The game before they had seasons

I don’t understand this opinion.

WoW has always had gear progression with every single raid tier/major patch. New raids, new PVP gear off vendors. Dungeons didn’t have that sense of progression, since it was a stepping stone into raids, but those days are over.

I’m glad I can progress my gear season over season. Sticking to a raid schedule is hard for some people, life is busy, but logging in whenever I want to do dungeons suits my playstyle and I get rewarded for it now.

If you gear your character in season 1, and don’t raid or anything besides old/casual content, then you can still do all the things you want in season 1 gear. Same as you could in dungeon gear in old expansion prior to Legion.

I mean sure but the game kinda pre-dates the season pass concept as a whole.

YUP /10chars

Then I guess your comment was pointless lol.

a close up of a gauge that says hypocrisy on it .

Old WoW didn’t have delves and m+. Dungeons weren’t an end game pillar it was raid or die for high end gear. It was a ton less friendly to alts.

Is this what y’all are asking to return?

If you don’t raid, you don’t progress? Alts take forever to catch up?

Seasons is just the term because we have more than only raids now.

You can’t have the previous model while m+, delves exist.


I admit to enjoying the journey of older wow but it wasn’t as good of a game as new wow. Eventually you got to the point that if you knew how to play you just raided and logged off.

While I think modern wow wants an excessive amount of dungeons (3 slots in vault should cap out at 4 that is already a average of 2 hours of play). I won’t pretend what we had before was better. It had elements that were better but overall was worse.

That was EXPANSION turnover which happens once every about TWO YEARS… Not season turnover which happens a lot more often.

I expect a certain level of reset at the turnover of a whole new expansion. But this level of everything-is-now-100%-obsolete from one day to the next hard reset is now happening 3-4 times more often and it’s annoying.

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So you prefer no “casual” content, no m+, no LFR, no delves, alts 100x harder to play? You raid or you dont get upgrades?

Just love when people act like there’s no in between. :dracthyr_shrug:

If you have to completely obliterate everything from the previous season, your “casual” content wasn’t meaningful to begin with, IMO.

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You are asking for what we had before.

Thats what we had before.

We had no m+, no delves, no lfr, alts 100x harder to play.

Thats why you didnt upgrade your gear unless you were raiding. You physically couldnt

We can’t have these systems without total gear resets?

What item level do you feel these activities should drop and be tuned around in season 2 to avoid gear resets?

TBC was a good example

Phase 1 (Patch 2.0 - Launch)

  • Dungeon Blues (Normal 5-man): ilvl 115
  • Dungeon Epics (Heroic 5-man): ilvl 110-115
  • Karazhan, Gruul’s Lair, Magtheridon’s Lair (Tier 4): ilvl 120-125
  • Arena Season 1 Gear: ilvl 123

Phase 2 (Patch 2.1 - Black Temple & Serpentshrine Cavern)

  • Serpentshrine Cavern & The Eye (Tempest Keep) (Tier 5): ilvl 128-133
  • Doom Lord Kazzak/Doomwalker World Bosses: ilvl 125-128
  • Arena Season 2 Gear: ilvl 136

Phase 3 (Patch 2.2-2.3 - Zul’Aman)

  • Mount Hyjal & Black Temple (Tier 6): ilvl 141-151
  • Zul’Aman (10-man, catch-up raid): ilvl 132-141
  • Arena Season 3 Gear: ilvl 146

Phase 4 (Patch 2.4 - Sunwell Plateau)

  • Sunwell Plateau (Tier 6.5+): ilvl 154-164
  • Magister’s Terrace (5-man Dungeon, Normal/Heroic): ilvl 133-158
  • Badge of Justice Gear (New Vendor Epics): ilvl 141-150
  • Arena Season 4 Gear: ilvl 159

We have +26 to +39 ilevel increases per season now, which makes almost all the previous content pointless

Edit: I used Chatgpt for the TBC info, I was lazy.

Shucks, why don’t we just stop adding items levels period.

Sucks how new expansions completely wipe out the last 2 years of content and progress, amirite?

Works great for ESO and GW2.

Appeal to extremes here, typical forum Blizz bot.

By works great, you mean has factors of less players than WoW and FF14, then sure, it works great.

Why is new gear to go for every 6 months bad, but every 2 years good?


Those games have been running for 10+ years, just because they don’t have the population that WoW has doesn’t mean their endgame model is worse.

Maybe they should just get rid of the box expansions then, go full on Diablo?

I support new content and gear to chase every season, so I fail to see how this question is relevant to me.

You might think you are being clever, but Diablo doesn’t add new raid tiers, zones, and gear every season.


I do as well, but I think obliterating content you just released a few months prior is kind of dumb for a game like WoW, especially for a dev team that seems to have content pipeline issues.

I’m not being clever, I’m pointing how WoW is trying to operate like a seasonal ARPG, it has been this way since Legion.

Doesn’t surprise me since most of the D3 team was absorbed into the WoW team.

Edit: Btw, ESO would have destroyed WoW if they had a better combat system, because that game hands down is just more fun to play and is a better all around MMO than World of Diablocraft.

The only thing keeping WoW going is nostalgia and the combat. No MMO on the market does tab target MMO combat better than WoW. I will say their raid content too, hands down the best raid content of any MMO.

M+ though? Crap, total snorefest system. Delves too, another repetitive system that relies on scaling the same small amount of content. Snoozefest