The game before they had seasons

Yep, I misunderstood. I thought you meant the same guild :+1:

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With TF in MC guilds never really leave it. Then there are onyxia/nef heads for world buffs. ZG for shoulder enchants, etc.

And since there arenā€™t really many other non-raid gearing sources these old raids are gearing paths for newer players and alts.

and without that you get raid logging.

If mc gear carried anniv up to dark portaā€¦

MC it, be done, save money on sub kill.

Turn on 1 month to see aqu. unsub.

turn on 1 month to see naxx, unsub.

where many see seasons always here. MC will fall off when we get to aqu. if its run it be OS runs which get iffy as hell. or HR runs (some funny people HR half the run lol), or on the side gdkp lol. Its banned. like it was in SoD. In game channels only. Discord says hi there.

The only game Iā€™ve seen eternal gear work is eve online. Iā€™ve been there for 15 years. 10 solid years, and I off and on these days burning billions made on paid game time lol.

flying stuff in many cases gear I gotā€¦15 years ago lol. Tech 2 weapons have been, are, and will always be BIS.

Its hook for sub length is permanent loss on death.

buy gear, use gear, make money. get blown up. Repeat cycle. this is the eve way.

eve does not have gear the goal. Itā€™s hook is more to die less to reduce money lost.

The progress gets removed when items drop from the open world that are higher item level than what you got in raid a week ago.

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Why canā€™t it be done with M+??

The 4 raid difficulties are the problem here, not M+, not delves and not world content.

I would argue allowing players to gear up through M+ in 2 weeks isnā€™t great for retention. Iā€™d argue balancing raids around M+ grinding is also bad for the game. Those are separate issues.

Whatā€™s the point of making all this expansion content, for it only to be abandon 5 months into the launch? I donā€™t really care about M+, and I think the game would be better off just abandoning that crap system.

If you look at the popularity of the new dungeon in SoD, this could be a great blueprint for retail.

The SoD devs have been cooking, I canā€™t wait to see what they do with a Classic+.

And no, SoD is not dead, everyone is just on 2 mega servers.

Edit: Most of the people here are basically arguing that the game should revolve around repetitive grinds. M+ is not content, it is a system to pad metrics and to recycle a limited amount of content.

I never understood what was wrong with raid logging either?

Nothing about SoD appeals to me.

But I wont say they should abandon it and call it crap because I dont like it.

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And 18 years later thereā€™s a reason that system is dead

Because itā€™s harder to monetize lol.


The game before they had ā€œseasonsā€ was a system built to lift people up rather than a system designed to hold people down.

Copium huffers will be triggered by this while insisting that weā€™ve always had ā€œseasonsā€ in exactly the way we currently do.

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This. It was truly only Vanilla/BC that did that and Blizzard quickly realize it was a horrible idea and now all stuff have catch gear for people who didnā€™t do the raid tier prior.

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thatā€™s exactly what i want. I want all of that.

Honestly I thought it was what you were asking to return. As many of your complaints focus around how easy it is to have alts.

they have 3 versions to see how this worked out. Nostalgia is one hell of drug really.

If they try annivā€¦well I hope they plan farming gold, a lot, at 60. Black lotus flask is required. Some will go no its not! theyā€™d need tell that to the crews in lfg lol. Its a tbc waiting room for me, not a concern for me.

I have predictions aqu will really go to crap. as some it seems with latest lotus drop rate buffā€¦are just banking this stuff lol.

SoD, they can play catch up with SoD stuff. and need money.

Era era, now you are getting die hards there. Good news is crews can be charitable. since like more than half raid can be agreeable to carry your buttā€¦in aqu or naxx gear.

Your cost may be HR is all. they really want that item that has avoided them for years now. It be the era era that shows how later loot/gear changes happened.

somewhere in era are a few people literally 104 weeks laterā€¦no drop. 52 weeks a year, 2 yearsā€¦at least.

Yeah it was a terrible idea, as evidenced by the game being at itā€™s absolute lifetime peak and then immediately starting its decline when they started adding ideas like catch up gear and dungeon finder for ā€œcasualsā€ in WOTLK.

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Wrath was peak numbers.

cata has many reasons for dips. rekt world (to some) and its when wow got harder with even basic mechanics on dungeon bosses. MoP was panda-gate theory crap. wod, flying gateā€¦and no more sub data.

all we get now is derived numbers from raiderio or wcl. I forget how raiderio works. I know how wcl works. out of say 3000 reported logs in a week we donā€™t know how many are subs. it could be 1000 subs running 1 main and 2 alts in raid. WCL is per char log, not account.

Wrath was the peak, my guy.

Yes the first half, and then they started adding the things mentioned in the second half and thatā€™s when the decline started. Wrath was basically the Endgame of WoW, a good expansion that performed well but with all the issues that started the decline of the IP.

ICC released in December of 2009. Peak all time WoW sub numbers were 12 million in October 2010.


You know that Blizzard was planning on ending any raid developments because they realize that it was an utter waste of resources to spend so much on content so few people did?

Also, what utter revisionist history, WoW was still growing even after Wrath. Cata started its decline because well end game content was pretty bad. MoP bump it up and precisely because it had alot of content for casuals.

woW has always been the MMO for casuals, its the reason it has the number it does.

Shh, this forum canā€™t handle ideas like this.