"The Forsaken retook Tirisfal in 8.3"

When we leave Calia and Voss, we leave them in Forsaken holdings in Lordaeron. That right there is enough to show they have holdings in Lordaeron prior to Shadows Rising.

But in Shadows Rising, Calia and Voss are late because they came from Lordaeron and had to take the long way.

It seems cut and dry to me.

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Calia specifically states that Lordaeorn is not claimed, but can be in Shadows Rising.
It is cut and dry, just not the way you’re saying it is.

End of BFA survivors gathered at the Calston Estate. That’s where Calia and Lillian were at and they were helping the undead with their condition. The surviving Menethil was counseling them in a similar manner as she did Derek Proudmoore.

Yes, it is further wrecked by blight and war than before. The Alliance invaded and left at their leisure, they were not chased out. And hostile forces surround it and likely are causing problems. They even have to sail the long way around.

Many of the Forsaken who were evacutaed are in Org and want to go back home. Them aside, there are also Forsaken holdings in Lordaeron, and that is where Calia and Voss are before they were summoned to Org.


I’m pretty sure that Lordaeron still has forsaken controlled pockets at the very least since there were quite a few battles even in silverpine during BFA according to the mission table.
That together with Calia and Voss arriving from the eastern kingdoms (presumably Lordaeron) in shadows rising and them having the meeting with the dark rangers in 8.3 in Tirisfal.
Not to mention exploring Azeroth: eastern kingdoms, which takes place pre shadowlands state that Tirisfal belongs to the forsaken.
So I think it’s safe to say that the forsaken have a weak hold of the land but it’s not safe for the return of the majority of civilians yet, due to the long journey as even Calia had problems getting back to Orgrimmar, and because the main settlements in the area are gone with the Undercity and Brill.

The passage from Shadows rising, that mentions reclaiming the ruins of Lordaeron and taking the long way around. The thing though is that the ruins of Lordaeron is the name of the surface part above the undercity. So they most likely talk about the capital.

“May we ask what detained you?” Lor’themar inquired as the ladies were seated.

“Our people can’t stay in Orgrimmar forever,” Lilian replied, at last finding her tongue. Once she had sat down and unburdened herself of her pack, she appeared more at ease. Her blue eyes flashed brighter as she straightened her back and removed her leather cloak. “It’s too hot. We prefer the shadows and the damp. Perhaps in time the ruins of Lordaeron can be reclaimed and our home there restored. Things are a little less heated with the armistice, but that doesn’t mean Alliance ships are happy to see our flags at sea.”

“We took the long way ’round,” Lilian rasped. “Added a few days to our journey.”

What’s interesting in the new quest for 9.2.5 is if the civilians will return and have the forsaken solidify their hold of Lordaeron again.


Is it? Because between the plummeting subscriber count and droves of longterm players quitting I suspect this has been WoW’s greatest commercial failure.

True that probably has more to do with asinine mechanics more than asinine story. It really is something that the Covenant abilities went awry in the precise manner everyone said they would. So either that ripcord business was a lie or they’re so delusional they thought it was working fine.

Then there’s Torghast that while initially promising quickly earned the apt moniker Choreghast. Then there’s the Maw which I’m convinced was some weird attempt at reverse psychology. Make a zone so conceptually unfun that somehow it’ll come around to being fun.

And even just casual engagement in the story is dissapointing. Some of WoW’s most iconic items and characters get mulched for no reason. The motivation for the expac’s 2nd main villain is sold separately in a full length novel and they still don’t make much sense. The motivation for the main villain straight up aren’t present beyond yet another weird allusion to yet another greater evil. Plus even if you were genuinely enjoying the new SL storylines a lot of them never pay off as this was frantically finished.

So maybe this was fine for casual players who don’t play competitive endgame, don’t RP and don’t engage with the story beyond a passing glance.

But if that’s the great silent majority Blizz is playing too then this game is doomed because those type of players aren’t exactly difficult to please. So, nothings going to improve.


I agree, and I think WoW’s heyday is far behind it. We, the stragglers of this dying game, are hoping to see another great narrative like Wrath of the Lich King or Legion. I just don’t see it happening. Most people I know who play WoW don’t thier read their books, or read short stories, or know much about what happened in BFA and only stop playing because they felt it was boring and they didn’t understand what was going on and why.

My Horde guild died after BFA and never recovered in Shadowlands. The burning of Teldrassil we all removed our shoulders as a sign of protest, but most players felt totally crushed at what they were forced to do. Most just unsubscribed or moved on to other games.


The thing to note about this is that the dialogue in-game was added during the war. Shadow’s Rising is basically the only effective source for what the Forsaken are doing post-war.

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The weird thing about Legion is that it actually wasn’t very good as a story, and did a lot of bad things to lore much in the same vein as Shadowlands, but it had so much cool stuff we didn’t even notice…

I dream of what BfA story could have been without the War of Thorns and Siege of Undercity hanging over it all. Because that initial writing as you arrive in Zandalar and Kul Tiras and go through the zones, working your way up to the finale dungeons, is actually really good.


Undead Night Elves on the Alliance? Sure, IF WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE GHOST ELVES OF AZUNA. (I am not sure if I put enough emphasis on this part.)

I don’t think I would care for a hunter version of what we already have in Night Elf Death Knights.


Horde themes got clamped down on hard because the community perceived WoD as a Horde storyline, so Legion was overwhelmingly an Alliance song and dance. Which, frankly, is at least a little bit fair, but if you are playing a character whose race had their entire world and people broken or corrupted by The Burning Legion, it was a bit of a letdown to only hear crickets chirping when it came time to finally deal with KJ and Sargeras.

Beyond that, yeah, I recall a lot of crap lore during Legion, but the expansion nevertheless told the stories it put forward mostly well and in an enjoyable format (Class Halls were truly fun and great to encourage alts). It was at least logically consistent in isolation, I suppose. BFA and SL don’t even make sense if you treat them as standalone.


You made it sound as if she was living there. Glad Skycaller posted the actual text, so we could see what was what.

Nathanos is a very good example. We knew where to find him… at home.


I don’t recall portraying the Forsaken as living. That is your wording.

If you hear “living”, that doesn’t mean I made it sound that way. Perhaps you are hearing things.

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I wouldn’t care for Night Elf Dark Rangers either. Them joining the Alliance would feel weird to me and they would probably just be the cheap knockoff version of them anyway.

I also agree with you about the ghostly Azsuna Elves.

Much of it was odd alterations of the lore, on the back of Chronicle. Changes to the fundamental way the setting works, like Void and Light, for instance. Then of course the huge demon hunter retcons, the Emerald Dream retcons (and adding an entirely new World Tree just to corrupt it… wat.).

I have a Night Elf Survival Hunter that I’m planning to have join the Necrolords that uses the title Tarren Mill Terror, her pet is Mary, and her mini-pet is Shelley, and ready to change to Undead Night Elf customization.


I have the name Tarren completely by accident on my home server, but I didn’t get the title.

Derek should be the mayor of the brand new Forsaken city of Theramore.

Derek and Calia could become romantically involved, and the scarlets could kill Derek causing Calia to absolutely lose her undead mind. Id follow that Calia. She’d be like the Anti-Sylvanas. Instead of denying her emotions she would be an absolute manic explosion.

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