The frogger nerfs need to be reverted, IMMEDIATELY

No. Everyone else got a quest for 40k Bronze. Your toon that did any farming, is not eligible for that quest. You can still earn Bronze though. Fairly sure any new toons you make will be able to do the quest.

They should nerf froggers again by down grading their gear.

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I agree frogger nerf should continue to come. All these people crying about how they got nerfed remember its a 90 day event, you still have time to get those stats back, just grind every day for 20 hours, isnt that what froggers where saying?

oh gotcha, thanks, i am just now hearing these updates and pretty disappointing i guess, i was hoping they just added way more threads/bronze to the world and given it some sort of diminishing return based on a range that the highest cloak values are at the time its implemented given they would obviously be the froggiest gods of all frog gods lol

I have a sneaking suspicion that there might be some diminishing returns on the threads, I don’t see them adding a new flag in the game just to prevent some people from getting a quest.

But it’s only a suspicion, I certainly don’t know anything.

You should feel good that you didn’t get banned for exploiting.

‎Ok.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

If you lost half your cloak, it’s very likely you did more than touch a few

I frogged for like 30 minutes before it got nerfed but I don’t really care about not getting the 40k bronze and I think the cloak reset had to happen for balance reasons. You got to be a raid boss for like 2 weeks now, that’s enough.

What I AM angry about though is the insanely high cost of bronze for gear upgrades, which is what pushed froggers into frogging in the first place, and will continue push people to find new farms. This event is ridiculously grindy and I’m so burnt out from the constant raiding I just wish they would make upgrades more accessible so I don’t feel like I have to quit and resub when they buff it in the last month. I loved this event so much in the beginning but the constant repetitive grinding crushed the whole experience

for all the people in this thread claiming they aren’t froggers.

Press Y in-game then at the bottom click “statistics” then click the “kill” and you should see the panel in my screenshot. Do me a favor and post yours. Bet money every single one of you claiming you arent froggers top kill is a beast and you have like 100k+ kills on a character only a week old.

Feel free to include your character’s ui so we can see it’s actually them too.

I genuinely HOPE I get proven wrong.

edit: 100k might be too many, but it’ll still be like multiple dozens of thousands im sure.

Mine says humanoid and I actually did frog

You’d have to be a psycho to try and earn those back the fair way after such a nerf.

I’ll do it when I get home


I can’t wait until they nerf the charms and revert and then they just simply perish due to lack of moisture.

If you know something is an exploit don’t do it next time. Youve been warned.


There is no guarantee we wont see additional nerfs for those farm in the near future.

True froggers arent all that nerfed. 556 gear is super busted. Casual froggers arent all that nerfed either. What content can a nerfed frogger of any variant not do they were previously able to do? Doubtful any. Even missing the 40k bronze is nothing to people who can steamroll heroic raids in the time it takes a casual to run a pair of LFR wings

I am sorry this happened to you.

Unfortunately, Blizzard’s choice to give into the relentless screaming of jealous haters, has just taught players that if they rage long enough and loud enough, they will get what they want, even when it is unreasonable and unjustified and against other players so prepare for there to be more changes decided by mob rule.

Me, I’m getting out as soon as my cloak dings 4200 as now the mode just feels risky and unstable. Who knows what the mob will decide is an issue or needs to be changed that I personally enjoy as is, especially since so many posters are concentrating their efforts on making endgame the better option for play, completely ignoring that leveling new characters for Warthin is the whole point of the mode, and Blizzard has already bent the knee to them once. So I’m not investing any more time in a game mode where the rug can be pulled out from under my play at any moment.

And I will never try one of the out-of-game modes again. They just cause too much controversy since Blizzard fails to market them accurately and I don’t want to play something that is being reshaped according to how loudly and relentlessly a mob rages out over aspects of it.

And, given your experience, if you are smart, you won’t either.

(wasnt letting me post without breaking the link somehow, never shared a link on here lmao)

im not too interested in coming back myself at the moment tbh but i wouldnt discredit that some people got screwed, i dont see any quests for bronze and i couldnt even find a group and was trying to tag frogs solo for like 15 mins before i realized i didnt want to have to do this to be taken to raid lol

Don’t even bother leveling it up blizzard will just take it away doing this event is just a waste of time since blizzard will just take it away do what then want you to do is afk in a city on your main or play another game.

Things that didn’t happen for 500.

You are telling me you only farmed for 10 minutes. Then got punished on mop remix. So you uninstalled retail? Oof.

That’s like exploiting in plunderstorm. Getting punished and nerdrage deleting retail.

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