"The Forsaken retook Tirisfal in 8.3"

Calia is lightforged and alliance alligned. She has no business with the Horde. She needs to die before Blizzard can ruin the Forsaken story with her awful white savior trope.

The burning of Teldrassil was a glorious Horde victory. I danced upon night elf corpses when it happened. Felt so superior to the stupid alliance. I hope we can torch Stormwind next and end any Alliance presence in the eastern kingdoms.


Honestly, lorewise they should have gone to Silvermoon instead. It’s got a much more hospitable climate. Plus, half the city is rubble, so there would be plenty of room for the Forsaken to set up their own gothy quarter. And with the Alliance gaining territory to the south, reinforcing Silvermoon would be a smart military move too.


Going to Ogrimmar felt like the Horde gave up on the Quelthelas to me. Instead of reinforcing the North they sailed off the continent.

They were never going to put focus on Silvermoon, because then they’d be forced to update it. They didn’t give up Silvermoon, Lor’themar talks about it regularly during BFA, and also in his romance book.


Could you share what you remember ?

In BFA Lor’themar worries about his people not agreeing with him back home. In the story, he talks (or thinks, idr which) about how stressful it is to maintain both Silvermoon and Orgrimmar.

That’d be amazing actually. They apparently aligned with the Alliance following Legion as they were seen in Stormwind operating portals to Aszuna. Them officially joining would give the Alliance an actual foothold on the Broken Isles


In addition to Val’sharah, any way.

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I don’t disagree, but I’m already imagining the tsunami of whine that would come with getting Night Elf models again, clear evidence of Horde bias, why did Blizz kill my dog, etc.


Really would just need to be a customization option, given that adding them would be as simple as a toggleable transparency affect.

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Mostly teasing. The mere existence of parity and subjective choices will always be enough to send masses to the street to rend garments and gnash teeth.

It was no victory.

The plot decided I won the War Of Thorns. Didn’t matter how well I fought or how poorly the Alliance did. Game was rigged from the start.

There was no threat of defeat. No place for strategy. People who’ve never touched WoW in their lives had precisely the same impact on winning the War of Thorns that I did.

That’s not victory. That’s being handed a participation trophy. No thank you.

I devastated Teldrassil far more severely when it was a zone. That stump is an insult to any PvPer.


I’m not sure what you were expecting from a questline.

He wants some sort of pvp event to feel that sense of accomplishment. Not sure how that can happen when Alliance is like 1/4th of the gameplay population and their end game community is on a protective species list.

Look I get you can’t fight but plenty of Alliance can. Get my rear handed to me in WPvP quite often.


Actual data means more than anecdotal examples.

I’ve been completely steam rolled by groups of Alliance that outnumbered the Horde in the zone.

But tell me more about a gameplay mode you don’t play.

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Thats called sharding.
You got unlucky and got place in a shard where the 20 alliance players they can manage to find got pushed into a single shard you ended up in.

But if you are going to sit there and pretend the Alliance as a faction as a healthy population of players that makes competitive gameplay fair and balance, I have a bridge to sell you.

Sorry Alliance mains are cowards, I guess?

Never had that problem on my DH. I guess my presence was so inspiring it just magically turned the tide.

Seriously far as I can tell, seeing as you whined about being camped on a Gnome Mage of all things, you’re bad at that gameplay and decided it’s rigged.