The frogger nerfs need to be reverted, IMMEDIATELY

i literally quit this because of this frog abuse power gap and did them for maybe 15 mins at a terrible rate while spamming for invites/Lfg but didnt get any as a prot warrior i decided if this is what the game is im not sticking around.
i was intrigued to come check if they made some good changes or something - and ima bet i prob got flagged for the farm then, welp into the trash with SoD lmao

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Like every hacker getting caught. ‘There is aimbot on my computer?? Who installed that!? OMG!!’


cry more frogger™

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It’s so funny how they assume Blizz doesn’t have an exact “Frog Kill Count” to determine who exploited and who didn’t.



a shame indeed that froggers will still be gods among us with their 556 gear

Why were you farming so much though. This isn’t really a farm event it’s more casual thing to log in and do dailies or whatever

I can fairly say that i farmed frogs for like 30 mins. we shouldnt be upset at those people. blizz has been aware of the frogs power since MoP originally and should have expected this. people do things like this cause they want to get transmog and stuff as efficiently as possible. work smart not hard. So i lost like 100 stats and its not the end of the world. To then not let people get the bronze as well for those who farmed very little is not feel good. The ilvl of my gear is no higher than the average player, and i havent spent any on transmog. so this ends up shafting the small froggers who did little more than the big froggers who probably collected all their bronze and bought their transmog and maxxed out their gear. so who really wins here?

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I enjoy MoP. My goal was the get all the achievements for the event.

I used my knowledge of the my most played expansion to zoom through it.

As you can see I completed 94% of the achievements for Remix before I uninstalled this afternoon.


Yea I have to apologize to the other guy on the other thread now. Didn’t know they went this far. That’s a bit messed up haha. I guess they couldn’t figure out a way to revert progress quickly without bogging down the devs. God this story just keeps getting worse. The more they don’t fix the problem the more messy it gets.


My bad for assuming bro.

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I think you’re making a mistake. Can’t you still get the 40k bronze by leveling alts. Your cloak on main will be enough to finish mostly everything and then you can do whatever

“I’ve never seen a frog before in my life”.

They are also hyperfocused on frogs, when there are other farms that they may have been detected for.

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I don’t want to level alts. I already have tons of max level of most classes that I want. I was primarily in this to grind achieves and eventually mounts.

Been screwed over by literally every single “update” they’ve made thusfar. And because of that I’m done.

Whos to say they don’t apply this same kind of logic to TWW? Why play on launch? Do achievements early? oh well afterwards we added a gear upgrade currency to that TWW achievement and oops sorry its not retroactive! I for one, am not gonna take that risk with my time.

If anything I guess I should be thanking blizzard for showing me early what TWW has in store so I steer wide away.


i havent been on so i apologize i dont know what they did exactly but are you saying people who got flagged cant get bronze anymore? cause i did the same, went to the frog meta and quickly realized this blows if this is the way to be viable and logged out, havent been back on since tbh was hoping theyd have a catch up mechanic or something planned

Exactly, why do you think it also “rolled back” possible exploit farms that may have had happened after the frog farm? Because after you’ve empowered yourself with it, everything comes tremendously easy and not on par with people that didn’t abuse the exploit.

Well I can’t argue with that. They will try as much as they can to slow people down, milk content, and get sub money. Game is still fun though.

You sound like you are in a similar boat to me. I had almost the exact same interaction with frogs. I got giga-nerfed and no bronze quest…sooo good luck!

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The wowhead article says:

Frog Farmers
If you were deemed a “Frog Farmer”, your Cloak has been reset to 2,500 of each stat and 25k Stamina. No matter how much you actually got from Frogs, all the other farms you did have been removed as well.

I know wowhead isn’t an official source, but they must have some inside knowledge that doesn’t appear on the official post to make a statement like that.

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Maybe I am giving them too much credit, but I would presume there are logs that show what you did, despite what you claim and it violated something they didn’t like.

Absolutely, considering they made a criteria just for frog farmers to identify them with ease. Wouldn’t surprise me if they also had more criterias for every hyper spawn they’ve nerfed so far.