The Free Rank 14 Test Has Failed

lol no it isn’t. you will be waiting until December at the earliest

“i don’t care about what’s going on rn”
fixed that for you


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Battlefield doesn’t have SBMM.

The last good fps game where you get organic lobbies.

No, people don’t like stomping players who are bad. This is a sign of an unhealthy mental state, and is usually found in people who can’t perform against skilled players.

We should have 10 year olds compete against olympic athletes in competitions then if this is true. Let me know how that goes.


90% of players fall in the middle, so a top player facing a bottom player is extremely rare.

I wouldn’t expect you to understand that.

I sense another crashout.

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You’d be surprised.

A lot of casuals are qued up from their office on a laptop or at home cause they’re remote.

Casual does not always = available play time


Sorry little bro, you’re not gonna convince us you’re good at pvp because you can kill level 30’s in STV, or that you’re doing it to help them be better lmfao

I’m not saying you’re wrong because I know people who do exactly what you just said.

The term “casual” for gaming, especially MMOs is so ambiguous. Ask 10 different people what it means and get 10 different answers.

Casual is 60 hours a week.


I know. The term barely holds any weight because of it.

Kinda like people saying everything = griefing

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I’ve heard that before. I’ve heard some say it’s less than 10 hours, etc. But others say it’s not about hours played, it’s about what your goals are. One person said if your goal is to be the best you can be, you’re hardcore. But I think that’s probably most people, even ones who play only a few hours.


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Yeah, unfortunately there simply isn’t a good option in Classic as PvP gear is simply to good overall, this improved a bit in TBC and forward where they added resilience, that itemization alone really pushed it away from PvE for most classes, well with the exception of druid tanks. They then were able to add a craftable blue and rep rewards that wasn’t super hard to farm, making it easier for people to jump into PvP not totally be completely outclassed, but where it also didn’t turn PVP into purely a PvE gear farm.

This isn’t just a PvP issue though, in many ways gear obsolescence is a big part of a lot of the issues that WOW has, and why eng game gear always trivializes content forcing Blizzard to release a new expansion to reset the game, but thats the route Blizzard took, and honestly its to late to change that course.

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Casuals do not log in at the office to play BG’s for weekly honor gains. Those people are called sweats! I have played with many casuals and they do not care for pvp at all.


You say that because 99% of players were garbage and even “pros” back then were 1/40th as good as they are now.

What you are forgetting is the floor has stayed the same but the ceiling went from a 2 BR ranch to the empire state building.

That’s the major difference from then and now.

resilience literally only works in PvP, so not sure why you think it’s good for bear tanks :expressionless:

That’s because the kids all take drugs and cheat.

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In TBC the Resilience Stat, doesn’t just work in PvP, though for most classes it has little value outside of PvP, what it does is it reduces the chance of being critically struck by an enemy and also lessens the damage taken when a critical strike does land. This actually make the PvP gear better for their tanking set then most PvE items but only for bears, warriors and paladins will still want standard defense stuff. Not sure if this is more pre-raid, or if some gear remains relevant in some raid tiers.

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Resil ruined pvp.


it literally doesn’t impact mob damage in any way :expressionless: it only works in PvP
i know it sounds unbelievably dumb but this is one of the many stupid things TBC introduced into the game

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What a cry baby lmao

This fresh fell flat on its face. It’s literally TBC waiting room attached to a parsing simulator.

Getting R14 from literally AFKing in AV killed it

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