It’s pretty close for me but the weekly caps are too high. I get some folks AFK their way to victory but that’s a different problem. I played every one of my games and the only reason I could get R14 was because I was unemployed at the time. There’s just no way I could have made those final caps without being able to spend 10+ hours a day grinding AV.
I typically advocate for halving the caps as they exist now but increasing the total amount of honour you have to get. If its currently about 2m then it should be somewhere between 2.5m and 3m in a world where the caps are much lower.
Half caps would also help in the current Era climate. Games just aren’t popping anymore and so anybody who was wanting to rank on Era but didn’t get to their goal before Anniversary dropped is pretty much out of luck until the population comes back. Running sand for those final caps just isn’t possible unless you play 24/7. WSG and AB games do happen on Era right now, but those aren’t enough to get you to where you need to be.
That’s my assessment of WSG as well. Everybody says it’s the real pvp of WoW but I’ve never felt like that. I enjoy AB but I’ve always felt like AV (when actually played) is representative of WoW PvP at its finest. It’s World PvP but in instanced form. I enjoyed my R14 grind for the amount of AV I played to get it. While yes, I certainly admit to some groaning from time to time when Horde turtled a game, I genuinely enjoyed trying to rally my team to break through that turtle and win.
PVE gear earned from raids is still better in all regards for raiding. That puts the ranking gear in a similar category to bage vendor gear in later expansions - hence “catch up system”.
People who actually want to enjoy pvp games love mmr because they want to play against people of similar skill. People who hate mmr are bad and can’t win without an advantage. Its why usually the people who are hard stuck 1500 in arena’s are the ones ganking level 30’s in STV.
Back in vanilla, gear disparity at max level was not as bad as it was for leveling. Twinks could make themselves unkillable to anyone but another twink. At max level, I wore a combination of blue and purple gear and was able to kill people even wearing T3 who came into BGs.
I remember at max level, it was all about what class you played, what skill you used, and what weapon you used. Example were enhancement shamans who used unstoppable force with windfury and could “1 shot” people at max level with a lucky proc.
No people who like SBMM are bad at video games and want to be protected from better players because they don’t want to get better themselves.
You get better playing better players.
An organic lobby full of all different skills is the best and you can actually see your skill getting better.
Playing a clone of yourself all the time is boring and you never actually get better.
We didn’t have SBMM in the past. If you wanted to get better you had to put in time and effort. Nobody begged to be protected from good players in some kiddy pool.
We got wrecked by good players all the time in Counter Strike.
We didn’t cry. We wanted to be those players. So we put in a lot of time and effort to get better. We learned from them. What guns they used, areas they held down, positioning, movement.
None of us would get better if we only played other trash players when we were starting out.
Every game has it because the player bases are soft and weak minded and they don’t want to put time and effort into getting better, so companies cater to the trashcans so they don’t give up with their brittle spirit mentality.