The frogger nerfs need to be reverted, IMMEDIATELY

If you wanted to nerf frogger players, as another person said, it should’ve been done at the point frogs were nerfed. I farmed them for less than an hour before I was bored and wanted to play more actual content. I have done dailies (in all zones) since the mode came out, LFR, Normal Raids, Normal and Heroic Dungeons, Normal and Heroic Scenarios, World Bosses nearly every day, nearly every quest already, Rare farming on the Timeless Isle, farmed out 10,000 Dinosaur bones for 2 people in a 3man group on the Isle of Giants, AND grinded out Exalted with Emp Shaohao. For context my stamina has been nerfed from 55K to 25K. Over HALF of my playtime has effectively been placed in the trash. With 4 days of played time, thats over 48 hours deleted by blizzard. This nerf needs to be reverted immediately and chalked up to an oversight on blizzards behalf. Penalizing people who farmed it for less than an hour let alone people who haven’t even spent any time farming frogs (like a friend of mine) and passed through to kill the Rare Frog is INSANE.


Get frogged™


No, bye frogger


this !@#$is insane
I got hit with the nerf and im only 360 ilvl
did they just nerf anyone who touched a frog? I was over on timeless isle when it was happening and definitely tagged a couple away from groups and I lost half my cloak


You have learned to never do a event like this from blizzard again just afk on your main in a city like they want or play a another game.


Literally just explained how I didn’t benefit from farming frogs. Less than an hour is nothing compared to the power level of people who actually farmed frogs for days.

It does seem like they did a poor job tracking who did what. Erasing frog progress? That’s fair, but erasing legitimate progress was probably a step too far. At first I was amused by the nerf but not so much after seeing the flaws.

I get what they were going for, but they didn’t handle it too well, especially since innocent players are getting caught in the crossfire for some reason. Either you know how to track your own data or you don’t, Blizzard. Which is it?


The 25k number to me confirms it was an arbitrary number the nerfed everyone to. I was at +31k and was also nerfed to the same level.


Frog happened on a frog server


Oh no, that is so unfortunate, get froggggged


Capslock harder they might hear you! :dracthyr_love_animated:

So you did. Even after you just said you didn’t.

come on, dude


I didnt touch a frog though
well I probably touched one so what, they just remove everything if you were anywhere near them on the isle? and froggers still have 4m health


Meanwhile, I killed a single frog, Bufo, and that was it. I was honestly expecting to get hit with the nerf and miss out on the free bronze…though it honestly would have been a massive upgrade for me, personally. :sweat_smile: Got my bronze though.

You know what you’re right, get rid of 200 stats on my cloak and it’d be fair.

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Because nerfing the cloak doesn’t even do anything to froggers. The bronze used to upgrade the gear they have was/is the problem.


Froggers got frogged, it’s just the way the dice rolled.

Please drown me in the sweet sea of your frogger tears :sob::sob::sob:


Its funny when people are trying to laugh at froggers but they don’t know what blizzard actually nerfed didn’t affect them lol


Plenty of people have talked about how they killed a handful of frogs but were not touched. But people who farmed aren’t going to be honest so we will never know. But Blizzard knows, and the froggers know.