The Forums Are a Cesspool

It was pretty bad during BC and WOD iirc

Huh? It has been like this as far back as I can remember. Even during TBC people moaned about how wrath would kill the game or whatever.

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They say misery loves company.


You and me both…12 yrs for me.

The game has issues. People are here to talk about them and try to get changes. That’s what the forums are for. You’re doing it right now…

Many of us are long time players with a lot of money/time invested over years and years… I would rather speak my mind and possibly see good changes than just say meh I quit. I don’t want to quit… I want the game to improve so there’s many more years of enjoyment.


The forums are the worst they have ever been. Especially the gatekeepers, if you are not one and you say something controversial. good luck with your ban.


You’ve been reading the forums since 2006 and you’re saying people should leave if they hate the game so much? It seems like you should take your own advice and leave the forums. You’re clearly upset with them. Why stay?


Context matters my friend. It was advertised for any difficulty. And then less than a week before it goes live they pulled it away and said only normal and above.

A mount is never worth losing all your cool over but it is worth being annoyed over when you thought LFR was good enough and you don’t raid.

Surely a reasonable person could understand the backlash. I do raid and I will get it but that doesn’t mean I don’t understand their point of view

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The phrase is “I couldn’t care less.” What you typed means that you do care at least a little.

As far as the forums there have been points since at least Wrath were people have called for the lead devs job… or life.


Both versions have been acceptable for a while. Colloquial usage matters too.

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This is what happens when you only care about your margins and not the world you create.

This might be true when its a single word but when you are talking about a phrase there is a definitive correct way to say it.

If we take the ability to care and plot it on a scale of 0-100.

  • I couldn’t care less means you care at a 0 because you could not move down further on the scale.
  • I could care less means you care anywhere from 1-100.

As you can see the two couldn’t be more different in their meaning. The only reason people miss use it is because they have misheard it, learned it from someone whom misuses it, and or never thought about what they are saying.

Words and phrases have meanings and constantly trying to change them means that you loose the ability to effectively communicate. This is why its important to correct people.

That’s your basis for calling the forums a cesspool? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Ahh yes, you care so less, that you’ve decided to make a thread about it, calling the forums bad… :thinking:


/tosses an amazon link to you.

This will help. Be sure to use Amazon Prime.

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Colloquialisms are not limited to a word.

However let’s just say you’re right because arguing semantics is about as exciting as this expansion’s plot.

I’ve had people obsessively try to gatekeep and it’s done nothing… except get exactly what my community asked for.
Best to just post over those guys and continue and watch them get mad, honestly. If you’re not breaking ToU you’re usually not going to get hit even if they try mass reporting.

Would be nice if they finally actually banned the people abusing that though. Like, you constantly flag stuff that isn’t a violation, you get suspended yourself.


Exactly, if they told us 3 Months ago, a lot of players could talk with their cores before some players unsub until DF or other circumstances.

The covenant threads were actually pretty hilarious. The “casuals” were rubbing into the faces of the “elitists” over covenants being great for the game and how, “omg, no more mix/maxing for you, haha!”

Then, when the things go live, the “elitists” get to sit back and basically say, “told you so” toward the clowns that were mocking them over it lol.


Anybody want to help me find the Loch Cess monster?


I’m just here because they said there were cookies. Macadamia ones

:dragon: :cyclone::dragon: :cyclone::dragon: :cyclone:

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