Because the devs just arent good enough to develop good content. Theyre better left just rereleasing content already done for them years ago.
I don’t think it’s about “not good enough”. I think it’s about resources & community hate towards them. Which is ironic, because w/o said Devs, none of us would be here now.
I want to go to Cata and MoP, but the abilities and talent trees in Wrath were objectively better. I want to carry those abilities forward into Cata and MoP. Hell, even Warlords. All I’m saying is keep the classic feel while playing them. Give them the formula that all the expansions should currently have. This game would get a lot of its audience back if Retail played more like Classic
It’s not. We lost a ton of abilities while others were nerfed into the ground or recycled. We also lost the ability to hybridize the trees. I can tell some of you really don’t read these or remember the number of powers and options that were removed from the game. Or just how dumbed down the game started becoming.
No one wants to play the same expansion over and over and over again. I want the new adventures, just with the mistakes of the past fixed - ie: not removing half my abilities and recycling them later. Or ruining hybridized specs.
Those play a big part in it yes but its hard to have faith in a team that cant even handle a rerelease to develop new content. They cant even buff/nerf right.
Because they don’t have the freedom like Retail devs do.
Class balance is out of wack in Retail too. Just last week they had to nerf paladins after latest rework because they made them busted in all forms of content.
All xpacs had their issues.
And if we are to talk about WrathC nerfs/buffs, their unholy DK nerf was spot on. It was nearly perfect to line them up with assa and affic.
Ret was a little lower. But even Feral was just a tad over tune for those top tier players. Arguably the hardest PvE rotation, so imho it should be rewarded.
Im not saying the retail devs are any better. Blizzard just all around have lost their way. In terms of the nerfs/buffs if youre not going to properly test it before sending it then you shouldnt send it. The balancing is something that likely should be done, more complex rotations should certainly be rewarded with more dps however on the flip side if youre going to change some things for some classes then you should be looking at all classes.
I dont really get into balance topics as i dont really care what class is where or where my class is on a tier list. If I like playing the class Im gonna play it regardless
so you won’t say what got removed then? must have all been “increase X abilities damage by 1% 1/5” filler talents then.
looking at all of the meta builds, there are only 3 that would not use the final talent. Blood tank, Arcane (but still takes 56 points in the tree anyways) and a hybrid tank/damage spec for warrior built around using Revenge as often as possible.
I prefer pre-4.3 Cataclysm.
True, but I’d rather see us expanded than restricted. The Wrath abilities and talents work about as good as any expansion in terms of balance, but they still allowed more creativity and brains in the spec, that’s what I wanted to keep. We can have all the Cata spells too, but just the additions, not the restrictions.
Honestly, I could fix their entire balancing issue in a month. It’s not even hard to figure out. But yeah, I don’t expect them to hire me. All I’m hoping for is that they’ll keep the current abilities and trees like they should have in the first place, and add the new content to them instead of removing and recycling.
Oh I know. They’re a disaster now. They’ve lost track of all the cc and counter cc to the point where it’s all just a mess. They completely forgot how to make classes work in a group situation. It’s out of control because they keep trying to give every class everything, when it’s not supposed to work that way.
Do you want me to list them? That’s gonna be a LONNNNNNNNNNG post, but I’ll do it if people read it. Also, keep in mind that they completely removed talent tree hybrids. That in itself is a HUGE loss to the game and a complete dumbing down of the experience.
Most of the content is already done. It would be mostly about moving content around and balancing abilities. Which I admit might actually be the hard part.
But yeah, while I think they have to do Classic+ to keep Classic only players paying (era won’t do it), I don’t think they will because it’s way too much of an investment. And it honestly might not even work out anyway. A lot of people are probably done with WoW forever after Wrath is over.
Cata and Mop pvp would be nice to try again, not gona lie. However, seeing how bot infested bgs are in Wrath classic, kinda worries me. Some of my greatest memories were from Cata pvp and Mop pvp.
Also, I thought Mop talents were great end game and had fun choices. Leveling up with mop talents felt bad.
Yes, I agree that many fans will leave after Wrath, which is why I’m offering them a way out by extending the content.
Keep the current talents trees, spells, and balancing, while tossing in the new spells that you get on your way up to max level. Only the new spells, not the lazy recycled ones.
Expand old content for players to revisit during each stage of progression in Cata. So for example, continue the original Ashebringer story. Reopen Naxx 60 with all the rare stuff in there. The extended content can only be done when you’ve leveled and gathered Cata gear. Such bonus content won’t be easy.
Add unlockable races and transmogs.
This will breathe new life into Classic, and expand its audience, while at the same time maintaining the spirit of Classic. All the things they should have done in the first place instead of dumbing it down to the point where no one even wants to play anymore.
Actually, that was 2 expansions ago when you crossed the portal into World of Helicopter Simulators.
I loved those expansions too. And I’m all for them adding new abilities to learn at the trainers that came from talents in those expansions. I just feel the game would be best served by keeping what we have now in addition to that.
AGREED! I despised the addition of flying mounts. I figured it’d be too much to ask for their removal. Same with heirlooms. The adventure all went down hill with that. I’d be all for no-fly zone servers.
I am going to be SO UPSET if we don’t get Wrath Era. I don’t want to move on to Cata. And yes, TBC Era should have happened too.
I don’t see the point of locking one’s self in a particular expansion, but I don’t relate to it in regards to the talents and balancing of this expansion. I also enjoyed the roll that professions played in Classic WoW.
I like the idea of being able to revisit Wrath material during Cata, albeit with added story and gear/transmogs. I think that would be the more successful strategy.
Cata means the old world, quests, ect are gone forever. That’s a huge negative for me.
Your talking of classic plus there are generally only a few things that people want: better gathering, vanilla rank reform, new retro raids, and maybe the barber shop. Not really that much all they need to do is make next som, som2 a pre-classic plus server with plus adding stuff ‘eventually’ aka after naxx40.
Good point. That’s another thing they should change with phasing. Being able to go back to those zones later and do the Cata versions at a higher level. Thanks for reminding me of that.
The things you read on these forums