The Free Rank 14 Test Has Failed

EVERY Casual player is rank 11 and will guarantee themselves an undeserved Rank 14.

In Classic+ there should be a DECREASING “honor cap” that rewards the max “RP” (It’s RP not the other term for it.)

Start of Honor Grind = 2 mil cap.
Decrease next phase to 1.5 mil.
Next phase 1 mil.
Final phase 750k

This way the REAL PvPers get rank 14 early, when it matters. The casual babies that want it without putting in any effort can have it when the gear means nothing.

No more free rank 14 trash.


you mean those who spam av 24/7 and just afk :joy:

Nothing matters in classic, nothing matters.


:dracthyr_no1: :dracthyr_no2:

:dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


No casual player would ever spend 30+ hours grinding AV in a single week.


What a hot take.

Yea lets reward jobless people and call it “skill”.


I get the frustration, but it’s not a matter of pvper vs non pvper

I’ve ranked in the old system and the different variations of “Aggrend rank” and there are obvious issues with all of them.

Yes everyone is rank 11 now and will be 14. That doesn’t really mean anything though. Before only certain types of people could get 14. People with a lot of time but your argument is non pvper vs real pvper

The new honor system essentially turns rank 14 into “the updated prebis grind” with no competitive essence

The old system offered a competitive essence but it was more about competing with your faction than the other; even though the pvp players found AvH competing through wsg and ab since the old system forced you to participate in those BGs if you wanted to maximize RP/hph, still the non pvp players could get r14 by just spamming av 20 hours a day so it’s no different

The two systems still reward “non pvp ppl”, the difference is the time spent. That’s it

What you’re looking for is a system that requires participation in all 3 BGs in order to cap honor, or alongside capping honor

Maybe requiring BG reputation checkpoints per rank milestone (10, 12, 14 - friendly, revered, exalted) would help bring this back, but the new system requires nothing but av which is boring

I’ve posted ideas in the past but cba writing a book tonight. The new system does allow more people to participate, they just aren’t participating in ways you prefer (me either). You can even rank multiple alts now no problem. Your problem (and mine too) is that the system doesn’t incentivize all BGs. But Aggrend doesn’t care about pvp and sod kinda shows that he doesnt


i figure that half the trolls saying the pvp grind is too easy and the other half saying it’s too hard probably means it’s just about right


I think he’s upset that it’s all AV, and isn’t wording it clearly

That is certainly part of the issue.

Trust me, I feel you.

If it wasn’t for the wargame feature none of my friends or myself would be playing we would have quit years ago

i mean i’ve found away to have fun in AV, i would certainly rather be in AB, but what else you gonna do? WSG is AWFUL the terrain exploits are stupid and the BG gives pathetic amounts of honor and rep per flag cap, if you run into a premade you walk away with 0 if you run into an evenly matched team it takes an hour and still pretty good chance of walking away with 0, and even if you win its not worth the time spent.

Whereas in AV me and a small group of friends can ensure some initial caps and then go murder people infront of the enemy starting cave, for me that’s been great fun


Yes I know. You can be in the strongest premade on the server and win every game in 7 mins and beat every single premade and you still cannot cap 500k doing that, but you can in AV. It’s actually wild. The bg needs a rep and an honor buff and a hefty one at that.

Either that, or requiring soft checkpoints via rep requirements for wsg and AB would be a lot more meaningful. (Because you can cap 500k in 3 days if you have free time, then come the weekend the BGs are dead and the AV games are horrible, so farming off-bg rep for your rank required gives something more to do without the pressure of hph)

I thought what they did in SOD where they buffed AB “points” buff for honor and marks was great, for wsg you got marks from caps even losing. Winning those BGs gave 4 marks, I even would say 6 would be good if they buffed mark turn ins

Adjustments need to be made or they will simply never come close to matching sitting in the house at stone hearth afk.

AFKers can diaf i’d rather see a better fix to AFKing in AV than anything with WSG.

