The Forums Are a Cesspool

I’ve been playing since 2006. I cannot remember a time on the forums as bad as it is now. The crying, moaning…the entitlement. The unrelenting negativity. Why are you all here playing this game if you are clearly so miserable?


Yea, they are. Unbelievably bad. Almost no moderation. The flag brigade hides posts without review. Such as the world, the forums are going to hell.


I’d jog your memory, but it would be a lot of work lol.

The forums are always like this. But trust me when I say, MMO-Champion is 10x worse.


You might want to see your doctor about that. Memory loss can be a sign of serious health issues.


I have not been on that site in years! Real shame.

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And that’s why next to no one posts there. The whole website died in relevance around legion when game info was better handled on wowhead anyways.

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There it is. The newest buzz word around here. :roll_eyes:


Its always been highly divisive.

But honestly WotLK was the absolute worst era for the casual vs hardcore arguments on these forums.

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I suppose time does heal all wounds…or makes us forgetful!

It’s always been this bad.


The forums have always had horrible moments lmao


If youve been playing since 2006 and this is the worst youve seen the forums, then you don’t visit often.

The forums have ALWAYS been like this.


Yeah, it sucks. Just mute and move on. That’s what I do.

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All the crying over a stupid cat mount sent me over the edge. I’m a filthy casual and i could care less. Just don’t understand the misery and entitled indignation over it.


I feel like they used to be worse. Like when people actually didn’t know how to play the game and would argue with each other about everything they didn’t know.

LOL good one Tovi…good one… :clap: :clap:

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Again, everyone here is paying a sub. Entitlement only applies if people were playing for free. Demanding? Sure. Entitlement? Doesn’t work in this context.

Y’all have had your use of the word entitled privileges revoked.



And yet you opened all those threads anyway, knowing it was going to upset you to read other players’ honest opinions about how badly this was mishandled.

There is no “entitled indignation” stronger than that of an elitist jerk who has a tantrum that casuals haven’t been badly treated enough yet. Grow up.


Took 19 posts for one of the crybabies to show up. Must be a new record.