"The Forsaken retook Tirisfal in 8.3"

All you have to do is play a fresh alliance character from 1 to 60 with pvp enabled.
You claim there is no imbalance issue despite ample evidence to the contrary.

This journey you must take yourself my son. You think its great on the blue side? Then play it… all the way to the end.
Good luck! But I doubt you ever will!

Guess this isn’t an Alliance enough character. I’m planning to get her up after I bump my Priest up to 30 because I need flight to do some cool RP stuff.

WM has been on. I’ve had no trouble winning BGs. Yet to be ganked.

Maybe you’re just crap.


Well good luck on your journey to level 60 and playing this character to end game competitive content.

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I’m sorry that was unfair. I shouldn’t have used the word; maybe.


I wish you much courage in fixing the population imbalance.
As Ion said this has to be solved in part by the community themselves.

I look forward to it.

DH with Shadowmeld is the business.

You can typically get behind cover or around corners with this mobility. But if a pyroblast still has you dead to rights?

Not any more it doesn’t.


Just try not to send anything from the Horde characters to this one. Immerse yourself in the Alliance economy and what they can offer.
But I genuinely do wish you luck, the more people make the switch the faster this game will be more balanced and more fun again.

WTF can you send from your Horde to Alliance character?

I transferred some gold to a Bluetooth character on ED once and I wouldn’t have been able to do that without a guild mate standing at the ready.

And that was gold I got from buying a token. Because honest to God I’d rather just drop $20 than worry about my fantasy stock portfolio.

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Simple solution to faction problems. Stop writing alliance as marysue’s and the horde as moustache twirling villains.


I don’t think any writing changes would fix the current population issue. Its a self-perpetuating problem thats been compounding for many years.

Ah yeah thats fine. :+1:

I only didn’t have Alliance characters in BFA because I was trying to run a Horde guild.

I’ll always main Forsaken. They’re my favorite race. Hell they’re my favorite fantasy faction period. They’re the only reason I’m here.

The Worgen come dangerously close to stealing my heart but Blizz doesn’t want to give them content so it’s sort of a no contest.

As a result I typically play Nelves. I really liked them in WC3. I’m just, not as crazy about the WoW variant because instead of being a bunch of literal lunatic berserkers they now… mostly just lose. And act sad.

But at least I can spill rivers of blood on one in PvP.

Well the only way this population issue would ever be resolved is if people actually started to main Alliance. Until the factions rebalance I have don’t have any interest in playing a rigged game. Its not fun.
I will just play solo and pve content in peace.

I think you’re vastly overestimating how rigged it is.

Like PvP is entirely optional and on the rated level you fight your own faction just as much as you fight the other. So that’s an outright irrelevant concern.

I can’t really speak to PvE but unless you’ve sponsorships tied up in the race to would first that’s irrelevant.

And WPvP was already ruined by WM. So. That’s not a concern. Sharding ruined any sense of personal or guild reputation. So you’re free to act just unreasonably awful at every turn.

Seriously early questing in Revendreth I see this mage about to die and I help him out. Give a /wave and run off.

That same honorless son of a witch killed me when I was being overrun on the last step of an escort quest.

So I tracked him to the ends of Revendreth and camped him because yeah a SPriest ain’t winning one on one to a Fire Mage. But I’ve mind vision. And I’m waiting just around the corner until you get distracted.

Also alchemy is a must. Speed, concealment and invisibility potion. Everybody gangsta till the Priest catches up to elevator at 40 yards and Mind Controls you off. Then Mind Controls you back on as we go up.

And in the old days I could’ve just posted a bounty.


Dominated another battle. How ya’ll lose Battle For Gilneas is beyond me. Priests and DHs are a thing. Just float on the hill. You have a clear view of both flags and a rapid response team ready to go should WA get rushed.

Plus this sort of character would be cringe as a Forsaken. But on the Alliance it feels downright subversive on the Alliance;

Can’t wait to make a Velf Cultist and Kul Tiran Hag

Geez this has become one step above “Fite me IRL”, reminds me of Danny G from Birmingham


Those were the days. I made a lot of gold as a bounty hunter on ED.

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Racials didn’t cause the imbalance, despite popular belief—Blood Elves did. Horde had the edgy races and the pretty one. That population buff snowballed and is self-feeding at this point. People like to point at everything under the sun as the culprit to confirm their accusations of bias, but the reality is Horde got the pretty elf race and that sealed the deal.


Back to the 3 hr RBG wait. I think that claim of his is a bit over exaggerated. Longest wait I’ve had was like a half hour, during the slower parts of the day (on days I’m off that is)

Pretty elf race with a great racial compared to the draenei.
But yeah BEs did start to balance things because early on it was the Horde that had the population disadvantage.

BC fixed that to a large degree, in Wrath it was near equal the size of each faction.
Cataclysm started the downward spiral when goblins got those crazy racials… and human racial got nerfed which was the one racial that Alliance had that was undeniably good. By MoP the downward spiral was in full gear. WoD was a deathblow and by the time BFA rolled out it was the wake.

Belves translated to way more PvP potential, but a 1% Hit Aura is nothing to sneeze at for PvE, especially in an expansion balanced around party compositions. Having 1% less to hit caps means way less restrictive gearing choices.

Even today Blood Elves remain overwhelmingly the majority race for Horde players. Goblins haven’t ever had a huge player distribution, great racials or no. They didn’t swing or swell Horde populations much in the same way Alliance getting great racials in BFA didn’t swing things back the other way. Amusingly enough, the one thing that actually got World First guilds to swap to Alliance was the Warfront rewards, though only temporarily. People raise a big stink about racials, but their impact has been less than minimal (at best) for a long time. Horde just had more players, which meant a bigger pool of potential raiders, which meant that’s where the guilds increasingly migrated. Raiders who play at that level are more interested in talent than < 1% on a racial. They’re more interested in people who can field multiple FotM classes and raid for a living, and Alliance has fewer of those to recruit.

Which is all to say, as I mentioned above, a snowball effect/self-feeding problem. That, and Mythic raiders are a very small percentage of the playerbase. Top guilds are a small sample of that very small percentage. If they aren’t chasing racials—the people who actually set the metas—then the people downstream aren’t going to sweat it. If they were, Belves wouldn’t account for a third of the Horde playerbase. That sort of sweaty mentality is channeled more towards swapping Classes. They might pick the best racials they can for those characters, for sure, but they aren’t jumping factions over it.