WSG would need a MAJOR rework to be enticing to me. The way pvp is balanced BGs in vanilla wow need to be more than 10 people, but at the same time more than 10 people is way to many for “capture the flag” to be the only objective, and aside from the BG rewards there remains the issue of the busted a$$ terrain, if a fence looks impassible it should be impassible, if you can’t see through an object it should block line of sight, and if a hill looks unclimbable you shouldn’t be able to climb it. To say nothing of people actually going out of bounds.

There’s no shot of blizzard fixing anything but maybe buffing WSG rewards, which is really a tuning issue and less of a concern when the whole thing is broken.

In anycase i think the ranking system is fine as it is i think it should be interesting to see everyone in the same gear where skill can shine through.


The terrain qq is just beating a dead horse at this point tbh. They fixed the jumps they deemed exploits back during the PTR when they were testing their rank changes believe it was late SOM. They left the rest of them in.

But I’m not here to talk about what people do and don’t like about specific BGs, only about how to boost honor/rep

That’s the thing, people getting rank 14 more commonly isn’t going to make people suddenly into “pvpers” and make them play more ab/wsg. Most people will just stop queing for the rest of the server

It would require almost nothing and it’s baffling they just ignore this

I think the real issue is people who have a lot of time to spare seem to project that freedom on to the entire player base.

A lot of folks do not have the spare time to spend a 2nd almost-full-time job amount of time sitting in AV every week, so the idea that just because this is easier than the previous system that it’s “free” is just dumb and says more about the person making that statement than anything else.


I mean I agree with you

I love that we don’t have to spam 18 hours 6 days a week.

I think OP is upset that it’s AV only.

It is both an honor tuning issue as well as a lack of depth in the system promoting other bg participation. The lack of depth is purely due to disinterest on the developers part. Nothing more nothing less.

They attempted a custom scenario in sod and it looked awesome. I’d love their format here, maybe just tune down the honor gains so you aren’t making 100k hph of course, and make it more realistic (as in more viable to play other bgs)

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I’d be open to some kind of tuning that makes WSG/AB more enticing beyond “it’s not AV”.

In all likelihood it should probably just be making the rep grind a lot easier, that way folks will be more inclined to do it specifically for the rewards (and the queues will be filled with regular folks who want that gear rather than just purely rankers who will still likely go AV for reasons we know).

Currently I see no reason to even bother entering WSG when there’s 9 out of 10 chance it’s a horde premade that will simply be farming my team at GY. The WSG rep grind basically doesn’t exist for alliance as far as I can tell atm.


It does, but the wsg population on this server is mainly a close group on both factions that all know each other and spam wsg just to play wsg instead of doing it for honor.

Adjustments need to be made for wsg and ab to be viable in this current system or nothing will change and AV will be where you go to get honor and the majority will skip the others entirely

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The problem is with how WSG doles out honor (and rep for that matter). The risk-reward with queueing WSG for honor simply isn’t there for the time investment, and to make matters worse, some games can go as long as a bad AV (if you aren’t playing gentleman style), and you run in to DR on honor kills way quicker due to the smaller team sizes.

Anything they do is likely to be an utterly substantial buff to rep or honor gained.

The more games up, the less likely those long games can occur as well as kill DRs.

If there was 100 wsg games up like AV, that globo gym premade is less likely to farm your specific game on the gy or to put your premade in a 30m game because you see them a lot less

If there are only 5 wsg up, you’ll see them all the time

The lack of wsg games open is because the bg cannot thrive in this system due to poor honor floor. In the old system this was entirely different but I’ll skip that for now.

ABs honor floor can be better, and so can its ceiling. But it’s still not better than av, and therefor will still not have many games open since it’s not bis hph

If wsg and ab both produced similar gains to AB for both its wins and losses, game lobby’s would find a better equilibrium with AV solely due to people wanting to do something besides AV

Game length wouldn’t matter as much if the floor for honor was similar to AV. Because people will sit in an agonizing 45m AV game simply because it’s still bis honor. They complain about long av games, but they still do it