The game before they had seasons

Eh I see you as falling for the illusion. WoW Classic Era is a full-on character development game. Modern retail WoW is a lobby game with a facade of character development. You can pick your spec but that’s about it. The majority of people use the same builds, and go for the same items.

No, it is a treadmill.

You are lumping together every single feature of the game, every single community member, and every single blizzard employee into one stitchflesh.

OF COURSE Blizzard has listened to some ideas. OF COURSE Blizzard has ignored other ideas.

Heck, Blizzard has listened to my own personal ideas. That I have posted nicely. MY OWN hahaha. I have witnessed first hand an idea of mine going into the game.

So yes, you do catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

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Meh, itemization is boring in retail. Retail gear is some of the most boring crap I have ever encoutnered in RPG.

Argorwal is always polite, but they suffer from the same issues most of the other frequent forum posters do, “Retail WoW Fanboy Syndrome” which is basically the phenomenon where some players defend modern World of Warcraft at all costs, often dismissing criticisms as nostalgia, misinformation, or player error.

Edit: This forum kind of grinds my gears, the amount of copium posters defending this seasonal e-sport model that retail WoW is clearly operating on just burns my bum.


Because gear acquisition was slower. Since at least Wrath, the theoretical bis list would almost always be full new season items. But wrath raids dropped even fewer items than current retail raids do (which is to say nothing of the infinite fountain that is M+), so you were using last-tiers gear for longer, as the replacement might not drop, or go to somebody else.


Yep, I actually enjoy the pace of gearing the past. Getting close to BIS in 3 weeks through M+ is just bad MMO design.

Blizzard has been battling this for years now, trying to layer more and more systems onto the game trying to pad play time, or to slow down players. The irony is, they had a good formula in the past, it just needed some tweaks.

SoD with the undermine coins is a good example of how things could operate in retail.

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the seasons just accelerate this hamster wheel of gear acquisition and replacement.

every piece of gear you ever earn will become worthless (except with the possibility of mage tower cheese here and there)

having to go back to grulls lair for a trinket that rarely drops in t6 content is boring to me as well so to each their own

Imagine being so bitter because people (and the MMORPG market) on a video game forum disagree with you. Your opinions in this thread are in the minority.

Classic is right over there. Go play it instead of wasting your time getting mad on the retail forums.

He doesn’t get that Classic and Retail are basically different games, and it shows. Modern wow would be painful for most if it still forced people to raid every tier in an expansion just because older tiers still had bis items. I quit BFA to play Classic until mid-Cata myself, and while I liked it for its simplicity, Vanilla and TBC had way too much mandatory raiding for most people’s schedules today. If the same raid structure existed now, raiding would be way more exclusive than it is in Retail. Classic was basically a hardcore time sink for Vanilla and TBC the Vanilla version of classic was all but dead by Naxx.


And it was worse when everything was server specific cause we would get people who would realize that they couldn’t see the rest of the content in our guild but we were one of the furthest progressed on the server.

So it was quit or transfer or accept not seeing the content.

Not enough people chose the last option for us to ever gain traction.

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Wrong generation. Statically speaking, almost 80% of players fall in 50-57 years old which is Gen X. Baby boomers are their parents. So funny how you try to insult some one and do it so poorly.

jimmies are getting rustled

Ok, I’ve removed the hostile words from my reply, thank you for checking me here.

Yeah at this point I expect people to show up wanting to fight here, I should probably remove some of the jade.

I’m not bitter, I just get sick of posters just like you that just clog threads up with their non-stop pro Blizzard agenda.

Retail WoW has strengths, but it’s not perfect. Blindly defending it doesn’t help the game evolve, and dismissing criticism often comes from a place of personal attachment rather than objective assessment.

The people that get under your skin are the same posters, basically the ones that live on these forums and attack any and all criticisms.

It was called Tiers before being called Seasons. Nothing actually changed.
Gear and content from previous Tier becomes obsolete, all progression moves onto near Tier.
There was a dead time in between each Tier.
Each Tier is tied to a content patch.
So on and so forth.

To all the people saying “in 1649 we had to go through all previous tiers to reach the new one” if the game was still like that YOU, specifically you guys, would be the ones making posts about how it’s annoying to re-do all this old content just to play with your friends who didn’t reroll or played enough to not be left behind when new tier opens.

There is no case where everyone is happy, and the current model is 7 to 9 million times better than forcing all of you slow players who can barely interupt casts in M+ to repeat content you’ve already done 6 times cuz you’re making a new alts.

Not to mention I’m sure if I could see all your previous comments about gear progression through xpacks/tiers/season I could find a moment where you were extremely happy to not be forced to do months and months of old content just to be up to speed with everyone else. On top of that most of this old content would have little to no player (remember this was actually the case and the primary reason why this model was abandonned in the first place) so you would be complaining that you’re stuck behind. Literally players would stick to a main just to not have to go through this terribly designed idea of being forced to do old content to gear up, those who did make alts only did so when they had the oppostunity to get carried by their guild/friends dirently into new content. So why force some people to go through everything when others are happy to skip ahead? Just make everyone skip ahead.

You are asking to make the game worse. Objectively speaking.

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Another clueless poster.

Before seasons they’d keep you playing with a longer leveling experience, downtime between pulls (for mana), and extensive resource farming for consumables.

I wouldn’t mind the meatier leveling back. And I’d be fine with drinking between pulls if my spells did real damage again.

This has been the way since this game started (more or less) but for sure was cemented during WoTLK and onwards.

Gear became obsolete when new tiers or raids came out.
Gear became obsolete when new xpac dropped.

There might have been a thing here or a doo dad there that was better and people kept it, but that was the exception, not the norm.

It just tells me you have not played much, otherwise you’d know this.

It’s always been this way since like, WotLK. I remember the big controversy with TotGC was that it made Ulduar irrelevant. Hell when TBC came out people complained that it made vanilla gear irrelevant. It’s just we used to call it “tiers” rather than “seasons”


Oversimplification of the issue. Very common tactic with people on this forum.

Typical clueless nay-sayer not providing any arguments, just shooting down other arguments for the sake of trolling.

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