The game before they had seasons

No, as someone playing hardcore right now the earlier raid tiers are building blocks to get to the later ones. that is not “obsolete”

Now I’m not saying have everyone do 15 years of content to catch up but they also don’t have to wipe all of our progress every season either

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Can’t handle it because it’s objectively false? 3.3 was in December 2009, peak sub numbers were almost a year later in October of 2010,

I wasn’t talking about that homey

What were you talking about then? Because dungeon finder and catchup gear were in 3.3 and the game continued to grow after.

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How so? You go into the new season with all the gear and power you got from the previous season.

Only thing you lose is currency

No you don’t. You go into the new season with a thin illusion that you have the same power, but in fact your gear has been nerfed by 30 ilvl

None of your previous gear is something you can keep. If something is good enough to keep, it is nerfed.

Maybe you feel like you keep your gear, but I don’t.

I guarantee you that people going into the raid on Tuesday are going to be wearing their last season gear.

Yeah the game gets more difficult but you yourself don’t get directly weaker. Enemies simply get stronger.

It has to be done, otherwise you’d just get gear and be done. There’d be nothing else to work towards. It’s been this way since vanilla

I would agree if I only had to upgrade some of my gear every season. I don’t think having no gear upgrades is the way to go, either.

the problem is the same looking backwards too. Every 6 months blizzard spends several billion dollars making a new zone that they will essentially discard in 6 more months.

I was clearing out my quest log today and solo’d a raid and it was so striking to me how this content is sitting there useless now. what other industry … let alone what other game just leaves all their work on the floor like that?

TV shows have re-runs. People still play Civ 5. But wow is so season-sensitive that heaven forbid a previous item could still be useful! oh no! A world with texture and history?

It feels like we live in a Men In Black world with the “flashy thing” wiping everything anytime a new season needs to happen to get subscribers to return. I’m sick of it.

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They don’t allow this because it removes the entire goal of the game. Wow has been a character development game since the start. It’s all about gaining power and constantly moving forward.

Having gear that’s good for multiple seasons removes this and leaves you in a spot where you don’t need to play. That’s not a good business model for a game that thrives off of time played metrics

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It happens every now and then with items and players kinda riot until Blizz nerfs them.

So…Blizz is responding to player feedback?

if i may recall, even vanilla WoW had seasons.

for e.g, in PvP, you had seasonal gear rewards

That’s not even getting into the “heirarchy” of guilds either.

There were your “stuck in entry level guilds”, “middle of the pack guilds” and “top guilds”

And the top would often poach from those below because it was easier than getting someone caught up, but then that just further cemented everyone’s positions :frowning:

Your entry level guild was more likely to always be an entry level guild because people would just leap-frog up if the rewards or progression slowed. Kinda stank.

On some level I think all of the cross realm grouping capability and loot lockouts would diminish this compared to how it was in the past.

PVP had more declared seasons yes. it was more R cutoffs. In anniv we got cutoff at r11, await r14.

PVE it was more implied seasons. Via words like phases and tiers. Some are going well I could use gear forever.

that is actually true. older wow was, puts on flack jacket, easier. some saying the rode out gear forever I will say cool, they were actually the skilled players.

See in 2019 to 2020, we had fun times. the hype of MC is out! Who will be the first to defe…wtf, first raid clear already!?

that crew cleared day 1 in hours flat with basically half the raid in trash greens. Granted they were pserver pro’s but…the point is if one knows how to play old wow well not all 40 need to be “BIS”. not even half, really.

Or…in armour at all. 2019 also saw the recorded naked onyxia kill. one crew wore no armour…at all. again a pserver crew. But it shows if one is skilled, on some old raid bosses even armour is optional.

TBCC…lets see how how fast bt falls. Pretty damned fast. that was the answer. that one is complicated.

one crew full ran the whole prior raid to unlock BT. One crew gamed the system and killed first boss only, which also opens BT.

If a purist the former earned legit 1st clear. If not a purist, it was the speed runners lol.

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alright, fair enough.

I remember Legion being terrible for this. Sometimes not even just running earlier raids for gear, but hoping it would titanforge too.

Being a casual 2-day raider and wanting to play new content while a handful of classes wanted to drag us all back a tier because blizzard made an item or set too good was annoying.

Idk, people would probably just buy boosts or accounts tbh. Even classic realms seem to have fallen for paying for everything :grimacing:

The last time the game lacked any reset or catch up was probably way way back in TBC when you had to complete the prior tiers raids to advance. It broke many guilds and was quite detrimental to all who were not in the top raid guilds. I am sorry but the game isnt just made for the top 5% of players. Resets are sorely needed or ilvls need to be the same at all content tiers and cosmetics be the only difference.

itemization sucked in the past thats why some items had way too many dps stats at the cost of hp or something similar making them too good to not go back and get them I’m glad that is largely over