The Free Rank 14 Test Has Failed

I’m just glad there aren’t enough BG queuers in classic era so that people still run dungeons :expressionless: they really destroyed classic pvp. what a shame

In original TBC it did work as Kynsa described, it was changed later.

I’m unsure of how it worked in TBC Classic.

well ya they AFK it

Just when i thought you couldnt get any lower… i dont even know where to go from here.

Do i actually respond with why… ehh not even worth it.

I agree, let every one to Buy epic PvP gear in rank 7 including weapons, and let the “true” PvPers grind for months for just a title.

Bro the best PvPers arent playing this version of the game lol they all stopped playing after last classic.

Even the “best” in 2025 are like 75% as good as the best in 2020

This is one of the dumbest posts i’ve ever seen, and very clearly from someone who has never ranked.

In 2019 the highest honor caps I saw were 2.2m which was alliance with instant queues capable of doing 40k+ / hr in AB.

2m honor per week, its likely barely even humanly possible with the current state of the game. (prolly doable as a rogue or druid playing super optimally for 70ish hours, which is unrealistic)

This just isnt realistic anymore, people aren’t going to queue WSG or AB, because now that there are static caps, more people are pvping, and for the average zug zug classic player, either being afk or just doing AV is going to be better HpH than getting farmed by premades of seasoned rankers. SoD is a great example, no one queued anything but AV till they turbo buffed AB / WSG.

I also think saying r14 is free is pretty disingenuous, unless you know what you are doing or play the right class, even now HpH gains in the only avalible BG (AV) are pretty abysmal, you can push close to the 30k mark, but the average guy is prolly closer to 10-15k / hr. That means they are going to have to do multiple weeks of 50 hours of AV to get rank 14.

Rank 11 is functionally the halfway point in terms of required honor gain using the current system.

With all that being said, lets pretend for a moment blizzard buffs honor by 200% and it really is free for everyone. Who cares? This is TBC waiting room, as seen by the 1 year lifecycle they have given classic.

Also as someone who used vacation days and had to do 2x weeks of 18-20 hour days for two consecutive 7 day weeks. I’ll pass, there is no skill expression to this whatsoever.


You sound like you’re mad you’re getting schooled by “casuals” in actual pvp :rofl:

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Many people can’t handle seeing their true skill level.

Modern wow is almost all about hiding players actual skill from themselves and rewarding them for achievements that are actually things any 9 year old could do.


I mean… some items are, and replacement range for r14 gear in TBC is around 63-65, naxx gear on the other hand is prebis for Kara for a lot of players.

i like having fun. idgaf about honor per hour lol. this type of minmaxing culture is ruining the game.

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I wouldn’t call 4 weeks of 60 hour a week doing av after being rank 11 free. Possible maybe, free no.


you’re filling a glorified rep bar :expressionless:

Well, I mean that’s what it is. “welfare epics” lol.

If they wanted it to be a meaningful achievement it should have been behind a rating.


Queueing all day while at work =| casual.

Casual/Hardcore are expressly correlated to your priority management of the game in respect to other real life responsibilities.

If you are queueing all day at work, you are not casual.

This is legit actually a reportable offense that I’ve seen guild members banned over, though, nocap. Word is if they see 0 activity in enough consecutive games on you when it comes time to observe your account you can catch a week ban. Of course you can sort of “pretend” to be not afk and do the bare minimum, of course, but it’s still attention you have to pay to the game over other things for a long period of time.

Grt a job bro…or help. One or the other.

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This. No skill involved in classic ranking. Lucky the gear isn’t purely cosmetic as there is no pvp prowess associated with the ranking system.

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Sounds like defeat to me bub.

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The old honor system turns people into people like you, wrecks marriages and creates unemployment.


How does it ruin the game when you dont have to play it that way at all?