matters is how that gear feels. And at the start of the season, that gear feels STALE

The player who only has 5 hours a week to play might not be able to replace some gear up until 3 weeks in or whatever but it doesn’t matter. That person feels like the gear is dead weight and they want to get rid of it as fast as possible.

That isn’t something that happens the same way in classic. gear is much more of a journey and not this fast fashion retail situation you’re defending

Maybe you no longer enjoy MMOs because the vast majority of them, even without seasons, introduce patches or expansions that cause most of your gear to become outscaled. Games without a gear chase, no matter how long the gap between updates, generally see a massive drop in players as people get bored when there’s nothing to do that feels like progression. Vanilla wow for example had a miniscule amount of gear so abnormally stat adjusted you could take it to naxx and most of these were caused by a lack of options or just loot not dropping.

Deleting progress is not an MMORPG. I love hardcore wow. Now THAT is an MMORPG.

“MMO” stands for “Massively Multiplayer Online” and refers to any online video game where a large number of players can interact in the same virtual world simultaneously, while “MMORPG” stands for “Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game,” which is a specific type of MMO where players take on the role of a character in a persistent world, progressing through the game by completing quests and developing their character’s abilities; essentially, all MMORPGs are MMOs, but not all MMOs are MMORPGs

I wish WoW were still a MMORPG

I love and play hardcore classic. I have 2 level 60’s still alive. THAT is an MMORPG.

WoW has turned into something more like a lobby game

To state that it’s not an MMORPG is disingenuous.

Stating you dislike the form it has taken as an MMORPG is a fair subjective view to raise, though.

What progress is being deleted, exactly?

1000% I agree with this.

All the gear I found along the way has greyed out upgrade-ability now. It sucks. I just disenchanted all of it. I have characters that could use it but it gives you a sense of waste that you can’t invest in that gear any more.

They need to stop resetting. Make it so the gear can be upgraded with the new currency. Don’t just brick it :confused:

Oh… and forgot to mention all your currency is toast.


I think what many are trying to articulate is the progression curve in retail just feels really fast.

The pace of gearing has been hyper accelerated in order to accommodate these seasonal patches.

There is very little overlap between each patch now. A new player coming in can basically just plop themselves into the latest patch and be raid ready as fast as someone that played since release of the expansion.

I assume Blizzard switched to this model because of cyclical WoW players are.

IMO, it makes the game feel more like a looter shooter lobby game, verses more of a classic MMO that many of us used to enjoy.

I’m all for more activities in the game that are not raiding as well, but trying to reward all these different end game pillars have made gear feel generic. There is very little excitement in acquiring items in the game verse how it was in the past.

It all just feels very throw away.

Edit: This seasonal design is very intentional, it was created to pad metrics to keep a certain type of player hooked to the game.

I’m one of those Mythic raiders you are hand wringing for.

A mythic raider’s homework is going to be getting a stat trinket out of M+ while they use transmitter or web from the previous raid.

A cutting edge guild isn’t going to waste any time in normal unless their GM has no idea how to GM a Mythic guild.