"The Forsaken retook Tirisfal in 8.3"

An alarming rumor has reached me, thanks to our spies.

The Forsaken are mustering in Tirisfal Glades. For what purpose, I do not know. Notably, Calia Menethil has gone there as well.

We must know more of what they are up to, now that the accursed Banshee Queen no longer unites them.

Go, don a disguise and see what you can discover. Observe everything. And if there is opportunity to gain their trust and learn more, do as they ask.

I eagerly await your report.


An Alliance quest, huh? Wonder if we’ll see the Undead Night Elves again.


That’s my guess, but I’ve got no idear.

Seems to me that whatever will happen in that quest chain for the forsaken must be important enough to even show the Alliance. Interesting.
This also implies that the forsaken at large had not returned before this to Tirisfal.


Obviously depending on what the Forsaken end up doing it could end up causing Genn to retaliate. They did say we are getting a new battleground, time for Battle for Lordearon 2.0.
Would be fun and ironic considering the Forsaken are the cause for the battle for Gilneas that ultimately drove the Gilneans out of their city.

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I don’t know. When you bomb a city, then the residents come out to put things back together, I won’t call that “retaking.”

Honest, that quest dialogue has to be satiric.


The text got me confused as well.

“Ooh, they’re back in Trisfal Glades, what are they up to there?”

And like idk don’t they live there?


Dark Rangers coming to a faction near you.


Or further have Genn come to terms with the Forsaken when we report back to him and have him conclude something like “The Foresaken have shed off Sylvanas’ hold over them and are on a path to a better future” or some such.


I just figured it was done to ensure both sides could be there, in a sense, to see what comes next for the Forsaken and Night Elves… and yes I am expecting the Horde to get a quest to spy on the night elves.


No one wants Calia blizzard and a majority of forsaken players hate her please stop.


This is clearly to give both factions dark ranger customization. It has been extensively datamined and hinted at.


It’s been done.

Horde Players got to dress up as Alliance for most of Legion, BfA, and Shadowlands, as they were folded into the “Heroic Alliance saving the world from the Horde” narrative.


I am just so sick of Calia Menethil. Never liked her from day one either. Only time I was happy was when ironically slyvanas shot her and good too because she left her people and should have no say in matter in being a leader.


Its more like the Forsaken seeking her out for guidance and leadership because they have none to speak of.

They do they have Lilian Voss but blizzard keeps pushing Calia despite forsaken players not wanting her. No one wants her even a majority of forsaken players find her stupid. And she unironically trying to portray her as a coward.
But arthas was hunting her down so what arthas was doing same thing with slyvanas he wanted to kill her too difference is slyvanas didn’t hide from arthas meanwhile she did. She is the last person I want to see preaching about going on better path when she did nothing to help her people during a dark time.


I just think people are being way too harsh on her. Like statements like this:

When exactly was she supposed to show up and lead the forsaken in their time of need?


She should of helped in the northrend campaign. Or maybe help during the period in which she could of stopped the scarlet crusade from hunting down the forsaken but she did nothing. I think let’s say a horde propped up character be pushed into alliance im pretty sure people wouldn’t like that either. Blizzard didn’t even think it was important to have her play any role in the sanctum of the first ones raid either which really speaks volumes of how bad their storytelling has gotten recently


Fair maybe she should have been there but with so many other important character in play and her own unremarkableness I doubt she would have been involved in anything pivotal.

How though? Like you say she should have done this or that but I don’t see how she could feasibly done it without an army or having 10 times her own power level.


Because the scarlet crusade was formed with the loredorean banner. I’m pretty sure she would have a large amount of crusader support simply for being a menethil. Which is why blizzard thinks she is entitled to being ruler of the forsaken but she has nothing in common with them nor has she done anything to help them like I said she has a savior complex but the forsaken don’t need saving we seen multiple times that the forsaken can live like normal people but now they are unhinged monsters cause blizzard has decided to write them that way. Blizzard really messed forsaken players more then Night Elf players imo