The Free Rank 14 Test Has Failed

There are two main types of pvp in vanilla:

  • People who do it for the gear (honor system)
  • People who do it for good games and to fight to win. (missing MMR)

The gear is always a grind and classic players seem to love these big group grinds that they can do with their friends.

But vanilla pvp is also really good for competitive play, and if it had MMR a whole new level of play could be unlocked.

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You’re waaaaay too invested in this. Please, take a break from the game, for your own sake <3

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why? is AV really hard and demanding?

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They will when the 30+ hours is actually 12 minutes per hour running to the hill and afk’ing while they work.

It makes sense that everyone gets r14 because this isn’t regular Classic WoW, it is Classic+, not only that, but this is mainly a TBC waiting room that everyone is counting on.

Its an anniversary, they are giving people the opportunity to experience the rewards on a shorter timeline

This reminds me of when they would put some unavailable mount up in the traders post or the store and all the people who got it and had it for years start crying about not feeling special anymore.

Like dang dude, mount reskin number 4 was yours for so long and now that others are getting it you’re crumbling? That is kinda tragic.

It is like you didn’t even really enjoy your activity and just liked feeling better than others. Otherwise you would look back on your good times and feel superior in what you accomplished over others but the fact they can ‘appear’ just as good as you by gear or whatever invalidates your ego? rough


I don’t really PvP all that much so by all means take this with the largest grain of salt you can find but the prestige that came with Grand Marshal/High Warlord no longer really exists and hasn’t since vanilla all those years ago. Now it’s little more than something else to collect or achieve in a game where very little takes more than a modicum of effort. I feel the same about having a full set of tier 3 or a legendary weapon. It isn’t so much a matter of effort anymore as it is a matter of time. The rewards that come with having the highest arena rankings is perhaps a different story.

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A lot of early WoW ranks were not really earned. A guy in my vanilla guild got rank 13 by going afk in AV. He flat-out admitted it openly and never got in trouble. I joined him once, all he did was jump every so often.

In early arena, people played druid/warrior combos. There were people who openly admitted they were clickers/keyboard turners who sucked at WoW and got gladiator.

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yup :expressionless: this new welfare pvp system is so awful

MMR is trash in all games.

MMR = Match maker rating right? Basically a score that a system uses to match you up against similarly skilled opponents? If so, you wouldn’t think it’d be so difficult for it to work well. Unless I am misunderstanding, wouldn’t it create a score based on your win/loss percentage and then match you up against other individuals/teams with a similar rating?

Yes all types of skill based matchmaking systems are trash and are only used to hand hold people who don’t want to put any effort into getting better at a game.

We never had any of that nonsense in the past.

We grew up playing games like Counter Strike, Battlefield, Vanilla WoW, CoD 4, where if you wanted to be good you had to put effort into it.

Now all the bad kids want to be protected from better players with this garbage SBMM nonsense that they inject into every game.

we like to wipe alliance at galv and force them back into the cave, then turtle for about 25-30 minutes raking up hundreds of honor kills (and several thousand honor in the process) before a few of them eventually breakthrough to take a graveyard.

its fun, average game lasts about 40-50 min, and walk away with 10-12k honor, plus the turn in for an extra 400 honor on top of it.

i love it, its fun, and i love watching people complain about being forced to pvp in a pvp battleground lol


/ten characters


So you like less honor per hour.

Thankfully I rank on multiple characters at once and just afk out of obvious turtles. I still have the other character so I’m still gaining honor during the 15 minute debuff. Or I was before I hit R11 on them.

I’ve not heard it called that since OG 2.0 when you could buy rank 14 weapons, etc with honor as a currency. The term “welfare epics” was born.

flipside, all these r14 mean less prio on ashkandi/lok/dark edge/ etc.

The only reason people would care about others hitting R14 is if they want to be sure they out gear them so they have easy people to farm and because they don’t want to face real competition. Gear disparity in WOW is of the biggest problems that has always been a huge issue in PvP. You will never have good PvP when you have half the people running around in purples easily one shooting people who have zero chance against them because they have half the health and do half the damage.


My argument is this.

In the pre-TBC patch all the gear will be achievable in about a week of spamming AV.

The original ranking system was basically insane. I was exalted with all three BGs and had over 130k HKs and only made it to Rank 10 in Vanilla before the patch mentioned above made it “free”. “welfare epics” enters the lexicon.

Ranking in Vanilla/Classic is not a skill based achievement. If it required rating and that rating requirement was far too low/easy I would be on the change train.

The honor system as-is serves as a catch up mechanic and a way to gear up before AQ. That’s how I’m treating it. Instead of competing with all the other Warriors in my guild I’ll grind out Rank 14 and pick up what I can in raid as it comes.

The Rank 14 gear doesn’t last long term. If these pieces were BiS for the entirety of Vanilla and were still strong well into TBC this would be an issue. The guilds that manage to get AQ40 on farm and at least 10/15 Naxx will replace all or most of it before TBC.

Don’t worry about it imo