"The Forsaken retook Tirisfal in 8.3"

Anyone who wants to main anything plays Horde.

Really just sounds like a personal performance issue tbh


I didnā€™t decide anything, its just a fact according to any realm population static measuring active players. Horde has the majority.
On any level of the competitive scale in both pvp and pve the Horde is at the top with over whelming numbers. Your attitude is exactly what exasperated the issue further, ever since MoP.

Just because you got ganked by one Alliance player once upon a time doesnā€™t mean the game isnā€™t rigged in your favor.


Sounds to me like you got camped once, couldnā€™t deal, then never touched it again. Always someone elseā€™s fault.


I mean I get why you are distressed by these facts. Maybe your sense of accomplishment would be hampered knowing you are playing a rigged game.

Thats ok. You earned every one of those wins. :heart:

Whatever you tell yourself to get to sleep at night, sore loser.


Thats the thing you donā€™t get lol, I am not saying anything. I am just stating reality.
As tone deaf as Blizzard is even they recognize the population imbalance :rofl:

Which isnā€™t relevant with sharding or BG numbers.

You said you waited 3 hours for a EBG to pop. I routinely play mercenary mode to get them to pop quicker.

The population is imbalanced, sure, but the gameā€™s bent over backwards to encourage the Alliance. Itā€™s a cakewalk on that side. Better WM rewards. Stacked shards.

Itā€™s PVP Easy Mode.

Explain how Sharding is not relevant when it tries to rebalance populations in a zone when from the very beginning its the population issue thatā€™s the problem.

Which exists because the population is incredibly imbalanced.

If there is any competitive population is left to speak of. Who are they trying to encourage? The horde players with Alliance alts?

Thatā€™s why the best guilds are allianceā€¦ no wait a minute.

Because of? Right, no faction balance.

Like 1 in 10 because they are trying to fix a population issue.

As a horde player enjoying all its advantages and enjoys lower queue tourism on the rare occasions? Then yeah.

When you got a game catered to one faction in a two faction game you are going to have issues. Its not rocket science.

Because it rebalances the population of the zone. Often in favor of the Alliance. So please explain to me how TF that is relevant in moment to moment gameplay?

By your own admission you donā€™t play SL. You got a Horde toon to like level 53, I think, according to you. So. Idk I had to drop out of WM until I got flying because I was being ROLFstomped constantly.

Please inform me if your tremendous lack of experience that counters mine.

Best in what? PVE World Firsts? Yeah super relevant to the topic at hand, genius.

And they overcorrected. Itā€™s 3 to 1 out there.

Youā€™re 100% right there. Iā€™m just baffled why youā€™re complaining.

Oh because itā€™s about a gameplay mode you donā€™t like in an expansion you donā€™t play.

Got anyone else in that clown car of yours? Iā€™m curious what theyā€™ve to say.

How exactly would do that lol? It spawns Alliance players out of thin air?
The rebalancing doesnā€™t automatically seek out to segregate players. It just rebalances the amount of players but since it has less Alliance players to redistribute than Horde most Alliance players end up in zones where they are out numbered. This was something Blizzard remarked on in BFA. Likeā€¦ idk what else to tell you buddy.

Because I played in BFA and because what I am saying is not based of of my anecdotal examples but Blizzard and third party websites that measure these things.
There word weights more than either of ours I am afraid when it comes to to this.

And that has a cascading effectā€¦ jesus in denial much?

That one time you got outnumbered is not exactly conducive to the reality of the current imbalance situation.

That years of faction favoritism on both gameplay and story has devastated the Alliance where its essentially a single faction game?
If you want to actually experience what its like go pick a medium sized server. Play alliance with the war mode on, like the PVP servers of Old and measure your journey by PVPing from 1 to 60.
Its incredibly easy right? With Alliance having so many advantages it must make it extremely quick and easy for you to get a high rank in pvp on a brand new server playing as Alliance.

Idk Iā€™ve leveled to 22 on my Nelves with WM on with zero issue on WRA. A Horde heavy server. Particularly with the Chromie timeline change ganking is a non issue. Itā€™s objectively stupid to not have it on.

Not worried about SL. Iā€™ve flying and know how to fight Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll manage. Just like the countless other Alliance PvPers I know and sure seem to not throw tantrums and beg Blizz to destroy their enemy for them. Because theyā€™re not inept cowards.

According to you its just so easy and you get so many advantages, switch to an entirely new server where you donā€™t benefit from your existing Horde characters. And just get the full Alliance experience.
I mean after all playing Horde gives you unfettered access to courage right? Give it a try.

If you want to have more access to ganks just play the current timeline to maximize the chancesā€¦ I mean, why hide when you are so courageous?


Iā€™m from Emerald Dream you numbskull. This is a new server to me. My first character was a Nelf Warrior.

I mean its so easy to prove your point since you like anecdotal evidence so muchā€¦ kind of telling you insist a faction gameplay imbalance doesnā€™t exist due to gameplay incentives but you refuse to actually take Blizzard up on their incentives even though you lament other players not accepting the offers you so graciously refuse.
put your money or rather time where your mouth is.

Start on a brand new server, and actually play Alliance this time and level them through 1 to 60 with war mode and pvp your way up to max level and end game content. Let me know how enjoyable and easy that process is.

You first. Iā€™ll roll a PC with you if we can duel everytime you say something stupid.

Look I think its quite telling that after claiming so many advantages that Alliance players supposedly enjoy you donā€™t have courage to actually follow through with your claims.
if you really think the grass is that much greener on this side then pleaseā€¦ do try.

But you donā€™t. You know what the actual situation is. Literally everyone knows. From Ion to top guilds, to third party sites and players themselves. Anyway the point is made and its quite clear.

But if you ever do actually follow through and play alliance 1 to 60 using pvp alone and the wonderful warmode system. Let me know how it goes! :heart:

Try it with me so there can be no lies. You know this situation so well, afterall! Iā€™m sure I could use your guidance.

Please. You know Iā€™m right. Iā€™m giving you an opportunity to prove me wrong. Name your server. Tag is Benediktion#11879.

Challenge stands. Make your move.

Donā€™t worry, I trust you.

Plenty of sources already prove you wrong, me holding your hand wonā€™t do much. The only way for you to actually experience it is to actually play it yourself. You expect other players to play a rigged game at a severe disadvantage?
Well try it yourself since you think its so great and the only issue is one of courage.

You made my move for me. Honestly, your aversion to actually play the faction that you claim has it so easy proves what I have been saying all along.

Benedikt: ā€œAlliance has all the advantages and there is no gameplay or population issue impacting players negatively! They are just afraid!ā€
Me: ā€œOk go play alliance then.ā€
Benedikt ā€œNo you firstā€

I already did. As mentioned. Just not to your exact specifications.

I didnā€™t play at the right time. On the right server. At the exact sequence of the moon cycle

So okay. Play it with me then to your exact specifications.

Iā€™m offering you a chance to prove me the fool and youā€™re just admitting youā€™re a chicken.

Balls in your court man.