The Forums Are a Cesspool

You are crying and moaning ironically then?

Dude I literally just referenced this in another thread and I got told it was the elitists that wanted locked covenants lmao

I dug up some old Ralph threads for them to see and they were like “wow that guy makes a lot of sense”

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You’re right but I will say the moderators there are pretty quick to clap people and ban them, definitely moreso than these forums.

That’s the thing, I think the forums are the way they are because no one really wants to play the game but everyone has 101 different reasons why they might think they want to.

I do wish they were actually modded. There’s some cool posts and people here. But there’s also a lot of unhinged roleplay entitlement that goes way overboard.

People also mass flag things that don’t break forum policy.

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This is why I never understood why people hated Ralph so much. He didn’t ‘sound’ nice, but he made some good points.

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I remember the forums being a cesspool on the ‘server forums’ for my old server ‘Ysondre’ back in 2010-2012 - when I first stumbled upon the WoW Forums.
Worst posts I have seen - I was forum banned on multiple occasions back then - I was also entering the double-digit age group for the first time as well… AKA - young & big dum I was.
Those were the best times I had on the forums though. Anymore it seems, it is just players crying about FOMO and forcing politics down peoples throat, or crying about politics in general.
I rarely come on the forums, but I love seeing the QQ’ers when I do, knowing Blizzard has cracked down on the negativity, and considering the game isn’t as bad as it once was with negativity.
A lot of the QQ’ers do not know the true pain of WoW toxicity! kekw — MORE PEW PEW, LESS QQ — GIT AFTER IT

LOL,it was worse in Bfa than SL and that isn’t as bad as it was in wod.

Agree! As time progresses, it only gets more tame. Catering to the bb’s.
It’s only true. We can all agree!
It still exists, and the QQ’ers are only getting more sensitive. Srry.
I know you know, just saying! :slight_smile:

Your getting older and the one symptom from it being grumpy,if you haven’t reached that point ,you’re not old.

seems like it took just 1, its right at the top of this thread. And the bestbit of it, its complaining about people

if you board up your windows and doors and disconnect the power and sit in the basement, you might manage to never have to see or hear humans again, since they bother you so much

the forums are argumentative at best.

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No they are not

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god you are cute.



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A lot of his arguments boiled down to “let people have fun and not optimize the hell out of everything.”

Don’t be a meta slave :blush:

Found a video of Ralph making an argument

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Unless you’re someone that wanted to and enjoyed optimizing. Then he wanted that all deleted lol

You know the game is good when the salty tears, moaning, and entitlement narrows down to just a bajillion topics about class balance(s). I used to enjoy the PvP forums back in the day when it was purely class balance sobbing.

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