The Forums Are a Cesspool

Now that I remember!

‘To the ground baby!’

Imagine the OUTRAGE if Mythic Players were promised a unique mount for their kill then a week before Blizzard announced it would only be available to the first guild in a region who downed the boss.

That’s the same situation.

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That’s fine mythic players get f…forked all the time.

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I guess my problem is I just don’t sweat the small stuff.


So like that… Play on words there, that’s something that can technically get you a suspension. But like, who cares. But if people disagree with you, you better post like a lawyer.

Really I feel like people should stop taking placeholder ptr stuff as 100% fact all the time. We’d cut down on a ton of complaints on these forums if that was the case.

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Agreed. And it is that exact type of thing that keeps making people angry.

Blizz needs to knock that stuff off. All it does is bring bad blood to the table, when they are in desperate need of more wins. They have a mighty deep hole to dig themselves out of, imho.


That is okay with me …not a fan of jelly cat look…I got the one and only Magic Rooster Egg mount that is one of my most prized mounts in my stable along with the Love Rocket… :chicken: :rocket:

Its just a mirror of the real world IMHO

I wouldn’t even notice or care tbqh


THE :dracthyr_a1: :dracthyr_love_animated: FORUMS :dracthyr_love_animated: ARE :dracthyr_cry_animated: A :dracthyr_no1: :dracthyr_no2: CESS :dracthyr_hehe_animated:POOL :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


I was so glad to finally be done with that farm. Stupid, stupid mount.

people love complaining more about problems then trying the easy solutions around them, typical ones problems that people could easily fix. Hey I hate how toxic M+, easy fix would just be simply finding a friendly community for it and problem solved. I have been able to help my friend achieve KSH on his boomy a task which is quite challenging and especially for a non meta class

Except it’s also been on live. Lol. The achievement on live literally still says it.

Point out where it says “in Normal” like it does for the other 2 achievements for Heroic/Mythic.


I have friends here I like to snark with.

And these are the individual achievements as they appear on Live as well.

follow up question: have achievements like these generally been doable on lfr? the way i sees it, this achieve is similar in scope to say the “kill x boss while doing y thing” achieves, which generally aren’t enabled for lfr. At worst this seems like a grammatical error on blizzes part and frankly, i’m not seeing whats so bad about having normal be a thing for these achieves. It aint that heckin hard and god forbid an mmo occasionally encourages grouping up via non queued content.

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Oh, they’re a cesspool alright, due to the gaslighting shills and unremoved toxic spam, not because people are so “entitled” for asking too much of Papa Blizzard.


Literally every single time.

If it requires normal, it specifies normal. Literally every single time.

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Alright thank you.