The game before they had seasons

The truth is, is exactly as I stated.
Your choice if you want to believe it or not, I don’t really care what you believe, but I do know the facts since I’ve played since 2004, OG WoW.

I typed 3 novels in this thread so far about how things could work. The current system is boring, creates too much FOMO, and doesn’t feel RPG one bit.

The developers have countless examples of older versions of the game, and other MMOs to draw inspiration from.

Retail WoW is stuck in the Bobby Kotick design paradigm, where everything has to be an e-sport.

I’m well aware of things worked in Wrath, but the thing is, people were still running Naxx even when Trial dropped.

I can 100% agree with this statement. The whole “e-sport” thing is nonsense and I’d love to see WoW move away from it…it is a failure.

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And exactly what were they running Naxx for?

I hope the game is shifting away from this, adding housing is a good start. The game needs more content that doesn’t revolve around farming 8 dungeons in the latest patch, the current raid and some boring Timeless style zone.

To get people caught up in gear since catch up gear wasn’t a thing until ICC. Ulduar was usually skipped though, people would do Naxx for basic raid gear then go to ToGC, no one wanted to do Ulduar after ToGC came out.

But I can’t express how awful and boring it is to constantly have to redo the same raid for years just so you can gear up new raiders and I have no idea why people want that system back.

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Player housing has zero appeal to me…Those who want it great, I’m glad you are getting it but I have no interest.

My interest lies with the OG wow…kill stuff via raids, dungeons, world boss’…

Currently in classic right now. It’s mostly just people getting attuned and going through MC/Onyxia

Do one to do the other.

I started in Legion. Gear seems to be obsolete so fast I don’t even bother because my vendor gear in the next patch will be almost on par with raid gear

At least it comes grayed out now so I know it’s last season

:crab: :ocean: :crab: :ocean:

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Gear was a thing before ICC… not sure where/why you think it was not.

There is/was an order you did things. You could (if you were skilled enough) skip Naxx and go straight to Ulduar or do TOCG but this is my point

Gear gets obsolete at almost every tier/season
Gear gets obsolete at every xpac
Gear gets obsolete at almost every new raid (which technically was a tier back then, now known as a season).
Add in the mix for normal, heroic and mythic and it gets obsolete quick.

Did you think many would do a raid if all they had to do (in your example) is do Naxx and then coast the rest of Ulduar, ToCG and ICC? No, no they would not.

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ever since legion the devs taught me to not take any grind in the game seriously in way until the last season. instead of investment in the current season they’ve taught me apathy and to wait until everything been de-grind-ified where I can do an entire expansion’s worth of cheevo reqs in a week. Hell we just saw this with cyrcee’s circlette in the siren isles getting de-grinded with the weeklies being doable in one sitting now. Like at this point… why bother with current content if it isn’t pillar content? They’re just gonna de-grind it by next patch.

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I remember needing MC gear for BWL, the BWL gear for AQ40, and AQ40 gear for Naxx.

Back then, in vanilla, it was because of resists that you needed the next tier of gear else you would wipe over and over

Resists were important for some thing, but it was even more layered than that, there’s genuine BIS gear in early raids like MC and BWL that last through the whole vanilla era with no replacements even in Naxx. It made it so that running every raid was potentially meaningful throughout. Really liked that design, much more than the current thing where everything gets replaced constantly. It’s good design to have significant overlap between tiers and some items that you can get ‘too early’ and feel “too powerful” for a while. They try really hard to make things perfectly balanced now, but they misunderstand RPGs, people want to feel like they found some way to be too powerful and overpowered, at least for a little while.

Huh? No it doesn’t lmao. Do your achievements get removed? Mounts and transmogs get taken away? Your ilvl certainly doesn’t drop. So what exactly is being removed?

Yep. This is why except for our purists; most tolerate or even like the heroic + modes in the redo’s wrath started.

RNG has hated a player for a month. or… they are so low on the LC list despair has started to settle in.

Git Gud! How does one Git Gud…1 night a week that relies on RNG. or waiting for 9 dudes to get their item on an item maybe 20 percent drop. See in the simplest break down of that…out of 5 weeks that item only drops…1 week. 5 weeks later, they are now slot 9. 45 weeks later, that item will be theirs!

even the dreaded gdkp never fixed this. To have Illidan glaives to bid on at the end, the glaives actually had to drop.

the funny bit is the players had this in game before the game “forced” it. the game just made +10 ilevel +30 to be an upgrade of note.

In old wow…lots of crews will be having formations. Gear checks. Who wants to carry that dude in the BRD pants shoulder and chests 3 months into MC.

Or ye old make own group. fun fact…its not always the crew starter picky about gear. its the attendees too. 2 months into MC, partly MC geared rando’s in it aren’t exactly thrilled to be carrying the fresh 60 not even 50% BRD gear either lol. Since you know…brd is also RNG based.

then that dude HR’s lots of good stuff. hahahaha, yeah, that run will fill up quick. Not.

The gear that I got becomes obsolete. The tier set that I worked for becomes obsolete. The trinkets that I worked for become obsolete. The crests that I worked for literally got deleted even though I have three sparks to craft stuff. The keys that I farmed for the Delves will be removed. The Radient Echos that I earned have been deleted.

There’s no reasonable way you can argue that our progress doesn’t get reset each season. That’s the point of what they’re doing. That’s their intention. They’re literally calling it Season 2. It’s a seasonal game now. Seasonal means progress gets reset and everybody starts again.

Are you really going to try and snapback that I get to keep my imaginary bragging points? My alts that I didn’t play last season have 210 Season 2 Carved Crests. My alts will not have to do any “catching up”. My alts, that I didn’t play, will be on even footing with my main ego made some progress in mythic raid last season.


The very fact that new players will not have to first work through the previous raid in order to succeed in this raid means that progress is reset. LFR will drop gear that’s better than anything that anybody earned in mythic raid last season. You can get an item level that’s equivalent to Heroic raid just doing open world stuff… the same open world stuff that we all did last season that got us…

… I’m tired of defending my position on the matter. Gearing progress is reset. But, sure, my AOTC achievement will remain and I can link it to everybody so they can see how cool I am.

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Eve isn’t a content driven mmo.

Seasons to me accelerate content consumption, making the game feel more like a treadmill than a journey.

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I feel like I am really learning what this truly means this expansion, and I am learning I like it less and less

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Meh. Individually we keep progging. You’re at 637 iLevel and next week you’ll start going higher until the end of the Season. That’s progression.

You’re issue is you’re mad that someone who skipped last Season can catch up early in the new one. You’re still ahead of them so stop sweating it.

Yes, new raid means new gear that replaces older gear. Welcome to how WoW has always worked.