The game before they had seasons

They would be dead content after the first season.

Raiding would be the only upgrades.

That’s literally what pre “season” WoW content did.

Your own list showed how precious content was obliterated and no longer needed.

This isn’t useful.

Use TWW item levels, so it’s clear what will and won’t be upgrades in season 2.

TBC also doesn’t have 4 raid difficulties, mythic+, delves, or world content events to consider with its item levels so the comparison is meaningless.

They just renamed them. There was all content patches with new raids, story and dungeons


there was/is always AV for 1 to60/ era alts. If you have the time to run AV 30+ hours for r11, then more for r14 to come (more hours).

this was/is great alt gear. It just needed patience to see AV 50+ hours. why? AV doesn’t need black lotus. AV also isn’t 39 other dudes /rolling.
And can be run all day, everyday. Drek or kek…never ends.

In anniv you must appease the MC crews. Hint…brd spam is only 1 part of that. Get your butt to the valley for the other parts.

Why can’t M+ work under the old ilevel spread we used to have?

Why must a patch have +30 levels of gear? By the time you hit the 2nd or 3rd patch, you out gear the original expansion launch content by a huge margin which just completely trivializes that prior content.

I think it is okay for patch content to have some overlap. This play the patch crap wasn’t good in Wrath either.

Edit: I cannot stand the marketing around seasons as well, makes the game feel like an ARPG or some competitive FPS. Just strips the game of the RPG for me.

Look, I’m not the target audience for retail WoW anymore. I know this, I just hang around because I love the IP, I can always find something to do in the game, but I’m not a big fan of how the game works right now.

I think it is completely disingenious to say the game works the same way now as it did in the past.

You didn’t answer the question.

What item levels should season 2 mythic+ drop since mythic m+ was your focus?

The game doesn’t work the same, because it’s not a raid or die game anymore.

Why can’t M+ work with smaller ilevel increases?

What is small in your opinion?

Use a number in what you think a +2 and a +10 should drop and be tuned around in season 2.

You do NOT want a gearing system like this in modern WoW or every caster you know will be farming Spymaster’s Web for the entire expansion.

We had trinkets like Old Warrior’s Soul and Azshara’s Font of Power/Ashvane’s Razor Coral that were BiS for an entire expansion and farming these was absolutely miserable.

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I know what you’re doing here Argorwal. I’m not going to take this bait.

I’ve watched you for years just make excuses for the way the game works right now.

I hate to break it to you, retail WoW’s formulaic design is getting old. The current developers just keep churning out the same boring designs year after year. The only reason they keep getting away with this is because they don’t have a lot of competition when it comes to doing what WoW does best, namely PVE raid designs.

Look at Overwatch, Rivals pretty much desimated their player base which finally lit a fire under the OW devs butts to actually take some chances.

  1. You have no proof that Rivals actually hurt OW’s playerbase. Nobody reports those statistics publicly.
  2. If you think half of what was released in Season 15 and what’s gonna be released in Season 16 wasn’t in development for several months prior to Rivals’ release, I have a bridge to sell you.

So nothing for people to gear up their mains unless they raided.

With an objectively worse alt gearing method.

Of course not.

It has m+ and delves.

Which fundamentally changed everything. Previously, dungeons were worthless for mains as an end game gearing option. Now they arent.

If we want to return to what we had, we would have to go back to make dungeons worthless.

Raiding was the only method of end game gearing. So the ilvl increases could reflect that.

I’d say I’ve watched you for years make excuses for how WoW worked previously. But I dont know who you are.

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Um, okay buddy, you’re obviously are out of loop.

OW2 was already on it’s deathbed. Rivals was just added to it.

Edit: Ty for posting, I need to put you on ignore.

Onyxia has gear that is good all the way through (Deathbringer, Kang, hunter/priest weapon items, bags, scales for cloaks for new players, etc.)
Ragnaros has gear that is competitive through Naxx (onslaught girdle, band of accuria, BRE). The priest and hunter weapons are good through naxx.
BWL has BIS gear even through Naxx (Rejuv gem, crul, maladath, etc.)
AQ40 has BIS gear even through naxx

T2 set items are spread through MC, onyxia, and BWL so they’re all potentially useful.

Of course you have thunderfury which is BIS well through 70, in MC.

Classic was much better designed where all raids overlapped and continued to be useful throughout the entire game with overlaps between tiers. A lot of naxx gear was BIS all the way through early level 70 TBC raiding, and a few items were so good they stayed BIS and some were eventually nerfed because it was getting crazy how much staying power they had. Even the dungeons have items that remain useful throughout and give you reasons to keep running them (e.g., righteous orbs in strat, world buffs in DM, librams in BRD, nature res gear in maraudon, etc.).

The seasons hard reset everything with the boring statstick gear and it really does kill the original feel of an MMORPG where you have slow but meaningful progression for long periods of time, and many different activities are economically viable and feel meaningful. Resetting every 2 years for an expansion is mostly fine, but doing it every 4-6 months just kills the MMO feeling and makes you feel like you’re in a race against time and/or endless treadmill, and not like MMOs should feel where you’re an adventurer constantly growing your power and impact in the world over time with no short-term limit.


Not really. You progressed on one and you only ran the other if you absolutely needed something.

This is why except for the purists…many like the runic that came in wrath redo and cata’s inferno’s and now protocols.

Its our mythic dungeon knock off. Or heroic +, use what you’d like.

Raid rng hated you, run these. Heroic dungeons have not been viable since maybe tbc really.

Some will go now no wants to do do FL anymore!

yeah…DS rng failed, run some heroic+ stuff call it a week. Since many have worked out a simple idea.

If FL rng hated for you for say 4 months…it may hate them for 4 months more lol. and even if it drops…

what is your slot in LC in guild runs?

Are Ninjya’s in the pug?

Or were there 6 legit need rolls there? only 1 of them can win the roll and it wasn’t you for 4 months.

lol, lmao

Okay buddy, whatever narrative helps you sleep at night.

Likewise. I always love seeing absolute homunculi like you on these forums.

but once your introduce dungeon content as an end game pillar, then dungeon content also gets upgraded in loot rewards each raid tier.

thats sorta the point.

once dungeon content becomes upgraded and raiding isnt the only way to get upgraded gear after launch…

then things become more “seasonal” with gear resets.

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Yes, really. You had guilds running AQ/Naxx while newer or more “casual” guilds progressing through MC/BWL at the same time. Not everyone was in the same raid.

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You say it can be done with mythic+, (and would also need to account for delves and world content) yet you keep dodging the question on what gear they should give/be tuned for. It’s not some gotcha or anything, it’s just trying to get you to get one step deeper into how it would work in a game mode where raiding isn’t the only end game path.

I haven’t hid I am a huge classic fan, and probably spend just as much time or more there than retail. I just like getting into the details more rather than stopping at high levels phrases that may not necessity translate to how the game works.