The frogger nerfs need to be reverted, IMMEDIATELY

You don’t have a high enough trust level on the forums yet…

Put a ` on both sides of a link instead of breaking it up, that’s the button to the left of 1 on most keyboards.

It’ll look like this:

Thanks, thought i tried that but it worked when i edited it, probably because i had his quoted originally hahah

Look at the bright side, in the end none of this will matter because we’ll all be in the same dog :poop: gear when we transfer over to retail

Would you rather they revert the nerfs and ban your account for 90 days so you can’t play Remix?

Cause that’s totally within their power because you knowingly exploited a bug.

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I didn’t frog or goat or gate or crane, and I’m running at 3.6M health in raid.


To sum it up

You still participated in the exploit, its clear your not being honest about to the extent

Actions have consequences, yours was having stats nerfed…

Be glad they didn’t flat out ban you (which under TOS they had every right to)

There are people who farmed Heart of Fear after the frogs were nerfed. If they were a frogger their HP would of been a lot higher. I farmed Heart of Fear for quite a bit once a couple of friends caught on to it and have 3.39m HP as tank. Cloak didn’t get changed.

Did you get nerfed or is that just cause you got max ilvl anyway that you got that health lol

I killed one or two frogs before deciding that it wasn’t worth my time trying to fight with 4 other full tagging parties.

Didn’t get nerfed.

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My cloak as of current

I would accept that perhaps they roll back the nerfs and just suspend the frogger’s accounts for one month. They’ll still have about 2 months to catch up to everyone else then before the event ends.

here it is

top kill is humanoid
ilvl on the main gear that you can actually upgrade is at 400, overall ilvl 360
you can see the cloak stats reduced and no quest available

TICKET: US99128854
wait time 2 days btw

i am absolutely here to see both sides whine and complain

oh look he ran off once I posted it as did all blizzards monkey defenders
defend the multi million company some more

fyi froggers still clown on you since they have max ilvl

Okay I was wrong about you being a frogger. Sorry about that.
Question is now, which of the other nerfed farms (read as, nerfed because exploitive) did YOU actually end up running?

But yeah you weren’t a frogger ill admit that.

I reset gate 7-12 times before someone told me it was an actual exploit. Thats probably what tagged me in all honesty.

or what?
frog off